World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
Funny I have a g13 blue og in veg dwc freebie from my last order. I'm debating if should take some cuttings and put them in hempy/perlite or canna coco that I bought over the weekend. What do you think jela? Are you g13 labs order a single bean or the five pack?
I went 5 packs, but will still prefer cloning one from now many pheno's these days. Is yours looking manageable height-wise? Any stink'em so far?


Well-Known Member
Hey WoH, haven't posted in a while as life has me pretty busy right now. Made my first attempt at a timelapse video. Didn't turn out the greatest but gave me some experience and ideas for future attempts. New grow is a 3 strain mainline attempt, Delicious ceeds Black Russian, World of Seeds Mazar x Great White Shark, and World of Seeds Northern Lights x Skunk. The video star is the Black Russian, mainlined for 8 heads. This timelapse was shot at 10 second intervals, gonna try 30 second intervals for the next attempt. Plants are at 10 days into 12/12 just starting to show 1st budsets.



Well-Known Member
Obviously using the BadKitty recipe. I made my 3rd batch a couple of wks ago, and finally, did the extra freeze and re-heat, and I more than doubled the amount of coconut oil and lecithin and used 1 size smaller cap, still using 5g of hash ended up with 66 caps in the batch and 2 of the new batch are equal to or better than 1 cap of the previous batches. And the wife can eat one without being glued to the recliner for 3hrs during the day.

As far as edibles I've made, I like the the BadKitty caps the best. Much better than any butter I've made. Next batch I'm going to try & make brownies, or fudge, out of the oil instead of capping.
This was my second batch. I to did not freeze the first time. Clear difference. Ive never made any butter that can resemble the kick. Making cookies on oil is a must try.
These i made is about 0.45g hash each and its a bit to much. Finding yourself in your own happy bobble for many hours straight cant be healthy socialy ;)
Give it up for BadKittySmiles! She made me read more than my school teacher :)


Well-Known Member
Hey WoH, haven't posted in a while as life has me pretty busy right now. Made my first attempt at a timelapse video. Didn't turn out the greatest but gave me some experience and ideas for future attempts. New grow is a 3 strain mainline attempt, Delicious ceeds Black Russian, World of Seeds Mazar x Great White Shark, and World of Seeds Northern Lights x Skunk. The video star is the Black Russian, mainlined for 8 heads. This timelapse was shot at 10 second intervals, gonna try 30 second intervals for the next attempt. Plants are at 10 days into 12/12 just starting to show 1st budsets.
Awesome - love to see them rise up after watering, and sway side to side. 30sec should be better, I think! They look beautiful, man.


Well-Known Member
Had to share a bud shot with you all, before I smoke this puppy. This is a bud that was grown summer of 2011. It's a hybrid of a couple of old school strains that you can't pick up at a seed bank.

Red Berry X Purple Heritage
13-07-08_d41_Autos 010riu.jpg

Along with the bud I received 6 seeds and 6 seeds of the Purple Heritage. I know what my winter grows are going to be.

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
I went 5 packs, but will still prefer cloning one from now many pheno's these days. Is yours looking manageable height-wise? Any stink'em so far?
The Pineapple Express I took mostly at 6 to 8" cuttings and did not really stretch. I think it's a good candidate for sog. I will grow them again after I try out sour star (if I find a female mom) and purple wreck. I have enough cuttings from g13 labs blue og and DNA's stack kush, but with both of them having a kush genes in them I'm worried about them not being a good candidate for a sog. I thought about just taking some clones and putting them in coco or just doing a scrog. My mind is always changing but I will definelty decide in the next couple of days on wich growing style I'm going to do.

The stink is not so bad. I run a carbon filter when the lights are on but I'm thinking I should run it at least for 18 hours long as I can start smelling it outside of the house. Do you run your scrubber 24/7?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
business related emergency, leaving town tomorrow morning,,,,,no idea when I'll return, could be days or weeks.........puta madre!

I brought the female plant to a friend to care for until I return....this may or may not be a good idea....time will tell if he can keep it alive.

The younger plant is looking very manish....I'm 90% sure it is male but need just a few more days to be 100%'s on death row now.

oh well...shit goes on


Active Member
Hey guys, I got the truck I wanted...took it to my ex son in law, he looked it over and gave his stamp of here is my new ride.
100_1058 - Copy.jpg This has a nice bedliner, tinted windows, a nice stereo, 177,000 miles and all the other stuff I wanted...


Well-Known Member
In this new age, a re-working of the old bumper sticker seems in order:

A Woman and Her Truck, it's A Beautiful Thing.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
Hey WOH - well after years of use, my aero cloners are giving me hella problems, I lost a ton of clones in the past month or so, I think there are a few variables I can correct for but I'm worried I'm gonna lose another batch and that will really slow my production down. Stem rot is taking them out.. A few thoughts:

> Cloner and tent in my veg room with my 8 bulb t-5 - created a ton of heat and humidity. My res temps were up around 77-78*

> I have been using the same neoprene collars for months and months (a year?). The collar holes are getting stretched out, creating light gaps which, coupled with my high res temps, is probably creating the perfect environ for stem rot. As plants die and I pull them I am exposing further these light holes, compounding my problems. Solution: new collars and only use them a 1-2 times.

> Mother plants and clone size: I recently battled mites (again, so fun) and that I think contributed to my last batch going tits-up. I have them under control now and my moms are healthy again. I was previously taking super long stems for clones and I think I am getting too much woody-developed stems that wont clone well. I am going to shorten my clones up to 3-4", 4-5 nodes only.

> Cloners are moving to the spare bathroom in my basement so I can plug the tub and fill it up with water -- ice too if needed -- to keep my res temps in check. I am going to try frozen 2l bottles too. The temps don't get awful in the summer here in my area, but warm enough. I can vent the bathroom with the vent fan to keep temps/humd low

So I am going to try these techniques and try to recover. I am however looking into a side batch of clones using rockwool as a back up. Years ago when I started growing I cloned in those rapid rooter plugs but I've never tried RW and I dont see too many (none?) Hempy members using RW. Looking for your guys' advice on RW to 2l bottles. I worry I wont get the root length off the bat with RW cubes and when transplanting them I will need to veg and daily water until roots hit the res in my 2l bottles.

Has anyone in WOH used RW cubes-to-2l bottle method? Any advice otherwise?


Well-Known Member
i do rw cubes to dixie to 3l it works fine i eventually rip off the rockwool and re use it later cause i put it right on top of the dixie.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice WOH... what size clones do you both take (e.g. length of clone, number of nodes)? Do you use gel or powder, and if so, what brand?

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice WOH... what size clones do you both take (e.g. length of clone, number of nodes)? Do you use gel or powder, and if so, what brand?

My first cuttings I took from my previous 3 Pineapple Express moms were between 6-8." I had took about 100 cuttings and only about 8 of them didn't root if I remember correctly. I only used neoprene collars,non ph tap water and I experienced with the cloning gel that came with with the 120 site ez cloner but besides that I just used tap water or clonex clone solution.

Clones don't need much light so try just using one or two t5 bulbs to reduce your heat and humidity. Im going to only use one t5 bulb wich is 2 ft long to cover the length of my 120 site ez cloner next time I clone. I killed all of my previous clones due to bad temps in the bathroom where I was cloning and it also had to do with two unhealthy pineapple express moms in dwc wich were over 5' high. I won't slip again.

When I clone again I will clone in a temp controlled environment between 70-75 Fahrenheit with a humidity of 50-65%. I won't be losing 120 clones again and half assing it. I have (6) purple wreck beans coming and I'm going to put them all in there own 5 gallon dwc bucket and hopefully in a month or so I should be able to take about 20 cuttings from each. To me dwc tend to grow pretty fast. Good luck pra and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
take ~5-6" cuts in rockwool 1x1 cubes and clonex gel with a temp mat w/ sensor set @ 75 . i open twice a day air it out and give it a few sprays