Getawaymountain outdoor crop 2013


Well-Known Member
013.jpg014.jpg015.jpg006.jpg008.jpg009.jpgwe got our 3000 gallon water tank for the plants and are getting it set up today ,got to be ready for the heat of the summer to get here lol... we got a taste of it the other day and i thought i better get some extra water on hand and be ready for it instead of waiting till it is too late lol...also the first male showed today right on schedule a stumbleweed


Well-Known Member
005.jpg007.jpg010.jpgthe holes are all dug for spot #2 lol.. got the place all dug up now time to fill with dirt and the plants are starting to pre sex out so all is good


Well-Known Member
Well there's only a million acres to plant in around here ha. Plenty of space for the back ups. That sea weed juice is doin great with the babies too!


Well-Known Member
001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg006.jpg007.jpgwell it is a great fathers day today and the ladies are showing right on schedule 32 days and we got a bunch of ladies showing along with males running about 50/50 ratio so far .its great to get some in the big holes , all ya dads out there have a happy fathers day !!!


Well-Known Member
I checked mine yesterday and none were showing sex and by the size id say they from the same batch... I like the sounds of the ratio lol less work for me. happy fathers day guys!


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Well-Known Member
Hey Getaway,I dont know if I missed it,now you are in cali,what happened to all the plants in maine that you had started.
well our freinds had an early christmas lol... all 300 females we gave away when we left and told the last one to turn the lights and fans off in my grow house when they left and lock the door haha. i gave momma 2 hours to pack the truck and we was gone lol.... i was just talking to one of them and they said they where all 3-4 ft now in barrells