perhaps a new method in growing


Well-Known Member
Turning a branch or leaf purple is usually a sign of a deficiency.

Generally phosphorous or magnesium.

It can sometimes be attributed to a strain specific trait or cold temps.



Active Member
Turning a branch or leaf purple is usually a sign of a deficiency.

Generally phosphorous or magnesium.

It can sometimes be attributed to a strain specific trait or cold temps.

yes thats true, but my plant and the rest of them were heathly as a ox, , until one branch brokke, i didnt change the nutes, the plant just sent more nutes to the recovering branch, it was purple around the edges of the leafs mostly, green on the inside. plus, the hairs were pink, the rest of the plants were exactly the same down to its genes. so it wasnt any deficiency of cold temps. just exsept i turnes my leafs purple and you guys can quite pulling some thought out of you hat. and now im getting peoples comments 2 weeks after i posted it?


Well-Known Member
Turning a branch or leaf purple is usually a sign of a deficiency.

Generally phosphorous or magnesium.

It can sometimes be attributed to a strain specific trait or cold temps.

yes thats true, but my plant and the rest of them were heathly as a ox, , until one branch brokke, i didnt change the nutes, the plant just sent more nutes to the recovering branch, it was purple around the edges of the leafs mostly, green on the inside. plus, the hairs were pink, the rest of the plants were exactly the same down to its genes. so it wasnt any deficiency of cold temps. just exsept i turnes my leafs purple and you guys can quite pulling some thought out of you hat. and now im getting peoples comments 2 weeks after i posted it?
So sorry I seem to have vexed you with an educated response.



Active Member
just telling u its not the environment of lack or nutes, if it was the other plants would show simulare or exact symptoms . just exsept if u crack ur stem half way of more, tie it up and watch u will see one small part of a huge green bush turn purple.


Well-Known Member
So go break a good portion of your plants Branchs and then report how many of those sites magically became purple after you super cropped.


Active Member
because th plant was accidentally broke this is the after math, and people allover stab split what have you to thereplants, to get bigger buds from nute flow, my nutes were purple violet disined to turn flowers purple, the nutes didnt turn the rest of my plants purple , not even the plant that is being discussed turned solid purple just the leafs, and hues of purple in the bud, rather than forcing ur plant purple threw cold temps, sometimes degrading ur pot, u can just use this method once its done a few times for solid results


Active Member
So go break a good portion of your plants Branchs and then report how many of those sites magically became purple after you super cropped.

its not magic its science, read more about growing plants in general, and its not cropping, , uve shown me to manny noobs grow pot on the site


Well-Known Member
Oh wow im disappointed. I was just trying to help by saying what you did already has a name but you deny it and say it's something else but now it's because of your proper nutes and Super cropped branches. :wall:


Active Member
ok, supercropping is topping a plant or bonsi, poking holes spliting branches, dosnt maipulate the canopy, for god sakes have u taken any botany classes , or did u learn about plants of people from the internet. ur kind of right tho i did supercrop my plants months befor this.


Active Member
and i understand cracking breaking stems has been done befor, and thats classified as cropping. but the way it broke was intirely different. , it wasnt pinching, twisting non of that, literally like yanking ur branch straight down until it splits at a 70 degree angle leaving 40 percent of the stem leaft, two weeks later it swelled, the swell isnt the focus of what im saying anyway.,plus. its sop-post to divert most trace minerals to one branch. im saying u can turn parts of ur plant purple without relieing on cold. turning a branch purple isnt a part of the conventional method of twisting and pinching


Well-Known Member
Super cropping does manipulate the canopy by letting the lower sites reach the canopy. But to clear this up you staked them then? Or you just dropped something and it broke a branch meaning accidental super crop. No but it seems you haven't either or you would have easily recognized what you did.


Active Member
i didnt do anything, myy dog ran into a rope tieng the plant down. braking the branch. then i had to tie the branch to a other branch


Active Member
and ive been saying the whole time suppercropping manipulates the canopy, the canopy wasnt manipulated at all, if anything i had to stop manipulating it because i could not bonsi that branch anymore, and the branch didnt brake all the way, i say because u say im super cropping, i assume u mean topping witch is cuting the plant completely, but thats what i think u mean , i can be wrong on that.


Well-Known Member
I read it as you meant it doesn't effect the canopy like that's the point of it. Yeah it happens my dog trys to love my plants never trained them for me though. I have a lemon kush that I super cropped a few weeks ago by just bending it over at the 6th node and the knot is 3x the size of the stem.


Active Member
what u did is called bonsie, and yea the breaking of the branches isnt my point, my point was i got a little bit of purpleish bud from a quarter pound plant.. this is the thing im talking about