tricks on friends while you smoke


Well-Known Member
do you guys do tricks on your friends?....when i smoke with like 3 or 4 ppl me and another friend look at eachother and one will do somethin for example: snap our fingers over and over and soon enough the other friends join in like nothin is happening and its just so funny cause we trick them into doin it do you guys got any tricks to do on friends when they are high?


Well-Known Member
lmfao of course i do.. so funny it was my friend 2nd time smoke the other day and he wanted to smoke so bad so we rolled 3 up and we had no where to smoke. so we went outside and it was to noticeable so i was like lets smoke in your car.. lol, so we go and he gets wicked paranoid. And kept ducking down in car when a car drove by, lol.
So then he says SHIT this is my moms car its gonna stink, so we roll down windows.. so this makes me think ima play games with him now...

so i take a big inhale.. go to the vent where the air or heat comes from and exhale it all in.. without him noticing, so then a min goes by and then i'm like DUE UR CARS ON FIRE!!!!!! and smoke is coming back out of the vent.. and he jumps out of the car and starts freaking out comes to my side and patting the vent hes like don't screw with me man omg what am i going to do my moms car.. and i just couldn't stop laughing. IT WAS PRICELESS!!!


Well-Known Member
i no dude its just too funny not to ya know its like a rule to mess with them just not be horribly mean just have a good time if you havent you gatta try this smokin in a circle after a while of smokin just do somthin noticably and eventually they will join in doin it and u will just laugh ur ass off anyone else got more things they do?


Well-Known Member
o and 1 time.. its weird theres this place where a few of us go to smoke, near a river..and its weird its the same 3-4 of us.. and after we get high, we act like we see shit. like OMG u seen that elephant come out of the water,, and weird shit.. we don't even know why.. lol.. and like when we were driving off 1 of the kids said STOPPPP theres a rhino in front of the car don't kill it.. or like FASTER the Cheetah is chasing us..

weird i know.. lol.. but its funny when your high.


Well-Known Member
haha thats sound bomb i love seein shit but a fun thing is to do to a friend when ur smokin at there house have the music goin and be like dude ur telephone is goin off so they run all the way down stairs and come up pissed saying you duesh bag and then my friend says oh well i was hungry anyways and brings up chips and everything haha


Well-Known Member
One of my friends that I get high with is a homophobic and a racist. It's extremely annoying because me and my other friends are extremely open minded and accept people for who they are.

Last summer when it was really hot and humid we were sitting in my sunporch getting baked and we were expected John to come over, (John is the homophobic). John didn't have any money and I told him I'd hook him up with a bag and get him high.
So my friends and I decided to strip all our clothes off right before he was due to come over. My wife and a couple of my other friends had their girlfriends there also and they stripped also.
You should of seen the look on his face when he walked in, he literally died right there. He was screaming you guys are a bunch of fags. We told him it was too hot to wear clothes.
I told him, If you want that free bag your gonna have to strip too. He ran out of my house slamming doors and shit. About 20 minutes later he comes back in and doesn't say a word for a couple of minutes, Then he strips down and covers himself on the couch, and says gimmie my fucken bag. I handed it to him, then he got dressed and left.

That had to be one of the best bake sessions I've ever had.


Well-Known Member
we had one where we noticed that once u start laughin and u stop, u always sigh after the laugh.

there was 3 of us an after everytime someone laughs they ALWAYS sigh! then that sets every1 off. and the thing is, u cant not do it. u just have to laugh through it until ur cheek bones are sore


Well-Known Member
haha thats hilarious we will be at my friends house and my other friend will take a lighter and start lighting the flame on his wall and say yeah do this so my friend who owns the house grabs a lighter and does it cause he thinks its cool and after we go back into his room theres tons of black steaks up his white wall lol


Well-Known Member
Stare into your mates eyes and then look over his/her shoulder and pull a shocked face.

Result = Makes your friend really paranoid.

I also partake in the occasional 'dude.. theres police watching us'


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Ahhhh yes.... my favorite is the plastic poop gag.

Unsuspecting visitor puts purse or other personal item down..... and I sneak the plastic poop on it..... then when they go to leave they find it.... and I act all embarrassed and apologize profusely for my dog crapping on their item.

The mortified look on their faces is priceless!!! Of course the gag only works once per person.... but that person is always happy to drag someone else over and actually be in on the gag the next time.

I'm telling you guys.... you gotta get yourself some plastic poop and pull this on your friends. (of course you need a dog to blame it on too)

Here's the poop.... look how real it looks!!!



Well-Known Member
haha thats hilarious we will be at my friends house and my other friend will take a lighter and start lighting the flame on his wall and say yeah do this so my friend who owns the house grabs a lighter and does it cause he thinks its cool and after we go back into his room theres tons of black steaks up his white wall lol

Nice way to start a fire .. Also ..Thats how you treat your friends house?

Thats fucked up... you must be kids ..If any one of my friends did that shit in my house they would be waking up underground ......

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
If you have a friend who smokes cigarettes, get some cigarette loads and sneak em on a cig in his pack when he walks off to go to the bathroom or something.When he lights it, it will pop and scare the shit outta him!


Well-Known Member
Nice way to start a fire .. Also ..Thats how you treat your friends house?

Thats fucked up... you must be kids ..If any one of my friends did that shit in my house they would be waking up underground ......
no this is my friend who thinks hes a bad ass gangster lol i dont do anything like that i just mess around with my friends not destory there property but its still funny


Well-Known Member
This is a trick that I've thought of, but haven't actually done to anyone yet, because it seems...really mean.

I have this james dean lighter that someone gave me. It's a lighter with a clicker, where you can adjust the flame....anyways. When I got it, it was like a crack head lighter, even on the lowest setting, the flame was HUGE.

So my brother fucked with it to lower it for me. Now, when you have it on low, it's a nice normal sized flame. But if you move it up more than just a little it'll go back to crack head lighter status.

So what I've thought of doing is blazing a bowl with a few people, let my lighter be the one to get passed around. Let it go around once with the flame normal, and then when it gets back to me, before I pass it, nudge it up. The next person who hits it really won't be expecting it, because they already used the lighter once.

But yeah, I'm not really into mean pranks, so I haven't done it to anyone....yet.


Well-Known Member
smoke a few with them so u can catch them off guard, then when u roll the next one up put filter on both ends hand it to them and then when they go to light it u stop them and be like dude ur goin to light the filter , they flip it around u stop them again dude i told u ur ass ur goin to light the filter and keep goin untill they catch on did it to my girl got her to flip it 4 times ..


Well-Known Member
stash some weed in their house without them knowing. then wait until they call you looking for a sack. say "go check behind the box of oatmeal in your upper cupboard". there it is. :)


Well-Known Member
hehe i got high with my buddies tonight. and it was extremely boring.. so i dropped to the floor and pretended i was dying.. and they all went crazy... they even tried calling the ambulance.. luckily my house phone was dead.. lmao
was really great