Merica! F*ck yeah!


Well-Known Member
If you're going to celebrate, at least be honest. Nationalism never accomplished anything accept to divide the world. America is the most war-like nation/state/empire in history. If you're going to celebrate your lack of freedom today with beer and barbeque ribs, just keep in mind that you're being watched, so don't pay any attention to the fact that the entire fucking world is sick of your shit.



Well-Known Member
A Christian, an anarchist slash prostitute, figures out the true meaning of freedom


Well-Known Member
Talking to yourself again?

Also...stop referring to Americans in the third person, people who refer to themselves in the third person are generally closet homosexuals.

That is all.


New Member
With all of the above in mind, why are so many of your countrymen illegally flocking to the US? Haven't you been warning them about all the shittiness waiting for the Mexicants over the border? :dunce: Can I also ask how you ended up in the Army?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about the irony of what today represents and the NSA leak that's been in the spotlight recently this afternoon, I wonder if the average person you see everyday thinks about it..


New Member
Why would insulting Mexico be a viable tactic in your mind?
Take it how you want, not my problem... A Mexican immigrates the legal way, Mexicant's are the illegal cue jumpers that should be immediately deported, no questions asked...

I've stated many times I do not support illegal immigration on any grounds, bar verifiable humanitarian grounds. The US DOES NOT have 10 million humanitarian refugees...


Well-Known Member
Take it how you want, not my problem... A Mexican immigrates the legal way, Mexicant's are the illegal cue jumpers that should be immediately deported, no questions asked...

I've stated many times I do not support illegal immigration on any grounds, bar verifiable humanitarian grounds. The US DOES NOT have 10 million humanitarian refugees...
Cool story bro.


Well-Known Member
Obama, Bush, Blair must be put on trial at ICC: Chomsky May 24, 2013
“The US and British invasion of Iraq was a textbook example of aggression, no questions about it. Which means that we were responsible for all the evil that follows like the bombings. Serious conflict arose, [and] it spread all over the region. In fact the region is being torn to shreds by this conflict. That is part of the evil that follows,” Chomsky stated.