That's a ridiculous argument. No one said gay people weren't great people. That's what a lot of pro-gay marriage people don't get. People that are against it don't just all hate gay people and want to oppress them. They just don't believe the definition of marriage from the dawn of time has to be changed. The poster you replied to's issue had nothing to do with gay marriage -- he simply said he didn't want the vote of the people overriden by the courts, something your argument also says nothing about... this is another reason a lot of people are put off by the gay-marriage movement. If you bring up a real issue like this for discussion, you're basically slammed as a homophobe automatically. In fact, the supreme court ruling itself basically said if you don't believe in gay marriage your'e a homophobe, so yeah it's upsetting to some people. I'm happy that gay people are happy to make progress towards getting gay marriage -- but you shoot yourself in the foot by constantly inflaming the other side unnecessarily. There are a lot of homophobes against gay marriage, but just because you're not a raving gay marriage supporter doesn't mean you hate gay people. There are people who are on the fence on the issue as well who your side pisses off by constantly making that argument. Personally as a libertarian I not only feel the right shouldn't be infringed, I don't think the government should be in the position of determining who is or isn't married and which marriages meet their approval. If the government weren't giving benefits and discrminating based on marital status, then it wouldn't really be a very big issue since there's nothing illegal about two gay people getting married -- just that the government doesn't recognize the marriage.