
Well-Known Member
Your right so i'm just going to run everything like i have just minus the h202, An i need to get a ph tester so i don't over Do it on the PH UP and PH down which i use alot, both the bottles are about 25% used , because i've been shake testing everything and its hard to get it on the same PH everytime,


Well-Known Member
If you dont have a ph tester why are you even adjusting the ph . How do you know whats happening to it? lol. I know I cant tell what the pH is just by looking at it. I would not add any ph up or down until you get a meter or test strips.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
run them on the spring water alone. if they do not perk up after 3 days or start to show considerable improvement, it is not a nute issue. (they will be fine on spring water for that time.)

drop the h202 as its not needed unless you have root rot imo.

it looks like youve lowered your ph too much, nutes are acidic and if your bottled water was <6 or 6 as alot are, the nutes could have taken it to say, 5.5ph, then you have lowered again so it could be very acidic and causing locklout.

i cant see a post that says you have a ph meter, im gussing your gussing this???

have you changed anything recently with the plants or room???

80degs drop to 66 is abit steep imo.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Your right so i'm just going to run everything like i have just minus the h202, An i need to get a ph tester so i don't over Do it on the PH UP and PH down which i use alot, both the bottles are about 25% used , because i've been shake testing everything and its hard to get it on the same PH everytime,

you guys beat me to it lol.

mate its easy with the shakers, buy a pen and paper. measure out 10 ltrs or gallons of water, with or without nutes, add some ph down (in 1ml incraments) fill vile add brown shit, shake, compare to chart.

if not same colour as 6 add 1 more ml.

then if it takes 4ml to reach ph 6 you know for next time!!


Well-Known Member
hmm, they look like they do not like their environment
the horrible texture of those leaves, no lush growth
so many roots for such little foliage
lack of food or ph does not make the leaves look like that, the plants are still small a little light green i wouldnt worry too much about the colour
but more about the lack of lush texture and leaves that are drooping

lack of oxygen at the roots, lack of co2 in the grow area or too much heat

sometimes when i have spare plants with no space to put them in, i might keep them just incase i need them later
i will put them in a little tray of water so they do not wilt at the edge of the grow room, its still hot but they do not get much light
they are sitting in still water, they end up looking like the op's plants, with that horrible leaf texture



Well-Known Member
Yea all that has been said in the posts above. He's doing that now and isn't using his ph down or up til he gets a tester and not using the h202. He's also gonna start using beneficial bacteria.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I'm trying my best on my unemployment pay, but You guys have help with my frustrations greatly thank you all, I come to the conclusion my pH fucking around up and down have fucked with my plants so i will Flush the res, clean off the roots, and not use ph up or down, just nutes & epsom salt.

OH and get a ph meter, its been abitch with out one, and the shake tester has been very annoying to use


Well-Known Member
hmm, they look like they do not like their environment

lack of oxygen at the roots, lack of co2 in the grow area or too much heat
the temps don't go above 79, so i doubt its heat, and my water level is low i have a huge air stone and their is alot of bubbles floating around so i doubt its lack of oxygen plus they seem to be in a consistent state of rising and drooping, which seems to correlate with the PH going up and down,

And as far as the co2 Goes, my box is bigger then alot of PC grows i have researched, so i don't see why its an issue, i have seen real small pc grows, where they barley fit in the box, and i didn't see a yeast farm or anything like that, so why would that effect my plant ?


New Member
Thats fine you left out the gro to save money flora micro and bloom has everything u need in it and has enough nitrogen u were worried about, and everything else that MICRO GRO contains, that you use it with FLORA BLOOM alone. I looked up that Crysta Geyser water and they seem to filter it correctly leaving the right minerals in the water. If you used that water and then what you said your water should be perfect. If you used ph up or down you coulda used too much of that or the H2O2 is ur issue. That is the only thing i can think of that you did wrong. You said your airstone was bubbling so thats adding oxygen and preventing stagnate water issues, your roots are white, your air temp is right, your humidity is right, your nutrient strength is right, your water temperature is right, your not using tap water so that eliminates all possible hard or soft water issues and contamination issues from that. You cant have excessive calcium or salt buildup in you water because your using spring water and 1/2 nute strength. It has to be that H2O2. I think i thought of everything, anyone else?
Sounds like you covered everything. Good advice.


lol your plants are supposed to rise with lights on and droop slightly when off this is natural, I use dwc with ghe trio micro/flora/bloom tap water and ph down nothing more nothing less , first your rockwool/coco doesn't need to be wet the roots will draw enough, second when using the ghe trio add micro first(something about causing blockout) then flora then bloom, you can follow the chart that gh provide even at full strength your ppm will be lower than you can go to ,Remember its a guide not gospel,leave about 1" to 2 " of roots out of the water and don't be topping up every five mins you can leave for couple of days then just check ph, and refill. its recommended to clean res once a week but a few days ....GHE_2.jpg and here is recommended ppms but JUST A GUIDE.....These numbers are based on EC readings, .500 readings, TDS readings converted from EC or the common Hannah Chart:

Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250 / ec 0.2 to 0.5
Early Vegging 300 to 400 / ec 0.6 to 0.8
Full Vegetation 450 to 700 / ec 0.9 to 1.4
Early Blooming 750 to 950 / ec 1.5 to 1.9
Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600 / ec 2.0 to 3.2