[TABLE="width: 600"]
[TH="bgcolor: #FAF1E8"]Deaths per TWh[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #FAF1E8"]% of world energy production[/TH]
[TD="class: rowNum, bgcolor: #FAF1E8"]1[/TD]
[TD="class: rowNum, bgcolor: #FAF1E8"]2[/TD]
[TD="class: rowNum, bgcolor: #FAF1E8"]3[/TD]
[TD]Natural Gas[/TD]
[TD="class: rowNum, bgcolor: #FAF1E8"]4[/TD]
[TD="class: rowNum, bgcolor: #FAF1E8"]5[/TD]
[TD="class: rowNum, bgcolor: #FAF1E8"]6[/TD]
[TD]Solar (rooftop)[/TD]
[TD="class: rowNum, bgcolor: #FAF1E8"]7[/TD]
[TD="class: rowNum, bgcolor: #FAF1E8"]8[/TD]
[TD="class: rowNum, bgcolor: #FAF1E8"]9[/TD]
his explanation will undoubtedly involve anger. lots and lots of anger.
dont get distracted now you've got answers to giveDo you know what the name is for a male rat?
not sure the reasoning behind posting those figures but for perspectiveJust for proportions.
Well over 500,000 earthquake deaths since 1900.
Deaths for completely preventable disease is perhaps a Billion, since 1900.
sorry what is the point?Same reason. Just for proportions.
Death rates bandied this way, are meaningless. That is why I posted it. Anything that tries to associated Tw production sources to death rates miss the entire point. People die in droves but not from this.
http://nextbigfuture.com/2011/03/deaths-per-twh-by-energy-source.htmlYeah, you are missing it. People die in droves. And the un-intend consequences come from ignoring proportion.
And I don't buy this meta-data about Tw production linked to death at this level of detail SWAG only, I am sure.
No peer reviewed research was shown. So, I won't argue with the professional tap dancers. Your mind on certain subjects is much more closed that mine. That's all.
Yet, I am not trying to open your mind. It doesn't seem possible on these few subjects.
hang on i brought up "twh deaths" because someone was saying nuclear was unsafe. is the process of showing someone their beliefs are not based in fact idemnifying danger now?One - I think this drive to indemnify danger is a real danger. It leads to the straw dog. We drive fear uncertainly and doubt by suggesting there is an ideal situation, with no danger. Not that you are, feel me? But, the entire world is mortgaged and insured beyond any sense. It is about 90%, no there there. No cash. Mostly indemnity and promise.
. the days are over where mere mention of the "evil commie threat" added up to a reasoned arguement. now a bit more is neededTwo - Yeah it is econ-war, but, we still won that round. We forced both China and Russia to stop the re-arming. Tough nuts. I can't say even if that was intended.
nonsense if it was just "noise" the figures would all be the sameMy point is that even if, those "facts" are correct, they still don't show anything at all but noise in the death of people.
really guns in climate thread? not to derail but the study of this laughable "million saved"?It is the same as the gun debate to me. !2,000 gun murders is nothing in 300M people. The million saves a year produced by guns (outside law enforcement), is something.
as to this you show that your lying within this postProportion. I'm neutral to all these debates, even the Constitutional ones. I am just taking proportion.
Why have a bunch of people sign on about AGW, when we know for a fact, this world is starving in the midst of plenty?
People die in droves and you don't seem to want to see that. This isn't the old age or the usual. This is entirely preventable. For example.
Every year 15 million children die of hunger. (so they say)
This my forum friend, is just about 42,000 kids, mostly infants.....A DAY, starve to death. That is 28 in the minute you read this. And it is one child every 2 seconds dies for no reason.
nice strawman you got going there ....So, I am only taking about proportion. This we can do something about, yet we want to jack all this money into tech bullshit that does not work on a global scale for energy needs. It is only about that to me, the de-railing of the energy economy. More people will starve.
ahh the neutral passing shot from the bastion of neutralityAFAICS, the globe is sure to cool. And you know the hourly energy budget of this world dwarfs what we produce in a human lifetime.
the largescale changeover from carbon economy is way beyond what can be acievhed at individual level
show your work?Naw son that's the bull shit right there.
show your work?
his explanation will undoubtedly involve anger. lots and lots of anger.