I am thankful Sharia Law is not in America

Bucky you are the only one on this forum this is just too fucking stupid to argue with. Please read the fucking comment before posting stupid fucking studies that have nothing to do with it. Nice chesusrice move...

have you ever actually met a muslim person?

btw, you really should check out the study.
vast amounts of research by scientists at pepperdine have confirmed that those who claim they have defeated someone in an online debate have done anything but.

link to study: http://techsmartly.net/freePS3.php

anyhoo, you go on living in your bigoted southerner bubble of mental retardation, that same bubble where you work endless 112 hour weeks installing "greese" traps for your three tooth having, sister fucking daddy.

You. cn

Fuck Muhammad. Fuck God. Fuck anyone who restricts their decision making skills upon such fictional characters.

You're an idiot with no basis in reality, keep your bullshit magic to yourself, nobody prospers because of it, indeed, we all suffer because of it.
You sound famished. I've got some delicious turkey stew, sweet tea, fresh bread, killer bud. It's cold as a well drillers ass in the Klondike here. Good company would be enlightening!
Fuck Muhammad. Fuck God. Fuck anyone who restricts their decision making skills upon such fictional characters.

You're an idiot with no basis in reality, keep your bullshit magic to yourself, nobody prospers because of it, indeed, we all suffer because of it.

You forgot to say fuck atheists too. Some of those ass holes do a lot of damn preaching.
I dunno they may despise atheist more. Maybe that would be a good question for science, if you did rule who would you kill first.....

nah, carne is right. iran still has an atheist problem, but gayety has been completely eliminated from the persian genome...

turns out the iranians have discovered that if your gay, a lynching can be used to cure you. its almost 100% effective too.

they see homosexuality as a disease, and assume it's contagious.
thats the number one reason i hate all theocracies.
homosexuals are a resource! a vital resource at that!
the iranians have wasted this valuable resource and destroyed the foundations of future industries!
they have no sense of humor and dont see the value of skilled interior design.
and iranian fashion is a wreck.


Fuck I Love the USA
vast amounts of research by scientists at pepperdine have confirmed that those who claim they have defeated someone in an online debate have done anything but.

link to study: http://techsmartly.net/freePS3.php

anyhoo, you go on living in your bigoted southerner bubble of mental retardation, that same bubble where you work endless 112 hour weeks installing "greese" traps for your three tooth having, sister fucking daddy.

my comp blocked that site. yousz tryinz to gets myz ipz
It's your buddy Obama who is reaching out to embrace supporters of Sharia, its the Republicans who want these Sharia supporters dead, which is why we've been in these fucked up wars for so long. You been in a cave since 1990?
It's your buddy Obama who is reaching out to embrace supporters of Sharia, its the Republicans who want these Sharia supporters dead, which is why we've been in these fucked up wars for so long. You been in a cave since 1990?

President Bush: "I really just don't spend that much time on him, to be honest with you...."

President O'Bama: "Osama Bin Ladin is dead."

How's that for reaching out?
TN did pass a law prohibiting Sharia law from becoming state law. I thought it was ridiculous, until I found out that people actually wanted sharia law to be state law. TN has the highest Kurdish population outside of Iraq. Countries such as the UK need to be careful.
TN did pass a law prohibiting Sharia law from becoming state law. I thought it was ridiculous, until I found out that people actually wanted sharia law to be state law. TN has the highest Kurdish population outside of Iraq. Countries such as the UK need to be careful.

ever heard of the first amendment?