My volcano is kick ass...period. Dial-a-high I like to call it!
I couldn't agree with you more and in fact since you say this, I want to get my pollen box back from my buddy and try to keep the pot in the box so all that kief just falls and collects. Makes it better than the grinder because that crap can fall out any time or tip over.After having in a couple of days, I find that I really like this device for one hit at the beginning of the day, which in my case means weekends only. It is pretty clean and doesn't put me to sleep. I was probably too harsh in my original post, mainly because I didn't give myself a few days to adjust to something that is different. I also like the fact that you can shut it off at night, leaving the spent stuff in the whip chamber, turn it on the next morning, take a hit, and still get high (at least if you didn't puff the hell out of the sample the night before.) Also, to put things in perspective I was filtering my pot with a 100 mesh and collecting the white powder, kief, and smoking that in my pipe. That is a pretty powerful and quick high. Going back to straight bud, in a vaporizer or otherwise, is going to be a step down from the kief.
I also found that cutting the bud with a good pair of scissors, instead of the grinder I have, pulverizes it better.
My girl spent maybe 80 bucks on the vape box we have. We don't use it at this time but I feel like later on down the road, the vape would be great if we had an injury and required to stay home. I can think of CBD working really well in the vape for that matter but getting high on a daily basis for a box would be better suited if I spent multiple hundreds if I had that kinda money every day.You people are spending way too much on your vapes. Get an IMAG + Ceramic for $55 for full vape on dry herbs without any burn. 3 heat settings, with the top one letting you blow decent clouds. 200 or 300?! maybe a volcano because it outperforms anything, but damn look at it's price.
FYI, no. Hyperventilating does not work. Ever thought this white blood cell rush is actually part of the therapeutic effect/process? Weed is so misunderstood.vape for life... That high you referring to is nothing more then carcinogens and your body rushing White Blood cells to try and protect it Like a smoker get head rushes till the body says "Biz as usual-just poison" try Hyperventilating or taking a 5 deep breathes before vaping and let us know how that works. I also hope your Vape does not have Chinese Lead parts around the ceramic heating element either. FYI
Agree with you.The reason you get a different high is because the heat of the vaporizer isn't as hot as a flame and you are not burning certain cannabanoids that you would burn using combustion. I forgot where I read that but basically those extra cannabanoids aren't being burned and that's why it feels like something may be missing