Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, this is my new journal for my DWC bubblegum bubbleponic room. 6k HPS, 28K Btu Air conditioning, black 5gal buckets, 6inch lids, clay pebbles as medium. This, in my opinion, is possibly the cheapest way to grow. 5gal and lid, including the air pump, costs roughly 20$ per bucket. These buckets can be used forever, and the only medium required is the clay pebbles. There is a learning curve but its quickly passed. Here are some pics, ill keep posting them through the grow. These are Bubble Gum from California. The guy who gave me the clones brought the mother plant in his truck, and he's been harvesting it for a year. Also put up a picture of the under current room I am working on now. I should have pictures of the room setup with clones by Monday.