Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
Oh! I don't know if you had seen the post (update) or not TC, but I had went away for the little girls b-day party & on that day it had got up to 90* here, well when I returned home, I came in and started checking on the ladies & I had 2 to pass away on me! :(
The Bay 11 & Kali Mist.. I had alittle funeral for them! J/k.. haha.. I had told someone else that & they had tool it serious! ':'
I have 1 more of the Bay 11 left, plan on hanging onto it for awhile though. I had started 3 new strains last night though! These are suppose to be fast flowering strains to!
Lord I sure hope after dealing with "Chocolate Heaven & China Yunnan".. lol..
Started Dakini Kush, Berry Bomb, & Afghan Kush x Yumbolt..


Well-Known Member
Woot... I'm so stoked for you TC! Feels so good to get rid of crap, start anew. And this may be the little one's childhood home... how exciting it all is. I feel touched you and the wife discussed my work. And I'm with you, even if it was 1/4 the price, it's too much work! And it's not really cheaper either.
Oh, and my little plants are looking real good these days. You'd think I knew what I was doing, haha. But for real I think I've finally got the hang of things a bit. Now I just have to wait for them to reveg. I should be harvesting by the time my little girl turns 2 lol.
So glad the little plants are doing better man. I know how stressful that can be, and thats the last thing you need is more stress right now :). You'll be harvesting in no time trust me. Here in another few weeks, you won't know where the time has gone. I harvested right before (like a week I think) my daughter was born if I remember correctly, but the next harvest came up soo fast!

i dont know what you wrote, but all I can think about is mushrooms.... so here I am.
Well I'm not sure either, I must just make everyone think of Mushrooms when I'm around from all my talk of them :). Thats ok though, they have played a big part in my life, so much that I have a psilocybin molecule tattooed on my chest.

I hear that TC! Sounds good 2 me.. (transport method).. I take it your renting an uhaul correct :??:
How long is the drive :??: if it where me, I would try & poke some breath holes in the containers, I'm sure you will! Lol
And try & open the door inbetween stops to try & atleast provide some freash air in the back of the truck or something.
Do you plan on dosing them with anything for stress:??:
The ride is only an hour and a half, so I don't think I'll have issues with them breathing.... I'm not gonna poke any holes, as they are around 50 days into flower and will stink to high heaven once I start to move them. I have been thinking about getting some superthrive or springing for some liquid karma to dose them with right before I leave to help with the stress. That sucks about loosing those babies, but you've got so many, not a big deal. Hope the new strains turn out great man. I was reading on your thread about them earlier.


Well-Known Member
OH! I thought you had a LONG drive bro.. lol.. yeah, superthrive is good stuff! I use it on my girls after transplant, mixed up with a few other ingrediants.. ;) I'm sure they'll be just fine bro..

So glad the little plants are doing better man. I know how stressful that can be, and thats the last thing you need is more stress right now :). You'll be harvesting in no time trust me. Here in another few weeks, you won't know where the time has gone. I harvested right before (like a week I think) my daughter was born if I remember correctly, but the next harvest came up soo fast!

Well I'm not sure either, I must just make everyone think of Mushrooms when I'm around from all my talk of them :). Thats ok though, they have played a big part in my life, so much that I have a psilocybin molecule tattooed on my chest.

The ride is only an hour and a half, so I don't think I'll have issues with them breathing.... I'm not gonna poke any holes, as they are around 50 days into flower and will stink to high heaven once I start to move them. I have been thinking about getting some superthrive or springing for some liquid karma to dose them with right before I leave to help with the stress. That sucks about loosing those babies, but you've got so many, not a big deal. Hope the new strains turn out great man. I was reading on your thread about them earlier.


Well-Known Member
Hey T. Just wanted 2 let you know I did another update. ;) its on pg. 358 bro. Would like it if you could stop in 4 a sec & take a look.. thanks bro..


Well-Known Member
GOOD DAY guys!

I swung by Dank the girls sure looked great, your blueberry and BM are both stacking nice man, I think I left a comment just havn't been on much.

Busy day today and tomorrow. Still packing prolly only about 50% done......its hard to pack when your living in someplace. Lol and the 50% doesn't count my room :(. Going up tomorrow to get the keys, and sign the lease. Then building on Friday woot! Catch you guys later on, hope everyone has a great hump day!


Well-Known Member
Thanks T Cat. I have no idea how the rest of my days going to turn out but that post made me smile. Easy on the wrist ole boy ;)


Well-Known Member
Hehe you did happen to catch me back on here :) I'm always glad to please. I've been making a little and my wife got roped into helping her family for a few hours some how gah I'm gonna be so glad once we move and there is no more of this "hey we need this or that, or come stop over" crap all the time!


Well-Known Member
Morning guys! So I passed the hell out last night. I was packing until some time after 12. A buddy stopped over for an hour or so at 9 to smoke a blunt before we move. Then back to packing. We are getting really close to done now. I think today should do it. We are going this evening to sign the lease, and I'm gonna measure for my room then try to design something on the way home :). Though I guess it won't be home much longer. Gonna be another busy day, I'm sure I'll be on and off here as I take smoke breaks :)!

Thats one extreme smiley there beech!


Well-Known Member
Morning guys! So I passed the hell out last night. I was packing until some time after 12. A buddy stopped over for an hour or so at 9 to smoke a blunt before we move. Then back to packing. We are getting really close to done now. I think today should do it. We are going this evening to sign the lease, and I'm gonna measure for my room then try to design something on the way home :). Though I guess it won't be home much longer. Gonna be another busy day, I'm sure I'll be on and off here as I take smoke breaks :)!

Thats one extreme smiley there beech!
Glad 2 hear you've just about got it all outta the way bro! ;)
Btw. I wouldn't had a minded coming up.. haha.. I need a good rd trip anywasy..


Well-Known Member
I really do appreciate it man, but you would have had to drive way to far. I've got it covered I think.

We are off to sign this lease, and I can't forget my tape measure :).


Well-Known Member
Well after we signed the lease we found out they have to hook up the dishwasher on saturday my build got put off till tomorrow night I guess. Sooooo today we are packing most everything else into the truck, so all thats left tomorrow is to take down the room and move everything :). Its going well!!

Also great news I got my BEANS!!!!! I got everything I ordered originally even the regular sinmints so they must not have really been out ;). I also got the tangerine power freebies I was SOOO HAPPY!!!


Well-Known Member
Going as good as I can hope for :). We've got 90% loaded up, and ready to go, the only stuff left is our bed, a couple of boxes, and all my stuff. I was down there tonight cleaning up a few things, got a tab more to do in the morning and then once we get the room disassembled that will be it. My wife is gonna be cleaning things while me and my buddy work on the room. Plants are doing ok, its been real hot the last couple days, so I think its good I'm moving them and will be changing things to make the rooms stay cooler. The dehumidifier is what is killing me with the heat. I've never had one, and always got by but its too much heat with out an any extra cooling. Anyway things are going good thanks Jig!

Well guys other then my excitement with the getting my seeds, just another day here. I'm totally gonna be stocked up on genetics after this order. There was about 15 freebies alone along with the 3 packs I actually ordered. Then I've also got everything I got at the cup in denver still as well as seeds for about everything I"ve got currently running still. I think that should hold me for at least a year or so until I find another strain I have to get ;). I did get some liquid karma, and dosed the girls all with it in their water tonight. I figured it might help reduce the stress of the moving. I hope it helps cus that shit isn't cheap!

Hope you guys have a great Saturday tomorrow, I'm sure I'll be on to say hi!

Peace TC


Active Member
Well after we signed the lease we found out they have to hook up the dishwasher on saturday my build got put off till tomorrow night I guess. Sooooo today we are packing most everything else into the truck, so all thats left tomorrow is to take down the room and move everything :). Its going well!!

Also great news I got my BEANS!!!!! I got everything I ordered originally even the regular sinmints so they must not have really been out ;). I also got the tangerine power freebies I was SOOO HAPPY!!!
RIGHT ON TC! I can't wait to see what those sinmints do for you!


Well-Known Member
Hey there TC good to hear the move is going smoothly so far... Will be great when your settled in :-)
So Im guessing you'll hold off on any whodat gear then hehe dont worrie I'll hang on to them for you ;-)
