tricks on friends while you smoke


Well-Known Member
haha my friend blamed that on me once when i didnt even go to the bathroom at his house it ended up being his mom layin a big one before she went to work :(


Well-Known Member
i know its gross i like threw up when i noticed it was in there and about threw up again since i knew it was his moms


Well-Known Member
smoke a few with them so u can catch them off guard, then when u roll the next one up put filter on both ends hand it to them and then when they go to light it u stop them and be like dude ur goin to light the filter , they flip it around u stop them again dude i told u ur ass ur goin to light the filter and keep goin untill they catch on did it to my girl got her to flip it 4 times ..
I like this one and FDD's. Harmless and hilarious. Mean pranks are all good until you get pranked, then you know how it feels.:-| And then you feel bad for messing with people before.


Well-Known Member
I've never done a mean prank, and I've never been pranked like that, thank god. It's probably because I don't do it. Around here, once you do it to someone else, it's like you're joining the game and you can NEVER get out.

Like that game where you if you get someone to look at your hand making the OK sign, making that O with your thumb and forefinger -- and if you get them to look you get to sock them? Yeah, I THOUGHT I wanted in on that game, now I know better. Cuz the rule is once you're in you're never out.

What the hell is that game called?


Well-Known Member
It has no name, it just is. And yeah, I feel ya. Ever since grade school me and a few friends used to sock the shit out of each other when we saw a VW Bug. Slug Bug. To this day, everytime I see one I want to hit somebody. Even if I'm riding in the car with my grandmother, I have to show restraint.


Active Member
lol me and one of my friends where drivin around with my cousin we where all high of course and i started 2 bang on the roof and told my cousin there was a shark on the roof and he started trippin it was pretty funnny. another time we told him he ran over a baby he believed it and another time we told him he hit a person and another car and like always he believed it hes one of those retarded high people but hes fun 2 fuck with


Well-Known Member
haha i would get a ride to school in this mornin from this chick it would be silent then i would slam on the roof and freak her out almost went in the ditch a few times ... :S


Well-Known Member
haha oh man now i feel bad haha ithought it was fucken hilarious when 1 day a m8 of mine 1st time smoker had a sesion wit us and had about 5 spotz. he got way to stoned and asked us if it was normal to hane a racey heart cause his was "going boom boom boom" so we had him on and said one in 2000 people get a racey heart and die from it. but to cut a long storey short he freaked out and was asking us to tell his mum he loved here haha


Well-Known Member
It has no name, it just is. And yeah, I feel ya. Ever since grade school me and a few friends used to sock the shit out of each other when we saw a VW Bug. Slug Bug. To this day, everytime I see one I want to hit somebody. Even if I'm riding in the car with my grandmother, I have to show restraint.
- real tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks.

The worst prank is to arrive at a friends house when you know they're puffing and bang on the door yelling "OPEN UP ITS THE POLICE"

its really cruel, but it toughens you up for the real thing, and its really funny...


Well-Known Member
na the best ive seen is one day when we were out fishing we decided to have some spots my mates turn came and we spotted him a fly hahaha