Vaporizer High Different - Not Sure I I Like It


Well-Known Member
OK so I got a cheap vaporizer, the VP100. I set the temp to 390f and it appears to be doing the job. I see a little stream of gray vapor in the glass bowl as I'm smoking. And it does get me high. But there appears to be a little time delay in the high coming on, like ten minutes. The high also seems to be mostly the body indica type high and less of the cerebral sativa type high. I tried a few different varieties, including sativa dominant, and they all seemed to have the same kind of high.

While it is certainly better for my lungs, and it makes it easy to puff away for quite a while, I'm not sure I like the high. This method might be tailor made for legitimate pain sufferers who need to keep medicated and not necessarily high.

I think I will go back to smoking most of the time. The high is better and faster, plus I am able to more precisely control how much I smoke.

So what are other peoples feelings?
A cheap vasporizer will not do the same as a proven great vaporizer

If I gave you a 3 ft bag of sour diesel vapor from my volcano at 365* you would be ripped off your ass

Yes the vaporizer gives you a different high more of a head high...thing you dont realize is that a good vape puts out more thc than any other way of intake other than oral

Lets say your strain has a 24% thc content...

using a pipe you get about 50% of that...a bong about 70% .....a joint around 75 % .....a vaporizer about 95% of the 24% thc content of that strain

After vapin for a week or 2.... going back to smokin...its like sticking your face over a bbq pit and inhaling the smoke...YUCK

I personally love get the natural flavors of the herbs...ECSD tatses so good like musky lemons... Almost every strain has a different taste...high lasts for hours
vape for life... That high you referring to is nothing more then carcinogens and your body rushing White Blood cells to try and protect it Like a smoker get head rushes till the body says "Biz as usual-just poison" try Hyperventilating or taking a 5 deep breathes before vaping and let us know how that works. I also hope your Vape does not have Chinese Lead parts around the ceramic heating element either. FYI
After having in a couple of days, I find that I really like this device for one hit at the beginning of the day, which in my case means weekends only. It is pretty clean and doesn't put me to sleep. I was probably too harsh in my original post, mainly because I didn't give myself a few days to adjust to something that is different. I also like the fact that you can shut it off at night, leaving the spent stuff in the whip chamber, turn it on the next morning, take a hit, and still get high (at least if you didn't puff the hell out of the sample the night before.) Also, to put things in perspective I was filtering my pot with a 100 mesh and collecting the white powder, kief, and smoking that in my pipe. That is a pretty powerful and quick high. Going back to straight bud, in a vaporizer or otherwise, is going to be a step down from the kief.

I also found that cutting the bud with a good pair of scissors, instead of the grinder I have, pulverizes it better.
The reason you get a different high is because the heat of the vaporizer isn't as hot as a flame and you are not burning certain cannabanoids that you would burn using combustion. I forgot where I read that but basically those extra cannabanoids aren't being burned and that's why it feels like something may be missing
The temperature display on these cheap vaporizers is often not accurate at all, not to mention the possible hazardous components that come in touch with the high temperatures and give off toxic fumes..

It is true however that a different temperature can result in a different high. From our website:

'In general, lower vaporization temperatures (under 374°F/190°C) give a more psychoactive high, whereas higher temperatures (428°F/230°C) allow for a more sedative body high.'
I started liking the vaporizer. One thing for sure is you really get every bit of THC out of the cannabis. I can toke on some bowl in the vaporizer and it keeps going and going, whereas the same amount in a pipe would be long burned up and repacked. That being said, I still think smoking has a high with more dimensions than vaporizing.

And, oh yeah, I love the fact the vaporizer basically has no smell.
Hi, just got my N02 Vapair.. wowsa love it !and the old lady doesnt bust me for stinking up the house..have not tried the lower temps yet only 385 degrees
Having recently started fishing with my friends, I now realise the similarity of hearing every single ''guaranteed'' piece of advice recommended for success is totally a load of bull, you just gotta work it out yourself I'm assuming!!

I bought a vapourizer instead of destroying my lungs with bongs... so I really want to get the hang of it. . .

I only spent £30 on a glass bowl standing vapourizer, but I reckon it's fairly decent. I had a go and loved it initially! I filled the whole bowl with ground bluecheese and it worked excellently on 180 Celsius.Left it to cream up for a while then took big tokes. I guess you could use it slowly also like a sheesha??
Then I read that THC only vapours at 200 Celsius. I tried and it just burned! Guessing Fresh weed would be ok at this temp...

My mate said the weed afterwards is supposed to look the same, i said that was shit but he stood firm! So - do u leave it to discolour completely or just to change colour abit?

Also, he said you're not supposed to see any vapour breathed out after inhaled. . . really?!
to op try like 370-375 for headier cannabinoids... i go from 365-to 392 on my volcano, it's accurate to like 2.2f and I always get a fullllll spectrum high... head, body, i get everrrything from my nugs :eyesmoke:

300+F? you guys are burning you stash
190-210 is ideal

:lol: I'm pretty sure you have Fahrenheit confused with Celsius.... :lol: 190C is equal to 374F (had to do a quick conversion)... so if you are in fact saying 190C you are agreeing with me :lol:

If you DID mean F you are way off.

I cook cannbis infused edibles at 325F and no more than that... as thats where very small amounts of cannabinoids begin to be released into the air. (330F + all the way to 395.. then benzine begins to be produced so it's not worth exceeding that)

Cannabis vaporizers are designed to let users inhale active cannabinoids while avoiding harmful smoke toxins. They do so by heating cannabis to a temperature of 180 - 200° C (356° - 392° F), just below the point of combustion where smoke is produced. At this point, THC and other medically active cannabinoids are emitted with little or none of the carcinogenic tars and noxious gases found in smoke.

Guys... regarding cheap vapes, how many of you have ACTUALLY cracked one open and looked at the interior? How many of you have ACTUALLY looked at the components, and determined to a sufficient degree that they are suitable or unsuitable? I bet that none of you actually have. The thermostat might be off, sure, but until any person does a decent inspection of one of these cheaper vaporizers then I do not see how they can be that much worse than more expensive versions.

I read this on every vape site... _____ vapes are not recommended because they have lead components and give off toxic fumes, etc...

First up, if it has lead in it, lead melts at some 330C. That's pure lead too. So I imagine the lead alloy will melt at 350-400C. So if it did have lead in it, just crank it up to 300C+, then open it after it's been on for a few hours. Has any solder or components melted?
Second, lead does not produce oxides that come off easily. You will need to mechanically scrape that lead oxide layer off to remove it. Lead only really poses a hazard in an elemental dust, aqueous ionic form, or when it's being scraped off mechanically and coming in contact with your body(this is why lead paint is banned on toys.)
Third, lead metal itself only gives off fumes(lead oxides) at or above it's melting temp. Even though the fumes emitted are quite minimal, you would not want to breathe this either way, I do admit.

When it comes to a cheap vape, I'd suggest dissassembling it to check for componentry that is toxic (plastic in the path of hot gasses, excessive oil, or really soft metal components; lead). If there is ANYTHING suspect, send it back. And make sure you can send it back!

I am yet to be convinced about cheap brandless vapes and how they actually are, but I doubt they are as bad as those brand name vapes try to tell you. It just seems like a fuckload of propaganda that conveniently glosses over the fact that it has no real evidence to back its claims. Those volcanoes are made in china. They are sold in bulk for about $100-200US each, and you, the customer, pays some $500-600US for them. You get "jewed", very hard.

All it takes is a variable temp heat gun, an oven bag, a few brass fittings and you're away.
If you get a cheap vaporizer, like I did, I recommend, before you use it, to turn it on periodically for a few days to get rid of any excess manufacturing residue which might possibly be in there. I think my cheapo is working fine, but I'm not sure the temperature gauge is at all accurate. I recently lowered my temp to 275f and it still seems to be doing the trick. Next time I try it, I'll lower it some more and find the sweetspot. Sometimes the leftover pot looks a little singed from the heat.
im good on vapes... spent hella money on a herbalaire, tried all sorts of vapes... all I can say is I still prefer smoking.
I'm glad that I dont have to use my chemistry bong (gas washing jar and cone lol) as it was irritating my lungs. I get a bit of asthma, so it's much better than I'm only inhaling hot air with harmless vapours.
I'm glad that I dont have to use my chemistry bong (gas washing jar and cone lol) as it was irritating my lungs. I get a bit of asthma, so it's much better than I'm only inhaling hot air with harmless vapours.

THEY"RE NOT HARMLESS..... just less irritating then smoke... they can still fuck you over... treat your lungs and the vapor with respect and you wont suffer like I have.
This post is slightly off topic, apologies in advance. I vape and love it. After I'm done the weed looks slightly browner. I collect the leftover weed, bake it at 325f for 5 minutes and then add some canola/olive oil. The results from eating this is a wicked body high that lasts a very long time. The downside is that it takes a while for it to work. I hold the oil under my tongue for quicker absorption. I have chronic back pain and the leftovers in the oil work best for me. If any of you just throw your spent vape weed away give it a try, I think you will like it. peace
This post is slightly off topic, apologies in advance. I vape and love it. After I'm done the weed looks slightly browner. I collect the leftover weed, bake it at 325f for 5 minutes and then add some canola/olive oil. The results from eating this is a wicked body high that lasts a very long time. The downside is that it takes a while for it to work. I hold the oil under my tongue for quicker absorption. I have chronic back pain and the leftovers in the oil work best for me. If any of you just throw your spent vape weed away give it a try, I think you will like it. peace
Thanks. This is a good tip. Eating always had more of an indica body high, at least for me. And it is always delayed before it really kicks in.
Having recently started fishing with my friends, I now realise the similarity of hearing every single ''guaranteed'' piece of advice recommended for success is totally a load of bull, you just gotta work it out yourself I'm assuming!!

I bought a vapourizer instead of destroying my lungs with bongs... so I really want to get the hang of it. . .

I only spent £30 on a glass bowl standing vapourizer, but I reckon it's fairly decent. I had a go and loved it initially! I filled the whole bowl with ground bluecheese and it worked excellently on 180 Celsius.Left it to cream up for a while then took big tokes. I guess you could use it slowly also like a sheesha??
Then I read that THC only vapours at 200 Celsius. I tried and it just burned! Guessing Fresh weed would be ok at this temp...

My mate said the weed afterwards is supposed to look the same, i said that was shit but he stood firm! So - do u leave it to discolour completely or just to change colour abit?

Also, he said you're not supposed to see any vapour breathed out after inhaled. . . really?!

If you are referring to the spent cannabis in the vaporizers chamber, then you can pretty much call it quits when it is a medium brown look, similar to ciggie tobacco (had to clarify ciggie, as you guys in the US have that chewing tobacco crap), or another way to know if you are getting too far with your cannabis in the vape is that it sort of takes on a toasted/burnt popcorn flavour. Keep your left overs for Oil or Green Dragon, and I see a few people saying to save your left overs and then toast it in the over for 5 minutes and then add to oil or alcohol, my question to them is why do you have to toast it in the oven when it has already been toasted in the vaporizer, the THC is already at its active stage.

As far as your exhale after taking in a vape, it will look like a thin smoke. This smoke look appearance are oils and residual moister.
I think the key to good vaporizing is to use intact bud that you just ground up. Even day-old would be fine. What I find doesn't work as good is the loose stuff in the bottom of the bag. An intact bud probably retains a little more moisture than the powder stuff in the bottom of the bag. Also experiment and find the lowest temperature that works.