24 hour dark????

I would go from 24/0 to 18/6 then 12/12 I would think that would be a good change idk if the change would stress your girls but I am new myself just my oppion hope it helps
Where is this coming from? I've been seeing this question alot lately. I don't see why you would do that, seems like undo stress. Just adjust your light to 12/12 make sure you don't have any light leaks. Good Luck and Happy Growing.
It's a waste of time 0/24.
12/12 until finish. Harvest after the last dark cycle before your lights come on.
Ditch the 24/0 all together, do 18/6 to 12/12..as for 24 dark i guess it triggers the flowering faster, but I don't mind the extra burst of veg growth when you switch 12/12
I would like some opinions on if I should do 24/ hours of dark then 12/12... They been on 24/0 5 weeks.. or just go 12/12. Ty for any input on this:leaf:

I would go from 24/0 to 18/6 then 12/12 I would think that would be a good change idk if the change would stress your girls but I am new myself just my oppion hope it helps

^^^^^^^^^^ best answer by styxwtc
Where is this coming from? I've been seeing this question alot lately. I don't see why you would do that, seems like undo stress. Just adjust your light to 12/12 make sure you don't have any light leaks. Good Luck and Happy Growing.

no such problems occur with light leaks and stable genetics
ave grown tons of plants and never used a timer or been too careful about small light leaks and never hermied a fem, itz no possible
when ma green is ready i cut the lights and leave them in the dark for a few days before i even trim them and then hang ma budz
If your running 24/7 why would you be worried about triggering the flower cycle when you change to 12/12? It will be triggered, your making a pretty dramatic change already, why do that? Have you seen an outdoor plant? Do they flip overnight with 24hrs darkness? Didnt think so bro. MVHO :):):)
When did i say overnight? it can speed up the hormone change, and yes, your preflowers will show faster with 24hr dark b4 going 12/12...try it guy, it's not new news
When did i say overnight? it can speed up the hormone change, and yes, your preflowers will show faster with 24hr dark b4 going 12/12...try it guy, it's not new news
Lol, i like 18/6 for veg but i know that 24/7 makes bigger plants faster. Im not following your fact trail.