Thundercat's Groooooooow

I hate moving, i bet its a box wonderland right now lol, good luck diggin your way out. I always find unopened boxes months after i move. Its kinda like christmas, i found 160 bucks in a pair of shorts the other day, oh yaa! Good times ;)
Ive got a truck, with a sign in back window that sais NO MOVING,DONT ASK!
Tell ya what beech for some one injured I totally over did it tonight building my table and workin on ventalation. The wood into the ducting was the hardest shit I've ever tried to cut through. It was about 3/4 inch hard wood, but the ducting is gonna be real secure. I attached a metal flange wih some screws and I can already feel it pulling warm air out with out the fan even hooked up!

The table turned out great I think, I made "sawhorse" legs and a 2x4 frame for the tray to sit on. It's gonna sit nice and centered under the light and almost right against one wall so ill get some better light usage that way I think. I've still got lots of little things to do but thankfully the biggest stuff is almost out of the way. The plants will be in the tray tonight but the light might not be till tomorrow. I thoroughly hoping I didn't mess my wrist back up tonight using the recip saw, but I had to get he shit done and didn't have any helpers available. It's all coming together nice and is gonna be much nicer then my last room for sure.
Glad you are getting some good work done. You still posting on your phone? I can't stand doing that. I unsubscribe from stuff all the time on my phone cuz I hit the wrong buttons.
I was still posting from the phone until this current post. I just sat down in bed finally and turned on the wireless hot spot so I could post form the computer. The connection isn't very fast, but doesn't need to be for RIU most of the time so it works ok. I took some pics of the new room, but can't upload them till I am on a real connection.

It was a productive day, even though I got a late start and had to work late on things, I felt like I got a good bit done. The table still needs to be doesn't lean any which direction so I need to give it a slant so it drains well. I'm prolly just gonna stick a piece of 1/4 in ply wood under the back legs and call it good. I hand watered the flowering girls with some liquid karma and calmag in the water. The water at this house might be pretty decent, it tested at only 180 ppm, which is alittle more then half what my old house had (around 350). It was still pretty high PH, but not as bad as the other house either. With the stuff I added it bumped the ppm up to 550, and lowered the ph some, but not quite all the way. Once I am adding my full set of nutes, I bet the PH will be almost perfect, which also makes me tempted to try the ph perfect nutes. With my old water I had question if they would actually work cus it was so out of wack.

I set up the tray, and res though I didn't fill it yet. I was able to leave the actual lid on the res this time, I built the table to be about an inch taller then the top of the res. I'm gonna put a hole in the lid to run the hoses through but other wise it will be very light proof, and stay nice and cool all the time :). I put up panda film along the 2 walls closest to the table, one is only a few inchs away the other about a foot. I tried to put it as close to the one wall as possible to maximize the reflection back on the plants. There are 6 large cabinets on the wall of the room. I split the veg and flower room to allow a cabinet in both sides :).

Oh so the ventilation is gonna be awesome I think. I mounted my duct fan into the wall between the 2 rooms, and there is a 2 foot piece of ducting between the fan and the cold air return I tapped into for my exhaust. I pulled that ducting nice and snug to allow smooth air flow. On the other side of the wall/fan there is only going to be about 10-12 inchs of ducting going into the light, and only another 10-12 inchs at the most going into the carbon filter at the other end. Its gonna flow so smooth I almost hope it doesn't pull to much air. If that happens its a great excuse to add a duct muffler after the fan :). I'll have the light hung tomorrow and we'll see how it handles things. The intake to the room is just going to be passive. There are a couple spots I left "openings" that won't allow light in but will pass air. I'll have my oscillating fan, as well as a new air circulation fan going in the flower room. I'm hoping that all that will prevent any mold issues. I'm also having some work done to the gutter which will greatly help dry things up I think. Its not as wet as my last basement at all, but the moisture does come in near my room this time which sucks. I've got the dehumidifier running outside the room which is helping alot, and I'm also gonna dry lock some of the walls to try to seal things up a bit.

Well I'm done rambling I think, theres prolly more to say but I'm falling asleep typing tonight. Hope everyone else is doing well. I can't wait to show you guys the new room I'm pretty stoked about it. Oh ya I chopped both Cindys that were ready. They had been in almost complete darkness since saturday, with out any water either. Saturday was day 52 from 12/12 so they actually went 55 days from 12/12. That is still a few days shorter then last time, and it got a bunch of dark time so we'll see if the smoke is any different. I also had to chop a strawberry that the top molded a bit on. It had been in the back of one of the totes and I guess got wet. The strawberry nugs are super dense in the first place so it was a bad combo. But there was honestly still a pretty nice amount of bud on it that was completely clean.

Ok good night for real this time :)!!

:peace: TC
Sounds bitchin. Other than the makita recip jammin the bones. Id love to see ya with a muffler ;) it would make you happier in the long run id think. I need one lol. Hows the wife like the house? Is it everything she wanted? :):):)
She's still over whelmed with the move I think, and unpacking but she seems happier each day. One of the biggest things is its quiet for the most part, even though we are in town. Our old house was about 10 feet from the side of a road that ended up being much busier then we thought it would have been when we moved in. This place is about 25 feet off the road, and the road gets almost zero traffic. Today there were 2 ground hogs running around the neighbor hood, and then a rabbit on our front lawn, my daughter loved it!
So happy for you...... got moved safely and everythings working out for you, and the ladies=priceless.
You know the ole saying....."Mommas not happy no ones happy"

There a backyard for the little thundercat?

its a smiley face i made if you cant read it and its art dammit....hope ya like it TC, the last post made me smile, and that much lol glad to hear things are good and ive worn out the effectiveness of multiple smiley faces :):):)
Thank you guys all for the laughs and support! There is a huge back yard for my daughter. It's also got a built in play house out there too. Thanks for smiley too Ninja :).

Heres her some new friends.
Man I wish finding friends for her was that easy :). I feel bad that we don't really have any friends(with kids) her age or local especially now that we just moved :(.
What's up TC :??: sorry I hadn't dropped in to see how everything has been growing 4 ya bro.. been under the weather today. Feeling somewhat better now though. ;) I sure hope everythings going well your way. I should be doing an update on my ladies for everyone round noonish, or 1 o'clock our time. Hope you'll check um out. Hollar at you 2mar bro..

This threads good times as of late so i figured id share a good times story with you guys. So i was driving down my road today when i saw what i thought was a rabbit running across the road. Then i realized that the rabbit was a dog and it was running top speed down the middle of the road. I was a little worried that this stupid dog was going to get run over so i followed it. It whent screaming through an intersection without stopping and thats when i really started to worry. That little jerk coulda been run over so easily OMG. I started whistleing out my window and the dog stopped to my surprise. I went to jump out and said to my friend that i bet i could catch it, but before id made it out the dog jumped in. Hes some wierd lookin bug eyed thing that seems to be really nice. Kinda brown and black but hes pretty cool. I brought him in my house and my big ole doby didnt eat him and actually seemed to be happy to have a friend. Im going to check the lost dog adds and put up a picture of him on the mail box but im hoping nobody claims him. His toenails were painted purple so im pretty sure hes going to be missed by his owners. Poor little jerk was pretty scared and sad lookin. I named him barney cause of the purple nails, i wanna keep him. :):):)
This threads good times as of late so i figured id share a good times story with you guys. So i was driving down my road today when i saw what i thought was a rabbit running across the road. Then i realized that the rabbit was a dog and it was running top speed down the middle of the road. I was a little worried that this stupid dog was going to get run over so i followed it. It whent screaming through an intersection without stopping and thats when i really started to worry. That little jerk coulda been run over so easily OMG. I started whistleing out my window and the dog stopped to my surprise. I went to jump out and said to my friend that i bet i could catch it, but before id made it out the dog jumped in. Hes some wierd lookin bug eyed thing that seems to be really nice. Kinda brown and black but hes pretty cool. I brought him in my house and my big ole doby didnt eat him and actually seemed to be happy to have a friend. Im going to check the lost dog adds and put up a picture of him on the mail box but im hoping nobody claims him. His toenails were painted purple so im pretty sure hes going to be missed by his owners. Poor little jerk was pretty scared and sad lookin. I named him barney cause of the purple nails, i wanna keep him. :):):)

You big softy, sounds like you got yourself a new dog:)
That's sweet ninja. Those owners are going to be real happy you got him. And/or you just got a fabulous new dog. lol... .not too many with painted nails.

TC, Can you guys get her in some sort of class with other kids her age. Like a dance class, or tumbling. It's a good way to get her kid time. Girl scouts? Maybe they don't do stuff that young, idk. Shit, my parents used to send me to a babysitter just so I could be with other kids. (only child)
That's what the pile in the middle with flowers growing out of it is. ;) #veryhigh2
No poopin in the sandbox.......I still remember playing in my sandbox with my little earthmovers-dumptrucks.

Ninja you know some kids crying its eyes out over that dog,Im sure you will do the RT thing....Might even get a reward!