I have attached what I found on Regulatory Compliance fees. Read as you will. Maybe they decided not to impose them?
IDK..HC was pretty tight lipped, never really seen any info about R&D
In the grand scheme of things the invesment is not anything out of this world compared to small biz investments required in other industries. In my view the real kicker is getting your clientele, likely without any form of advertising being permitted aside from having your contact info on the HC website.
The question is how many companies/people will actually be able to meet all the requirements and get a license. I predict 100 - 200 licenses are issued. If this is the case, prices will be WAY LESS than 8.80/grm. Try 3.50/gram. How many people do you think will actually be able to get a license??
In the grand scheme of things the invesment is not anything out of this world compared to small biz investments required in other industries. In my view the real kicker is getting your clientele, likely without any form of advertising being permitted aside from having your contact info on the HC website.
You need 450k to open a Tim Hortons...
Another thought I forgot to mention - and I'll see if you guys have any thought on this - it sounds like you gotta do most of your capital investment (equipment, location either rented or bought, security system) prior to actually being approved. The thought of throwing all that dough down and not getting approved is pretty scary.
One idea is talking to sellers and pitching a temp lease agreement and condition to purchase upon approval. Then you are only in lease and equipment needed.
Good day,
All security measures must be in place before an inspection is conducted and a licence is issued.
Licences and Permits Division
You all seem to forget something...There are currently over 30,000 members holding licenses. With a limited amount of production licenses do you think they will endorse a small to medium operation. Each grow will be responsible for over 400 patients, if you consider 400 as small then disregard my statement. By my calculations to open a garden and store front of something even remotely close, you will need some major investors because the numbers will be in the millions to setup.
I wish I could find the info. It was on HC site and was stated either 55 or 77 production licenses for all of Canada. I will search and find it....what a fucked up site!How do you know there is a limited amount of production licenses? I haven't seen any information stating so. Sounds more like speculation to me.
I believe Health Canada has a quota to fill now.