
Well-Known Member
Why are you using hydrogen peroxide? I know the benefits but you are using the wrong kind. The 3% stuff you got at the grocery/drug store contains chemicals used to stabilize the H2O2 that plants and animals are sensitive too. Go buy food grade or better from an organic grocery store or your hydro shop if you do want to use it. I would use beneficial bacteria instead and your plants will grow bigger than with H2O2 and be much healthier.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna agree with the lack of oxygen as the issue...when roots are submerged in water, you'll need sufficient aeration. The pump can be larger than the required size but not less.
Also if he's adding H2O2 how is there and oxygen issue? Its gotta be your water uptake.


Well-Known Member
Also if he's adding H2O2 how is there and oxygen issue?
I believe it's cause its not a high concentration the 3% is mostly fucking water, I was using this just cause i have a shitload in my house.

So the best solution for this O2 problem, would be to get a bigger pump? cause the pump i have seem to be good enough in till the roots got bigger on both the plants


Well-Known Member
I believe it's cause its not a high concentration the 3% is mostly fucking water, I was using this just cause i have a shitload in my house. So the best solution for this O2 problem, would be to get a bigger pump? cause the pump i have seem to be good enough in till the roots got bigger on both the plants
I use the same amount of what he is using to purify 28 gallons of water with 29% hydrogen peroxide. If he has to use the 3% and doesnt have access to the food grade or 29% at his local hydro store he needs to use is in a 0.5% concentration to be effective. Meaning for every 5 parts of water you use 1 part 3% H2O2.


Well-Known Member
If he has to use the 3% and doesn't have access to the food grade or 29% at his local hydro store he needs to use his in a 0.5% concentration to be effective. Meaning for every 5 parts of water you use 1 part 3% H2O2.
Use it like this...but i don't recommend using it at all.


Well-Known Member
I know, but i'm having problems with the dissolved oxygen in my res so ,I need all the help i can get with it, everything i'm doing seems to only put a bandage on it, cause at times they droop back down and when ever i fix it, they are up for a day and back down, after they come out of its dark period

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Keep the ph between 5.5-6.1. I'll let it go to 6.3. Get a pack of straws and invite over a bunch of friends until your pay comes in. It is very important that your air stone(s) is suspended from the bottom of your res. Replace damage airlines and dirty airstones before they become a problem. I keep these sorts of things handy in my op so repairs can be done quikly. Be sure to change your res water every 4-7 days. The optimum res tempature is 69F.


Well-Known Member
Its not a O2 problem if you have a pump and airstone , put it in the center of your tank and you should be fine. It is an issue with your leaves retaining water in a balanced manner. They are expelling more than they are drawing from the roots due to a lack in root pressure. Use just plain water with a little cal mag for a week and you will be amazed. Keep the pH at 5.8 -6.2. If you had an O2 issue your roots would be brown and smelly, not strong and white like that.


Well-Known Member
Your killing them wit that crappy 3% h2o2. That stuff is not designed to use with plants and the and has added chemicals to it for cleaning flesh wounds and cleaning mold and mildew and to keep the H2O2 from dissipating and breaking down. Get pure 29% H2O2 from you hydro store and beneficial bacteria. You spent money on your nutes anyway go buy this stuff, i use dwc just like you and dont have this problem. I tried the H2O2 method before.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
During budding the mix should be about 15-20%N, 35-40%p, and about 35-40%k...approximately. I use traces of dolomite lime and plant ash for micros and to balance the res. I have never had a need to add h2o2 to my res.


Well-Known Member
Its not a O2 problem if you have a pump and airstone , put it in the center of your tank and you should be fine. It is an issue with your leaves retaining water in a balanced manner. They are expelling more than they are drawing from the roots due to a lack in root pressure. Use just plain water with a little cal mag for a week and you will be amazed. Keep the pH at 5.8 -6.2. If you had an O2 issue your roots would be brown and smelly, not strong and white like that.
thanks for your input, I'm kinda of broke right now so i can't afford to buy 29%h202, or cal/mag and if i did i would still have to wait for them to be shipped, the only hydro store in my city, charges an arm and leg for shit i see on ebay for like 3rd their price, so fuck them!

So could i run it with plain water and Epsom salt ?
i have those two like right in my peripheral right now ???


Well-Known Member
so cause i couldn't wait for an answer, i went ahead an changed the res to plain water with a 1tbs of epsom salt ph at around 5 something, to see if this does anything, i'm going to leave it like this for a week, and hopefully if they lift i will switch to flowering!


Well-Known Member
So As i sit here and think, I realized i seriously don't know what the fuck am i doing:wall:

I don't know if its a Cal/Mag problem or a fucking oxygen problem, cause not matter what i look up ,i can't find another post anywhere online with similar issues as mine, I don't know how to fix either problem all i know is my plants look healthy as shit, the roots look healthy as shit, the temp is good, But the leaves are fucking falling over all the areas of new growth!, So If I am having these problems why am i even getting new growth??

they grew about 1in and 1/2 since all this drooping started, SO I don't get whats my issue here, if their is no root rot, color changing leaves, Only green ass leaves that are drooping, it looks like every healthy plant i ever saw just with sad ass leaves SO WHAT THE FUCK IS IT??, This shit is fucking frustrating me beyond belief


Well-Known Member
an to top it off i think the RES change ruined it even more, cause the leaves where lifted before i did it, and now they are back down, This shit is fucking difficult to understand


Well-Known Member
Hey listen, like I said i did that with the 3% h2O2 myself when i first started and was just trying to learn and experiment myself. This is what happened. All of the leaves looked exactly like that. I used tap water then added AN Grow A+B, and B-52 , and Voodoo Juice and some of that 3%H2O2 as instructed on the bottles then balanced my pH to 5.8 with general hydroponics pH down. I didn't know i was killing all the good bacteria in the roots and adding toxic chemicals to my res. All of my leaves fell off and the plant was all twigs for 2-3 days but my roots were still thick and white. What i did was replace the water again and used the nutes with half strength and balanced the pH to 5.8 again. The plant began to show leaf buds at all the spots it had leaves before. In about a week and a half to 2 weeks time the plant came back and was growing even better than before. I later learned to add other beneficial bacteria and sugars and other enzymes that the H2O2 would disrupt and have never had a pH issue or nutrient deficiency issue again. I also started using RO water so the chlorine and flouride and other additives put in public water supply do not kill my bacteria. Then I add cal mag to increase the ppm to 150 and buffer my nutrient solution. The cal mag replaces the lost calcium and other micronutirents that are necessary for plant growth that is filtered out by your RO filter as well.


Well-Known Member
Hey listen, like I said i did that with the 3% h2O2 myself when i first started and was just trying to learn and experiment myself. This is what happened. All of the leaves looked exactly like that. I used tap water then added AN Grow A+B, and B-52 , and Voodoo Juice and some of that 3%H2O2 as instructed on the bottles then balanced my pH to 5.8 with general hydroponics pH down. I didn't know i was killing all the good bacteria in the roots and adding toxic chemicals to my res. All of my leaves fell off and the plant was all twigs for 2-3 days but my roots were still thick and white. What i did was replace the water again and used the nutes with half strength and balanced the pH to 5.8 again. The plant began to show leaf buds at all the spots it had leaves before. In about a week and a half to 2 weeks time the plant came back and was growing even better than before. I later learned to add other beneficial bacteria and sugars and other enzymes that the H2O2 would disrupt and have never had a pH issue or nutrient deficiency issue again. I also started using RO water so the chlorine and flouride and other additives put in public water supply and add cal mag to increase the ppm to 150 and buffer my nutrient solution. The cal mag replaces the lost calcium and other micronutirents that are necessary for plant growth that is filtered out by your RO filter as well.
So what your telling me is my best bet would be to get some cal/mag and start using it with my nutes?? an also get rid of the 3% h202


Well-Known Member
Look at your nutrients and see what is in them. Try to follow the recommended product list for whatever companies products your using and start of using them at half strength. If your leaves start to turn dark green then you are using plenty of nutrients if they are light green, increase it by 25% more. Cal mag is used usually when people use Reverse Osmosis or distilled water and need to add a buffer back to the solution to prevent dramatic pH swings. It also contains calcium nitrate and dissolves easily. Be careful though if you are using tap water. Excessive calcium in water is a leading contributor to nutrient lockout and Cal mag should only be used with RO or distilled water. See if you can find your local water analysis and see what's actually in your water.


Well-Known Member
I've been using Crysta geyser alpine spring water, but i got a 1 gallon of tap water on deck, just chilling trying to get the chlorine out, i might switch back to tap after my next res change,

and with the nutes i have been using the lucas formula WITH GH FLORA series at 1/2 strength, so its about 4ml of micro and 8ml of bloom, No GRO at all (0-4-8), so do you think i under Nute these?


Well-Known Member
Thats fine you left out the gro to save money flora micro and bloom has everything u need in it and has enough nitrogen u were worried about, and everything else that MICRO GRO contains, that you use it with FLORA BLOOM alone. I looked up that Crysta Geyser water and they seem to filter it correctly leaving the right minerals in the water. If you used that water and then what you said your water should be perfect. If you used ph up or down you coulda used too much of that or the H2O2 is ur issue. That is the only thing i can think of that you did wrong. You said your airstone was bubbling so thats adding oxygen and preventing stagnate water issues, your roots are white, your air temp is right, your humidity is right, your nutrient strength is right, your water temperature is right, your not using tap water so that eliminates all possible hard or soft water issues and contamination issues from that. You cant have excessive calcium or salt buildup in you water because your using spring water and 1/2 nute strength. It has to be that H2O2. I think i thought of everything, anyone else?