What up guys. My plants are still kicking. They aren't really doing anything... just sitting there, not really growing, but not looking sad at all. Just happily the same size.

Only one ?. 8 gals. Good times.
Baby is smooth sailing. Saw the doc today and she didn't do too much, which is always good. Just a check here and there, answer a couple questions. See them again in 2 weeks, then a week later, and a week later, till birth. We are 33 weeks tomorrow. The next appts will be 35, 36, 37, til 40. I guess if it hasn't started by 41 weeks they induce you... but I don't think we need to worry about any of that.
Check this out... my wife found this thing called hypno-babies. It's a class/ technique to self hypnotize yourself, something called hypno-anesthesia is released, and the mother can be in very little discomfort the whole way through with no drugs at all. She's all into, I'm down too. I like the idea of her not screaming and such. We've watched videos and it's pretty legit. Not just videos from the people who do it, but just regular folks who did the technique. It's a trip because their doctors are always asking questions tripping out that they are so calm. I'd post a video but I'm sure it would be the furthest from anyones desire to watch. I'll send it to you D. And let me know if you care Gamberro. I don't know if Mrs. Dst will be into it much... she'd probably think it for nutters.

(like us lol)
Building is shaping up. I'm putting ceiling joists up today/ this evening. It's starting to cool off, so that's nice.
Hope everyone's week is off to a nice start.