My 1st Grow - Constructive Criticism Accepted


Active Member
So I ordered the iPower Bubble Bag set, 8 bags for 41 dollars or something like that. Went to Lowes and Home Goods to purchase 6 airtight containers and a fiskars pruning shears. I also already have the quick dry rack setup in my room. I will probably just dry it in the open, since my entire apartment already reeks of 420. I think the carbon filter I purchased was crap. Thankfully, I'm on the top floor and my neighbor across from me is a heavy smoker and the smell doens't seem to leave the apartment.

Yeah, I think i'm definitely going to cut the Auto AK on Sunday and then hopefully by next Sunday it'll be ready to smoke

Also, can anyone recommend a really good 6'' carbon filter? The ventech one i have is garbage.


Active Member
So I went to check on the 1/2 WoS Kush Ryder I took down, was going on 3 days drying now. The buds were very brittle and crispy like. I bent the stem on one of them and it didn't snap, just bent. I figured it was because the buds were sort of fluffy and smaller. Alot of them were side branches. I got worried and decided to manicure them to smokable shape and cut off any excess stem. They are like I would get them in a zip from my local dealer. I suspect they are still pretty moist on the inside, but I jarred them nevertheless. I will still burp the jars very often and monitor to see if the outside gets super moist in 24 hours.

Looks really crystallized. I'm really proud I grew this haha... and not bad 19.1 grams semi dry from a half a plant. :D

My scissors are super sticky, how do I remove this stuff? If you guys have any tips, please chime in!!



Looks good man! Personally im not a pro at drying / curing yet so this time around im going to refer to the harvest / cure section of the site they have some really nice step by steps that ppl have done. Also use a razor to scrap the resin off your scissors and smoke it bro right away :) scissor hash is awesome ! After scrapping you can soak them in iso alcohol and then wipe and repeat until they are no longer sticky ( works for me ). Just realized the date of your last post, but I already typed this soo....... What was your final yield ? and hows the smoke?