Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

thanks for givin me a look im almost sure i have f1

is there much diff in f1-2- 3

they become stable at f4
but have heard many say f3

how is BC have not heard from him in a minuet
working his ass off! I havent seen him since he came back but its all good cause he is handling business working his ass off! I cant wait to see him. Those you have are F1s, I remeber now cause me and you had them. I made F2s with my F1s. I am about to find out how different the F2s grow or if there are different phenos. I have clones and seedlings of them veggin, I will keep you posted on them.


good for him

i had nutin else going for me but hard work
sume lucky an have all kinds of things workin for them
sum born into $$
the bubba crosses are 4weeks an sum days
other two are 3 weeks an sum days
a couple i removed fans before stretch by accadent oh well

bubba couger by BC redy for sex the fresh thing - to dust her soon
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bubba cheese by CGG very strange and small plant so far

clockwork orange by riot so far looks adv about looks

white s1 o g rascal -i like the way this plant look before i buchered it except for the fact of how thin stem an branches are

bubba cheese an clockwork orange are on booster chairs

the wild bunch - can see my uvb hanging off the side of growzilla - it adds when useing lower wattage

thanks in adv for adv on fan removal -appreciated
i have expermented years ago and do this after stretch 90 % of da time - years now
but thanks
check them in about a month

i like the topping job on white the rest topped to late

the colored paper clips are chosen branches for pollen whenever the pollen is sellected - i have about 4 batches, and i have tested the oldest one, it is still barly good low producer caus of age

my best to all

i was outa step now back in cadence
back to being a good green soldier

gday back atchu (got afternoon almost)

hay the prodical son

im good having bouts with diarreah
from the after transplant meds
all the rest is good in my hood
most slow an steady
grow progressimg
bubba couger a little lankyer then expected thanks for warning
no more 6-7 $10.00 bags a week

i heard from FM you been workin hard - got a new gig hugh - good for you an fam
rots of ruck bro - best to ya
got two jobs, same old job at the restaurant i was working at before, and a new job working on boats down at the marina.

kids and wife are still in the other state though, they should be coming back in a week or so.
hard work is all us less fortunate have to offer but it works
we are alittle more beat up at the end of the race is all i had to work with also
some blessed wit family money talent other skills in right place at right time an many others varried blessings

stay up stay strong
for fam
i took 2 cuts two day ago from clockwork orange -riot an white s1 - o g raskel

i dusted B C from B C with bubba this a m @ 3 1/2 wks into flowert

waiting for others to mature a little more in pistal growin an grouping to get fluffed

a good day for a big bang
my 4th very quiet which is fine sumtimes for a old man ha ha

just sit out on back deck getting drunk listning to fireworks
after acouple of bowls - ill pass that on

an same to you
Hey D do you let your pollinated plants go for 6 or 7 weeks after you pollinate them? Or do you just wait till they are bursting out?
i normally go 6 un les pressed then settle for 5
sum seeds will be ready at 4 wks but you will get small green and baige wothles things also
much much les going till 6 can still have a few

i normally go 6 un les pressed then settle for 5
sum seeds will be ready at 4 wks but you will get small green and baige wothles things also
much much les going till 6 can still have a few


Well the ones I got brewing now will have a total of 6 weeks flowering, I was going to chop the plant but leave the bottoms with the seeds for another week outside. I figure by then they should be nice and ripe. Or do you think putting them outside for another week is a overkill?