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cleared out the bed and half the crap from the small spare room (wife was well impressed with my enthusiasm:)) I've also been forcing her to drink water as she has been feeling bloated and all that other shtuff. She like, "nah, I am not drinking it", nagg nagg, and she eventually does, I then tell her to drink another glass. Comes back a while ago, "thanks, just been to the toilet, I feel great". Good, listen to someone who read the book you gave me numpty! lol.
Water is her best friend. However much she is drinking... she should have more lol. Everytime we go in for an issue they say, the best thing for that is lots of water. Sometimes I think they are just taking the piss. Wife's up to 3 liters a day and they still say she could stand more.

I got that energy to get stuff done too. Funny thing things us husbands pick up on. Have you got any other side effects or anything? I know I started liking chocolate during this pregnancy. Can't get enough of it really... and didn't have a taste for it much before.
chocolate, fuk me I devour the stuff like it's going out of fashion, but then that's nothing new. Having a Marks and Spencers is not doing any good either, chocolate covered choc chip dunkers don't last long in my gaff:)
so far no strange licking of lumps of coal or such like!
We got up about 4am today. Yay! Wife getting more and more pregnant by the minute. Sleep has always been shit while she's knocked up, but it's reached a new low. Really not sure how people with full time jobs who go away to offices do it. Your wife is nuts in my eyes. Mine barely leaves home anymore. And when I say you wife is nuts, it's in a commendable way. It's amazing that she can do what she does continually. I can barely be bothered to get off my ass.. and I ain't got no baby in me.
Well I guess its almost not morning if you've been up since 4. That sucks for sure, I remember my wife had a really hard time sleeping the last few weeks. It also didn't help that it was summer when she was pregnant too, and we didn't have AC in our house. Naps man, best thing I can suggest to keep up her strength and spirits. I encouraged my wife to close her eyes and take a nap pretty much any time she could. If she sat down and was half way comfortable, I'd try to get her some pillows and a book and hope she could rest for a bit.
Haha, for real, it feels like the afternoon already. I've been encouraging her to sleep whenever possible. It's all good though... super hot here today, so I've been getting stuff done while it's cool. So are you guys in? New digs officially?
LOL no today is the actual move day. About all thats left is my garden just waiting till 11 to turn on my lights. Then loading it all up and taking down the old room and cleaning up.
Happy and sad. Like sweet and sour. I am stoked for you though.

Time to get PUMPED UP!!!

This one gets me going
Well I guess I'll stick to what I can relate to (it isn't The room is really coming along man. Still impressed that you took all that on yourself. Okay one note on the pregnancy bit, I think it's awesome you guys help your wives as much as possible to make them comfortable.

I remember seeing MCR when they first came out in concert. They were pretty solid, but Green Day was the headliner so a little overshadowed. Green Day put on a great show. Always have.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
What up guys. My plants are still kicking. They aren't really doing anything... just sitting there, not really growing, but not looking sad at all. Just happily the same size. :) Only one ?. 8 gals. Good times.

Baby is smooth sailing. Saw the doc today and she didn't do too much, which is always good. Just a check here and there, answer a couple questions. See them again in 2 weeks, then a week later, and a week later, till birth. We are 33 weeks tomorrow. The next appts will be 35, 36, 37, til 40. I guess if it hasn't started by 41 weeks they induce you... but I don't think we need to worry about any of that.

Check this out... my wife found this thing called hypno-babies. It's a class/ technique to self hypnotize yourself, something called hypno-anesthesia is released, and the mother can be in very little discomfort the whole way through with no drugs at all. She's all into, I'm down too. I like the idea of her not screaming and such. We've watched videos and it's pretty legit. Not just videos from the people who do it, but just regular folks who did the technique. It's a trip because their doctors are always asking questions tripping out that they are so calm. I'd post a video but I'm sure it would be the furthest from anyones desire to watch. I'll send it to you D. And let me know if you care Gamberro. I don't know if Mrs. Dst will be into it much... she'd probably think it for nutters. :) (like us lol)

Building is shaping up. I'm putting ceiling joists up today/ this evening. It's starting to cool off, so that's nice.

Hope everyone's week is off to a nice start.
Glad all is plain sailing now geez!!!!! I was having fun last night feeling headbuts and kicks from the Ickle Yin! too cool.

Mmmmn, Mrs D is going for the needle by all accounts:) You get 2 options, home or hospital (most people take home in NL by all accounts). And then natural or needle. Or you can go and arrange your own deal (water bath, etc, etc). I will still send on the vid to her though (when you send it:))

Nice sunny day here, must be getting some of that heat you guys have been getting.

Peace, DST
What up guys. My plants are still kicking. They aren't really doing anything... just sitting there, not really growing, but not looking sad at all. Just happily the same size. :) Only one ?. 8 gals. Good times.

Baby is smooth sailing. Saw the doc today and she didn't do too much, which is always good. Just a check here and there, answer a couple questions. See them again in 2 weeks, then a week later, and a week later, till birth. We are 33 weeks tomorrow. The next appts will be 35, 36, 37, til 40. I guess if it hasn't started by 41 weeks they induce you... but I don't think we need to worry about any of that.

Check this out... my wife found this thing called hypno-babies. It's a class/ technique to self hypnotize yourself, something called hypno-anesthesia is released, and the mother can be in very little discomfort the whole way through with no drugs at all. She's all into, I'm down too. I like the idea of her not screaming and such. We've watched videos and it's pretty legit. Not just videos from the people who do it, but just regular folks who did the technique. It's a trip because their doctors are always asking questions tripping out that they are so calm. I'd post a video but I'm sure it would be the furthest from anyones desire to watch. I'll send it to you D. And let me know if you care Gamberro. I don't know if Mrs. Dst will be into it much... she'd probably think it for nutters. :) (like us lol)

Building is shaping up. I'm putting ceiling joists up today/ this evening. It's starting to cool off, so that's nice.

Hope everyone's week is off to a nice start.

My wife and I did Hypnobirthing, Jig. Essentially what you are talking about... this woman, Rachel Yellin has a class here. You might be able to find some good links from her site if you poke around. It totally helped my wife for through the first 2 days of labor (we had a 3 day long labor :shock: )...

HHB. Peace.
Hey hey bobo. Really good to see you around. Mark my words... our birthing time will be short and easy. And baby is going to come home with us. And baby is going to be the quietest and best behaved baby there nearly ever was. I'm gonna go ahead and keep saying this. It can't hurt... and it might even come true! hehe

So a home needle birth for the Mrs eh? It's wild the statistics between the rest of the world and the US regarding birth. Our C-section rate is the highest by a long shot and the infant mortality rate is the highest among developed countries. We're the only nation that uses Doctors more than midwives. Oh, and they did a study for women to rank their labor pain on a scale of 1-10. The US has the pain at Over 10. New Zealand and another place had it at a 7. We have a crazy notion of birth in the US. I can't imagine the difference of experience you'll have over in the dam.
So I've been working with a 17 year old kid from down the street, he stops by to work on the building with me. His mom works with my neighbor and I was over visiting the neighbor the other day. She told me that the kid I work with calls me "The old hippie"

Lol well I gotta say until I spied on your face book I didn't picture you like you look. But aside from the old part I could get him dubbing you a hippie :). I've been called a hippie, and a "modern hippie" many times. It's fine with me, hat and kids these days don't know what the are talking about anyway.
Room is looking groovy Jay, and really, lmfao at the Old Hippie thing....I totally agree with him, ya old hippy ya! Now go get that hair cut:)
would be interesting to get an idea about how much you think the project will/has cost you?

EDIT: I know you like numbers so I don't feel bad about asking you that, lol.