perhaps a new method in growing


Active Member
last year one of my plants had something done to it that was quite amazing, and i want to know what anybody knows about this. so i had 7 foot bushes being tied down with rope, so my dog got of his chain and run and pulled a the rope. i went back the next day and the one branch was lieing on the ground. and the braches were thicker than your thumb and about 3 and ahalf ft so i got more rope and tied the stem to the main stem. the stem was ripped halfway down the node, at this point it is flowering time and i switched nutes, what ended up happening was that only that branch on the whole bush turned it solid purple, so my theory is that part of the plant was taking more of the trace minerals than the rest of the plant due to stress, its a neat idea, but im wondering if i can do this again and again with the same results, anybody try it?


Well-Known Member
folks stab, poke make holes in stem and plant parts all the time. makes the plant send all the nuets to the damaged area for repairs. damage is done usually below colas. when i crop, i break limbs all the time and tape um up. the growth above the break gets larger
its not cropping of any kind, the node of the branch connected to the main stem broke halfway off, like a knife cut ur branch. the plant rebuilds the joint makeing the node swollen and giving superior nute flow u retarted fucks, learn how to grow past using scissors to sercumsize your plants
I'm just saying Red Hot Chilli Peppers suck


Active Member
i dont want any replys, this was a older post i left a weekago, i comeback and get uneducated opnions, if u want respect start off by knowing what ur talking about.


Active Member
not really, i dont care if i get a reply or not, its a old fucking post id prefer to leave it all togeather, and whats ironic is u said bye already, gtfo


Well-Known Member
old post? It's a week and a half old..short attention span? And from what I've been reading, and common sense if you think about it, more nutrients don't flow above the wound, if you cut a straw in half and put it on either side of a beach ball...the straw on either end still flows the same as before(someone else's analogy, not mine)..plants work almost the same way..Just through capillary action..If anything more nutes flow UP UNTIL that point, usually the stem below the damage bulks up a little more as it heals..


Active Member
thats fucking stupid, ask someone u know that has experience, the broken node swells allowing more flow to the brach, and the plant does send more nutes to damaged branches, read more.


Well-Known Member
The technique you are referring to already has a name you didn't come up with. Its called "supercropping" read around a bit.


Active Member
thats when u cut or tie a plant, this dosnt due any thing close, it just floods that branch with flowering nutes witch turned the branches leafs purple, thats all im saying, i turned on branch on my bush solid purple, jesuse christ.


Active Member
supper cropping manipulates the canopy by diverting growth, nothing like that happend. are u clear on what is reality now?