The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
This little big Buddha clones takin off outside. She's lovin this sunshine :cool:
thinking of taking some cuts to put in the tent to fill it bk up, only thing s I've ran BBC twice and fancy a change. Think I'm gonna end up with 1 PE and 1 BT from them seeds so need to get 2 more plants in there.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Fucking heat exhaustion or something. Been feeling rough since middle of last week. Can barely get down the stairs now without feeling like i'm gonna collapse. Works gonna be fun! :)


Well-Known Member
i wanna go to holland this year, anyone wanna come with? lmao this is if i can harvest and get a little cash to fund the trip

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm taking the gf to the dam in november for her birthday. Gotta earn a bit more money though! No fucking chance i'm taking a 10 hour megabus.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yup, if i book in time, it's only like £40 each way, wheras megabus is about £20+ each way. Rather spend an extra £20 and get there in an hour and a half. Not to mention to get the megabus to amsterdam, it would be an hour drive, half hour walk, 3 hours megabus, arrive in london, and then 10 hour megabus to dam. I'm 6'2" or so, i physically cannot sit in a coach for 13+ hours. Only issue is that i've got to pay for the gf as well so it's gonna be about £200 just to get us there and back. Unrealistic but hoping to save about a grand for it. Last time i went i took £100 for 5 days. Regretted that one :D


Well-Known Member
I nailed the bottom of tha gold market, best trade I ever done, woke up this morn £404 richer, its all tax free as it is considered gambling....totally nuts, at sae and baz fairy is dusting off her wings this morning, I was a bit fuked and then remembered so all good
PM me what I owe ya mate n will get it across to ya


Well-Known Member
I nailed the bottom of tha gold market, best trade I ever done, woke up this morn £404 richer, its all tax free as it is considered gambling....totally nuts, at sae and baz fairy is dusting off her wings this morning, I was a bit fuked and then remembered so all good
Top bloke Indi, will sort u out for it same way I did last time if that's ok ?, 2 weeks to harvest festival ! Hoora !, going sea fishing with 5 ex paras on Saturday , I bet there not standing after an Indi special ! Lol.


Well-Known Member
Yup, if i book in time, it's only like £40 each way, wheras megabus is about £20+ each way. Rather spend an extra £20 and get there in an hour and a half. Not to mention to get the megabus to amsterdam, it would be an hour drive, half hour walk, 3 hours megabus, arrive in london, and then 10 hour megabus to dam. I'm 6'2" or so, i physically cannot sit in a coach for 13+ hours. Only issue is that i've got to pay for the gf as well so it's gonna be about £200 just to get us there and back. Unrealistic but hoping to save about a grand for it. Last time i went i took £100 for 5 days. Regretted that one :D
yeah man, im hoping to go around the same time, but asked most of my mate, an guess what, none of them ever have enough money to go, and should give me some time to let my harvest (my bit) cure while im away smokin up, hhmmm might bring my lil bro hel be 18 by then


Well-Known Member
sup guys ive been sorting me gaff today had skip n what not....ive got this kind of brik shed in my gaff...what u rec to converting it to grow room? would it be to risky cos of next door ect? thorts guys???...IMG_0440.jpgIMG_0443.jpg


Well-Known Member
sup guys ive been sorting me gaff today had skip n what not....ive got this kind of brik shed in my gaff...what u rec to converting it to grow room? would it be to risky cos of next door ect? thorts guys???...View attachment 2730462View attachment 2730463
im sure someone else is better at this construction shyte, but i would get some wooden walls with insulation and shit, including the ceiling, then duct the extraction out somewhere you cant see it, might be hard work, but duct it underground to under ur house, any other way the choppers will see fresh warm air being pumped out, say if you just cut a hole in the bricks and ran ducting out like that...

homemade heated floorboards mwahaha


Well-Known Member
sup guys ive been sorting me gaff today had skip n what not....ive got this kind of brik shed in my gaff...what u rec to converting it to grow room? would it be to risky cos of next door ect? thorts guys???...View attachment 2730462View attachment 2730463
ive grown in my shed for 4-5 years, no fucker knows anything !(apart from about 20 000 geezers on here !) seal it well m8, good quiet fans, 2 vents , 1 in, 1 out, put em so Neighbours cant see em, ya laughing


Well-Known Member
home early today thank fuck , my right bollock has been hurting like a bastard for past 2 days !, no lumps, feels like ive been flicked in the spud , but the pain is constant !. think it might be from my vasectomy i had some 10 year or so ago . ohhhhhh me spud !


Well-Known Member
yer man...i kno the fans wont be to much of issue...rvks aint 2 bad...old bloke nxt door def anyways.....its smell im botherd bout.....i mean ive got mine venting out roof now and wen im in back garden keep having wiffs of it even tho i got stuff in duct to stop smell.....its been pain in the ass with heat....
ive grown in my shed for 4-5 years, no fucker knows anything !(apart from about 20 000 geezers on here !) seal it well m8, good quiet fans, 2 vents , 1 in, 1 out, put em so Neighbours cant see em, ya laughing


Well-Known Member
Fucking heat exhaustion or something. Been feeling rough since middle of last week. Can barely get down the stairs now without feeling like i'm gonna collapse. Works gonna be fun! :)
NOW ur bitching bowt the heat? really? 2 days ago u was taking piss outa us for the heat?

well left he light on in my percy grow and the temps are a steady 27 FUUKKK UUU!!! LMAO
in the main op my temps with 3k hps is a steady 31,, tad high but nothing a 3rd 5" extractor wont fix,, happy days,


Well-Known Member
sup guys ive been sorting me gaff today had skip n what not....ive got this kind of brik shed in my gaff...what u rec to converting it to grow room? would it be to risky cos of next door ect? thorts guys???...View attachment 2730462View attachment 2730463

cool , i love this shit

ok first jobs a door , plastic cheap as you like off ebay , chop the door hole to fit or fill in if need be , remove the glass and fill in with plastic , your good for light and smells now

internally , ok first off elecs , you want to get some , amoured cable is expensive but worth it , you may just want to pay a sparkie to bung you a line in , tell him your a welder and not to fuck about with low volts yeah

get yourself a bit of black soil pipe and chop a hole in the roof making sure the pipe sits up at least 4 foot above the shed , silicon in and stick a cap on it

then your on your own and its time to insolate , get yourself a bit of wood and batten the walls to the thickness of loft insulation , then carpet spray the fuck out of the walls and fill with loft insulation , then go over this with 6mm mdf , paint and your now done wall wize , do this to the ceiling also although you may want to use kingspan on the roof as its easier

the floor get a bit of 6x2 and build a false floor , once again fill in with kingspan etc as heat will get sucked out of the room for the 8 months of the year you need it

now a decent fan hung in the room with the best filter you can buy and a silencer
then lights etc etc
tent for a mom/clone room if you so wish but allow it to take up no more than 1/3 of the total room

due to nosey cunts next door you must use your head , you cant go in there when the lights are on unless its daylight , if its dark make sure its a dark period and use a torch shutting the door behind you before flicking the main switch , all the filters in the world will not help you if you keep coming and going when theres plants in there so use your head when to go in . midnight is an excellent time and its wize to run lights at night anyway


Well-Known Member
he needs to buld a proch sealed with a door on it then put the door on his shed again sealed, u can buy used 2nd hand double glazing door for like 40 qwid! otherwise he will open the grow door on a evening and light beam out, so a porch with a door, he closes that behind him then he canopen his grow door, PLUS he will need to insualte that room like a fucker on the celing,kingspan is good, then extraction, i seen people extract thru ducting underground thru loose rubble n shit so it leaves no signature from above