Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

Hey jigs yeah bro I had to see what the big fuss was about gdp but man o really don't like growing from seeds. Now the gdp is reg now I got to see who is the boy and put his asz outside.jigs only 3 plants made it through the spider mites. 1 grapefruit diesel 1 og ghost train haze& 1 dj shortblue moonshine. Damn I hate starting from seeds. I might come out better taking clones from the 3 and do a run with them
I can't do much like I used to, but back in the day I could climb a tree with the best of them. I tend to keep my feet on the ground a lot these days. I don't like getting hurt as much as I used to. Plus... maybe you misread. I was talking about leaving something for you. I don't need anything, nor would I feel comfortable walking up to an odd spot with potentially illegal things there, not knowing who's watching me.

It's amazing how much not fun you make me sound. I'm down to do all sorts of crazy shit all round the world..... only not in my tiny little town. :) Sorry.

As for your hands... my skin got messed up with concrete a few years ago. It can get better... you need to get some good lotion that works for you and use that stuff all the time. I would slather it on and put on latex gloves overnight. That shit works! While my skin is very easily bothered now, it is not as messed up as it was by a long shot. My favorite is Burt's Bees - Almond Milk Beeswax Hand Creme. I seriously don't know what I'd do without it.
Awe shucks Jig, you know I was just kitten. And I'd never leave behind anything that was illegal, not never. But I know you want nothing to do with it, so I'll drop it, and I'll just be here for moral support on the grow, lol. Good advice on the gloves though, I'll give that a shot.

So I think I know how to get all your clones greened back up and back in full swing. Foliar feed with ca/mg, I had never once thought to do it, and my buddy suggested it and I was blown away by how much they love it! Just a regular ol' foilar feeding, synthetic ca/mg at 250ppm 5.6 or 5.7 (lower pH means more N!)

nuts I meant seedlings, not clones.
I will need to google up how to convert from PPM to ml/gal


Ah, 0.25 ml per liter. ....I suppose that 1 ml / gallon might work.

That is soooo little. Interesting.

Thanks for sharing.

I've been busy. The floors are pretty much done. Lots of cutting and nailing, but I enjoy it. Been putting that nail gun to good use. Man I love that thing. Makes putting the floor panels on a breeze. I have a ton of nails so I'm putting them in every 3" on the floors. The windows were delivered yesterday and they look great. Damn is that sliding glass door big and heavy. 300 lb's. Going to need to find a couple of really big guys to carry it up the hill. Not sure how that's going to work.

The plants are coming along. I think I found 2 more maels... potentially 4 more. At least I have some real good looking females. Well 1 really good looking female and some others.
A nail every 3" lol that floor aint going nowhere :shock: << just giving you a hard time.
Good news on the windows... And film the sorry soles carrying the door up the hill,,, you know, incase it breaks then you can put it on youtube :-)

A nail every 3" lol that floor aint going nowhere :shock: << just giving you a hard time.
Good news on the windows... And film the sorry soles carrying the door up the hill,,, you know, incase it breaks then you can put it on youtube :-)

Im a little out of the loop Jig, what ya makin a growhouse? annother cathouse? a hideout for yerself? a baby room ? lol, so many ideas? glad things are kickin(literally) and life is good Jig!
Ah shit that's funny. :) Wife said to me, "Someone said something funny on your thread". Made us all laugh with that one mate. How's tricks in the Dam?

Things around here are basically the same. Wife getting bigger, building getting bigger, plants attempting to get bigger, and I'm really tired.

3 walls up on the building. The fourth is cut, measured, and ready to be nailed together... just gotta get the big door in before I put it up. I have to say, yesterday I was chatting with my neighbor about one of the walls being put up, and WOW did it sound inappropriate. It's not often one speaks of erecting something. I was saying things like "I wasn't sure I could get it up", and "Once I got it up, I didn't think about how to keep it there, so I called my wife to come help" And no I'm totally not kidding... these were things said. We also talked about waiting for my helper to show up to get the big ones up. My neighbor did say how strait it looked standing up.

FFS... I was right grossed out after that convo.

Baby is 32 week tomorrow and we are basically on watch for her to come. Wife keeps getting warning signs (false so far), but yeah... there have been two days in the past week I was somewhat convinced we were going to give birth... or at least start labor. Ha, I say 'we' like I have to do anything but drive.

My stitches are still doing good. The only problem is the skin around them is all irritated from the tape weve been using to keep the dressing on. So I've gone without dressing the past couple days. Apparently one of the stitches is coming untied, not sure what to do about that one. Don't really want wife trying to be a surgeon just yet.

I confirmed 3 more female plants. That makes 7 fems. 3 question marks. 10 are in the bin, either males, or I killed em with my growing 'skillzzz' (with three z's mind you). Strains are OG Kush, Grape Kush, Plushberry x Purple Kush x GSOG, J-1 x GDP(?), Psycho Killer. The questions are the same strains, so either way those are the strains I'm gonna get to smoke someday if I don't fuck things up.

I really learned what not to do with seedlings. First two soil grows I am learning all the things not to do. It's what I say about my first two girlfriends. I was with them both for 3 and a half years. First 16-19 years old. Then 20-23. They showed me what I did not want in a wife. So fucking glad I learned those lessons. And one day when my soil grows are the things of legends I will think back to these two grows and think, yep, that's when I learned what not to do. :) :joint:

The plants just went into 17/7 light. Going to try to veg them a while. Probably till my daughters born. Damn that's crazy to say. I am starting to grasp how little I actually grasp that I will soon be handed a little person, given a pat on the back, and will then drive home with a new occupant of our house. And it's my job to keep the little thing fed and happy. Hahaha... ok, fed. ;) So so cool. My little H is on the way soon. Can't wait for all you guys to meet her.

Third day of summer and it's cold as anything today. Cloudy, water falling from the sky (not rain, it's so wet the water collects on the trees then drops) and my cats were under the deck this morning. First sign fall is here. Only it ain't!

Love you guys. :)
( I am starting to grasp how little I actually grasp that I will soon be handed a little person, given a pat on the back, and will then drive home with a new occupant of our house. And it's my job to keep the little thing fed and happy. Hahaha... ok, fed.
So so cool. My little H is on the way soon. Can't wait for all you guys to meet her) <<<<
that's whats up

you a good man jig..and I know you gonna make a good father/friend to the lil one.she is lucky:hug:
Thanks a lot G. I can't wait to meet her really. Gonna be like a new little best buddy that looks up to me.

Here's a shot of the building this morning.

and a reminder of what it looked like a few months ago.
Room looks great Jig!

Glad to hear the big day is almost here with the little one too, couldn't be more stoked for you two.
Woot only a few more weeks/days till she's here HHBG!!! I really hoping for a few weeks for your sake, so you can finish your building, and maybe have a week to rest with your wife before she gets here. YOU WILL NEED IT! So get building :), no seriously your doing a great job on that man It looks very straight, and for not having a ton of help your moving along on it pretty damn well I think.
How's tricks in the Dam?


All is good in the homestead my bru. Apart from my wife working too long. Little one is super active, he seems to spend a lot of time having a go at the minute, hehe. Wife saw her first kick the other day, must of been a round house, lol. Glad all is progressing well you guys end. As Thundercat said, but in my diatribe, "get a fukkin shufty on mate", lol. And that refers to you building quickly, not getting things erect, savvy!?
Peace, DST
Update it seems like all of my bullshit seeds are not making it I'm not sure if its me or nerves.the ones that are pulling through are the grand daddy purp.the bullshit seeds lol are og 18, vanilla kush.white widow.its like damn I took cuttings from my blue moonshine, grapefruirt diesal and og ghost train haze. It still won't be a bad grow I love the moonshine from dj sshort
I used to say the same thing after every child. They just roll ya out the door quick as can be! Have a nice day and raise that baby properly! (As they wave, ok they don't wave)
i cant imagine howe happy your gonna be jig, my growing homie back home called me early this am after his first was born, he was more than elated.