an alternative view of libertarianism


New Member
With the rise of the Bushites, a particularly nasty ideological virus was unleashed on America. The Grover Norquist wing of the Republican party took over, the people who hate government and want to "starve the beast" to the point where it can be "drowned in a bathtub". That beast, of course, is popular government programs they don't like, such as Social Security and Medicare. As the party of the corporations and the rich, the Bush Republicans have come down with a chronic case of Libertarianism.

Libertarianism is the idea that government is by its very nature a bad thing, and that people should be socially and economically free to pursue anything they want without government interference. Of course, the Bushites aren't so fond of that social part of libertarianism, but they eat up that laissez-fair capitalism part. Their every initiative is designed to protect and enrich the wealthiest members of society at the expense of the poorest and hardest working.

Now, I love science fiction as much as the next guy (and believe me, I comprehend Heinlein; I'm just able to separate fiction from reality), but it is not a good basis for a religion or economic system. If we could just see one historical example of working libertarianism -- ONE! -- maybe you could prove your point.

Your closing line sums it all up: "I want to be a human being who associates with those who wish to associate with me." Well, you don't get that luxury -- nobody does. You're a part of a society. That society includes lots of people you don't want to associate with, but must -- the illiterate single mom, the HIV-positive junkie, the man working two McJobs to feed his family, the homeless guy you ignore on your way to the office, the pregnant teenage girl, the illegal aliens you employ to keep labor costs down -- you are not an island, Mr. Libertarian, and you need us and government far more than we need you.

The libertarian will also argue that in their science-fiction universe, anyone is free to compete and trade and leverage their skills, work, and talent to become rich. Absolutely -- anyone can, but not everyone can. Some people will be born unskilled, untalented, handicapped, or just not very bright, or will become sick, injured, discriminated against, or suffer hardships and bad luck beyond their control. No matter how hard they work, they cannot win. Not everyone can be a winner in the capitalism game. So the question is: how good should the winners have it and how badly should the losers have it? As others have explained, in such a system, eventually the winners game the system to the point where only other winners can compete and losers have no shot. Eventually the best winners collude to prevent competition among themselves. Eventually the losers owe their soul to the company store.
Progressive taxation and limited capitalistic socialism is the only workable solution for a successful and vibrant democratic economy. It's what we have had in place since the New Deal, and it took the United States from the failed, second-rate, Depression-era economy caused by laissez-faire capitalism of the robber barons to being the dominant world superpower with the greatest standard of living ever achieved in human history. Why would libertarians want to mess with success, just to implement a science-fiction philosophy that's been shown to cause greater overall human misery, all because they feel that they are not quite rich enough? How many 17-foot home theaters do they need before they figure that even a lazy, shiftless, parasite on society (otherwise known as a "human") deserves better than sleeping in the street, eating from the garbage, and suffering from easily treatable medical ailments?
OK, discuss. That's all I have to say about that. Since the Libertarian Party has no chance in hell of winning any election that will effect me directly, and since the hard right-wing of the Bushites is going down faster than Paris Hilton in a night-vision home video, I really don't worry about them very much.

It just seems that this site is filled with these fantasy characters, and I may add character assassins.


New Member
I've read this one before, Thom Hartman?
"Radical" Russ Belville was born on the first day of the Tet Offensive of the Vietnam War in the town of Nampa in the "red" state of Idaho, where any opinion to the left of Reagan gets you labeled as "radical". He currently resides in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon (a.k.a. "Little Beirut") where he works in Information Technology. In his spare time, he enjoys writing about current events, playing the six-string bass guitar, and volunteering for liberal political causes. You can contact him via e-mail at letters 'at'


New Member
Its so full of holes. Don't have the time to refute it right now, but tomorrow is another day. I will say though ... Bush is no libertarian. None of his policies are libertarian in nature. And it wasn't capitalism that caused the Great Depression ... it was the misdirected monetary policies of .... of ... dare I say it? .... the Federal Reserve System put in place by socialist democrats. Similar to what we're seeing right now.

Nite all ...



Well-Known Member
Right off the "get-go" I love it where he state that "Bush Republicans" have come down with a chronic case of Libertarianism. :lol:

Bush and his his cronies in Congress don't know what it means to reduce spending. Sure they've reduced taxes, but they've (and I include Congress here) been borrowing to the the tune of 1 trillion/year. This man (the author...I should use that term loosely here)doesn't know what he's talking about. Equating Bush and Co. to Libertarians is laughable. Frankly, I'm surprised you can't see through the shit you posted Med.

And remember, you need "ME" more than I need you. I'm still paying taxes while you're still sucking off the Federal/State teat.

This is comedy. And he works in IT! OOOOOH! Whoopdeefuckingdoo...So do I! Should that impress me? :lol:


Well-Known Member

Some people will be born unskilled, untalented, handicapped, or just not very bright, or will become sick, injured, discriminated against, or suffer hardships and bad luck beyond their control. No matter how hard they work, they cannot win.
Oh well. I've taken care of 15 disadvantaged children within the past 10 years. Their "liberal/democrat" parents gladly gave them to me so they could be rid of them. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars and countless hours of my time caring for them while their folks gambled/drank/smoked their lives away. Yeah...liberals really care my long as someone else is doing the fucking leg work. :lol:


Well-Known Member
One more thing; You've repeatedly stated on this board that you are "poor"...Why isn't your family helping? My father is retired and takes in a meager pension. Guess who's footing most of his living expenses? Me, that who? Why? Because it's morally the right thing to do, that's why!

You stated that you got your son-in-law (I believe it's SIL) a job at a chicken facility. Why? Is that the only thing he's capable of doing? When you took him in did you insist that he gain a skill/education? I've been working steadily for over 25 years in both good times and bad. Why is that? I'll tell you why...I work my ass off, I'm a valuable employee and...wait for it....

I went to school (compliments of JTPA) to learn a skill.

And now, a vast majority of my income has and does go to taking care of others and I'm a Libertarian. I suppose it's because that was the way I was raised. I grew up in a poor working class, blue collar family that ate Mac n' Cheese and Spam or tuna casserole for dinner. Our vacations consisted of camping, without a tent, and I loved it. I came to find out from my mother that we went camping because we couldn't afford anything else. I never saw the inside of a hotel room for vacation until I was 25 years old. I didn't travel overseas for vacation until I was 33 years old (and I earned every penny to pay for said vacation...Cozumel). I was taught that family is important and we care for family. I don't need no mutherfucking asswipe in Congress telling me that they're gonna take my money to feed some lazy ass slob impregnating his girlfriend for more AFDC. I'll care for people myself. I have and I do. Your author can take his article and shove it up his expansive ass.
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Well-Known Member
"Radical" Russ Belville was born on the first day of the Tet Offensive of the Vietnam War in the town of Nampa in the "red" state of Idaho, where any opinion to the left of Reagan gets you labeled as "radical". He currently resides in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon (a.k.a. "Little Beirut") where he works in Information Technology. In his spare time, he enjoys writing about current events, playing the six-string bass guitar, and volunteering for liberal political causes. You can contact him via e-mail at letters 'at'
Russ Belville...Oh this is good...
Republican values create child molesters

So I was a registered Republican for 25 years and still hold true to the fundamental ideology of the Republican Party. He'd probably say there was some insidious reason why I cared for so many children, yes? :lol:


Well-Known Member
That society includes lots of people you don't want to associate with, but must -- the illiterate single mom, the HIV-positive junkie, the man working two McJobs to feed his family, the homeless guy you ignore on your way to the office, the pregnant teenage girl, the illegal aliens you employ to keep labor costs down -- you are not an island, Mr. Libertarian, and you need us and government far more than we need you.
When are you going to open your care facility Med? I've cared a teenager that was convicted as a sex offender. I've cared for children that were addicted to drugs and got them clean. I've yet to see ANY socialist liberal step up to the plate...They always insist that our nanny government to the job for them. I've had people ask me why I don't go for the Foster Parent thingie...I always answer..."It's not about the money". I challenge this waste of air to do what this Libertarian (me)has done.


Well-Known Member
The libertarian will also argue that in their science-fiction universe, anyone is free to compete and trade and leverage their skills, work, and talent to become rich. Absolutely -- anyone can, but not everyone can. Some people will be born unskilled, untalented, handicapped, or just not very bright, or will become sick, injured, discriminated against, or suffer hardships and bad luck beyond their control. No matter how hard they work, they cannot win. Not everyone can be a winner in the capitalism game.
How someone applies themselves to the task is an excellent barometer of how well they will succeed. The number of people born unable to compete is miniscule imo.


Well-Known Member
This has turned into a full blown VTXDave rant and I am throughly entertained. Go go go!
Fuckin' A right it is. I leave tomorrow to lay my grandmother to rest; a woman who raised 3 children by herself with no help from the government. A woman, along w/ my mother, who had dreams that "we" can succeed if we apply ourselves. She worked hard. She lived frugally (she grew up during the Depression)and did just fine. She helped raise my son. She instilled into me values that no longer exist in this culture. I've lived as "white trash" so I know a thing or two about what being poor is all about. I've seen first hand what welfare and AFDC does to people. I lived in a home w/ concrete air conditioning or wall to wall carpeting. There were 4 of us in an 1100 sq ft home. My father, whom I care for, is barely literate and when Peterbilt closed it doors to move to Tennessee I got him a job working at the company I worked for. He was hired as an assembler as he had no skills. He did nothing but bitch about how much work he had to do, how he was constantly being ridden by the managers to produce, and how he hated the low pay. As for me, I now live on an acre and a half w/ a beautiful 2600sq ft home and have a good job. Why is that? I earned it. I went to school, applied what I learned, and worked my way up from a lowly bench tech to become a manager of a service center.

On the flip side, my sister hasn't worked in 30 years. she started out getting a union job that paid well, but she was on a 90 day probation. At 90 days, they let her go. She couldn't find another job that paid as well as her previous job and she felt that she was "worth" that spite of only a high school education and no skill. She opted to get married and pop out babies. She's now miserable with her life and bitches constantly about her husband and how he runs the finances. I choose to not speak with her if I have to because I have no sympathy for someone who feels they're entitled just...."because".

That author is probably a pussified, "silver spoon in mouth" whitebread motherfucker that never knew what it was to go without new clothes for school. My mother sewed many of my clothes for school. I'd be willing to bet that the piece of shit never lived even 1 year in a depressed neighborhood...I lived 23 years in a barrio.
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New Member
Chill out dave. I don't like libertarians and you don't like me. That was made obvious in your rants, so fuck you too, oh and your high and mighty attitude.


New Member
Here's where the truth comes out. If you can't see this, there is no hope for you.

Your closing line sums it all up: "I want to be a human being who associates with those who wish to associate with me." Well, you don't get that luxury -- nobody does. You're a part of a society. That society includes lots of people you don't want to associate with, but must -- the illiterate single mom, the HIV-positive junkie, the man working two McJobs to feed his family, the homeless guy you ignore on your way to the office, the pregnant teenage girl, the illegal aliens you employ to keep labor costs down -- you are not an island, Mr. Libertarian, and you need us and government far more than we need you.
BTW. I do not wish to associate with you. Your holier that thou attitude exudes elitism. Anyone that states everyone has an equal chance in this society is fucking crazy. You may be one of the lucky ones that worked his ass off, got an education and got somewhere. For every one like you, there are thousands that did the same and are nowhere. I've witnessed hundreds of hard working individuals that always had to struggle to keep their head above water, and some of those have sunk or are sinking at present. So just for your information, I was one of the above. No-one ever gave me a goddamn cent, no trust fund, no inheritance, no lottery wins, just hard ass work and bills to pay. So go on with your braggadocio, you aren't fooling me, you got fucking lucky.


New Member
So, in other words, Dave kicked your article's ass, right Med? :blsmoke:

No.. He just went on a libertarian rant exposing him for what he really is, An uppity elitest. At least he is honest, unlike you who pretend to be a true christian then disdane anyone of less stature than you. You are the pretender. You can't fool me. Going to church does not a Christian make. All Libertarians have a selfish motive. The Me is the largest importance in their existence. Some may exhibit kind giving ways, but that is always from their excesses, not their survival money. A poor man that gives a nickle is worth more in the eyes of the lord than a millionair that gives thousands.
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Well-Known Member
the article that started this thread began with such a glaring error that it hardly seems worthwhile to read the rest of it. to claim that a distrust of government (even to the point of hatred) is some recent aberration is among the most asinine comments ever stated. the fear of over-governance is an integral part of the american psyche and the very reason for the various separations within our government. we began as the abused step-child of a globe spanning empire and, as such, saw first hand the oppression that is possible when government reigns supreme. our people spread across this continent seeking ever more freedom, fleeing westward to escape the stifling social and political atmosphere in the east as it grew more populated and more civilized. there are few places on earth where the people more vehemently resent governmental intrusion than this country, no matter how much the present liberal leadership and their sheep may attempt to shove it down our throats. along with this distrust of government is the realization that, for now, it is a necessary evil. the devil may be needed to balance out this world, but you sure don't want to hand him the keys to the kingdom. though humanity may very well be capable of attaining a conscience advanced enough to do without the leash of government and an ethical base strong enough to counteract our more ignoble instincts, all we can do for now is set ourselves on the path to a more perfect way of life. that is what this country should aspire to be, just another step toward a society where everyone has the freedom to expand in whatever direction they desire. just as you would not expect a coddled child to become self-reliant, you cannot expect a population to accept responsibility for its actions if they are not allowed to fail. immediate gratification teaches us nothing but reliance on those who seek to control us.

now we get to the social programs part of the evening's entertainment. social as in socialist, social as in pointless give-aways, social as in immediate gratification. these programs are as far reaching as the desires of the people they supposedly serve. if you can not learn we will teach you, if you can not save we will do that for you, if you can not eat we will feed you, if you can not afford medicine we will buy it for you.... the ever expanding list seems to go on and on. who is this benevolent "we"? it sure as hell ain't government. all government can do is shuffle around the funds stolen from its citizens, of course withholding enough to feather its own nest. are we to believe in the altruistic nature of our government? with corruption running rampant through every legislative body, blatant ineptitude and avarice obvious at every level and representatives seemingly ignorant of their people's needs, it would seem that these programs are not really designed to help but to help control the people. by denying that failure is as inevitable as success, we lose sight of the need to excel and cease to question the decisions of those we are told "know better than us". with no point to the exertion, we cease to strive for excellence and fill our world with easily manipulated mediocrity and ignorance. as we feed at the state's teat, we soon forget how to feed ourselves. with enough social programs we may all become slaves of the state, working only to feed the state which will, after taking its cut, feed us. government as the ultimate parasite.

i couldn't help but notice that "corporations" and the evil "rich" play an important part in this grand conspiracy against tyranny. the favorite bogey-men of the left, i expected them to make an appearance. though we all strive for riches, attaining them seems to immediately place you in the ranks of the enemy. by some bizarre twist, success is the evil that the liberal leadership despises most. to admit that some may succeed is to also admit that some may fail and if you allow someone to fail you may lose their vote. the power wielded by the wealthy and the successful corporate entities are a direct challenge to the power of the state and must be eliminated. wealth provides a chance at freedom and self-determination, things that we are told cannot be attained without the help of our benevolent government. according to the dogma of the left, the success of some can only be made possible by the failure of others. in their eyes it is a zero sum game with only a limited number of cards marked "you win". this version of the religion of equality claims that the only reason for failure is that someone else has stolen your card. random chance, intelligence and business acumen play no part in the game of life, all cannot succeed so all must fail.

to we few true believers (i say few because it seems so many appear to have been fooled by the rhetoric of the liberal leadership) it all seems not only rational, but obvious. the path to a free society depends on limiting the power of those who would control us. by giving the state the power to decide how much we may have, we allow it to decide how we may live and open the way to slavery. the left derides the rich and powerful while hoarding wealth and power. the right claims to represent the freedom for all to achieve as their talents merit, yet fights to consolidate power among the few.

he who seeks to gain control over me is my enemy.


New Member
Dear Undertheice ...

Please raise your right hand and repeat after me:

"I Undertheice, knowing how much ViRedd enjoys my posts, and knowing that ViRedd reads and absorbs every thought I post, I hereby agree that as long as ViRedd is a member posting in the political forum, I will not desert said forum and will continue to post my insights on a daily basis."

Thanks. :)



Well-Known Member
Said post over all has a point.
Line for line I can find meany things I personaly might not agree with or even come close to.This is a view of the world that meany have, no hinding behind that. Dave also makes good points..... of view and I agree with alot(not all) of super'daves post-ings.-undertheice has a nice blog, but i don't agree with some of it.
taking a position on anything or having a view isnt wrong, it's american!
Just because 99% say they are right, doesent make the 1% wrong.
Where all being fucked, this is the comon ground we all share.
Who we blame has become a problem of the occupied mind.

It's raining..we debate why it's raining instead of coming out of the rain.