The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
stick a freakin tent in there perfect, don't waste time and don't waste light, no fancy building except a security door..propper


Well-Known Member
he needs to buld a proch sealed with a door on it then put the door on his shed again sealed, u can buy used 2nd hand double glazing door for like 40 qwid! otherwise he will open the grow door on a evening and light beam out, so a porch with a door, he closes that behind him then he canopen his grow door, PLUS he will need to insualte that room like a fucker on the celing,kingspan is good, then extraction, i seen people extract thru ducting underground thru loose rubble n shit so it leaves no signature from above
Aye that's wht ud have to do, build a small lobby about 1mx1m inside the shed so u can close one door before u open the other. I grow in a room in the house but I built a partition across it with another door, keeps the light from shining thru into the house an also helps with noise or smell. But tbh it'll cost a fair few quid to do what would need done in the shed so I wouldn't bother my hole. Timber, kingspan, ply or mdf, doors and whatever else u need you'll not be long running into a good few pounds


Well-Known Member
home early today thank fuck , my right bollock has been hurting like a bastard for past 2 days !, no lumps, feels like ive been flicked in the spud , but the pain is constant !. think it might be from my vasectomy i had some 10 year or so ago . ohhhhhh me spud !
i heard of a rare condidtion when u get one of them, where all the spunk builds up and causes sore bollox


Well-Known Member
i heard of a rare condidtion when u get one of them, where all the spunk builds up and causes sore bollox
I can't have that then , not on 2 wanks a day & a shag on the weekends ! Oh , & not forgetting the warm jar of liver of a Tuesday .


Well-Known Member
yer...thanks for the imput guys....sed to the missis...its just sitting there mite as well use it for sommert i sed all my prob is is the smell.....gud idea to build a door on a door will keep that in mind.....downside is its not like a rectangle room more like a the back end...floors concerete....walls are breezeblock against brick.....roof is solid and lined ontop with thik felt......its a good 14ft by 10 ft.......i mean i dont mind spending the mony on it if its stelf bro inlaw a fully qualifyd sparky so that ok.....
cool , i love this shit

ok first jobs a door , plastic cheap as you like off ebay , chop the door hole to fit or fill in if need be , remove the glass and fill in with plastic , your good for light and smells now

internally , ok first off elecs , you want to get some , amoured cable is expensive but worth it , you may just want to pay a sparkie to bung you a line in , tell him your a welder and not to fuck about with low volts yeah

get yourself a bit of black soil pipe and chop a hole in the roof making sure the pipe sits up at least 4 foot above the shed , silicon in and stick a cap on it

then your on your own and its time to insolate , get yourself a bit of wood and batten the walls to the thickness of loft insulation , then carpet spray the fuck out of the walls and fill with loft insulation , then go over this with 6mm mdf , paint and your now done wall wize , do this to the ceiling also although you may want to use kingspan on the roof as its easier

the floor get a bit of 6x2 and build a false floor , once again fill in with kingspan etc as heat will get sucked out of the room for the 8 months of the year you need it

now a decent fan hung in the room with the best filter you can buy and a silencer
then lights etc etc
tent for a mom/clone room if you so wish but allow it to take up no more than 1/3 of the total room

due to nosey cunts next door you must use your head , you cant go in there when the lights are on unless its daylight , if its dark make sure its a dark period and use a torch shutting the door behind you before flicking the main switch , all the filters in the world will not help you if you keep coming and going when theres plants in there so use your head when to go in . midnight is an excellent time and its wize to run lights at night anyway


Well-Known Member
also liked the idea of sectioning it off for clone n mother room...loosing a few foot shldnt be a problem...


Well-Known Member
yer...thanks for the imput guys....sed to the missis...its just sitting there mite as well use it for sommert i sed all my prob is is the smell.....gud idea to build a door on a door will keep that in mind.....downside is its not like a rectangle room more like a the back end...floors concerete....walls are breezeblock against brick.....roof is solid and lined ontop with thik felt......its a good 14ft by 10 ft.......i mean i dont mind spending the mony on it if its stelf bro inlaw a fully qualifyd sparky so that ok.....
The walls might be insulated enough then, is the insulation between the brick and the blocks? If so just need to make it sealed then, u could do the walls out in white PVC, u know the way big kitchens and stuff are done? It's easy fitted just stick it to the walls and seal all edges with silicone, could even do the roof and floor like that too, it would also be good for light reflection I think? Would still build a door inside tho, stick the PVC to it a few rubber seals around the door and some kinda bar on the bottom with a seal and you'd be good to go


Well-Known Member
i mean dont get me wrong i aint got to use the whole shed thing...i can section some of it off inside and just grow a few in there......was just thinkin its a shame its sitting there and i can make good use out of it....
u d need 7 to 8 kw of light for 140 sq foot,