Dynagro is under-rated as fuck

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I am at five weeks into flower. I have been following the dynagro feeding chart other than easing into the dose early on. So I am using mag plus and protekt as recommende. Obviously it is impossible to say that they couldn't be healthier, but my plants are happy.

I am still curious if there is any value to adding some molasses as I get to the end of flower. Buds just started to swell up the last day or so.
If your trying to grow organic, using no bottle nutes and only composts and teas, molasses can be good for providing sugar and carbs for the microbes to feed and breed. Otherwise, It really doesn't do much for someone using dyna-gro and I feel may actually cause problems.

one of the best articles on molasses http://www.thesoilguy.com/SG/Molasses
Now wait....
Am I doing something wrong here?
When I mix up my solution of FP and PT and the other stuff I have sitting around that I'm trying to use up, the pH of my solution is around 5.3. I've been adding 5-6 drops of pH UP as in making it more alkaline.

If everyone is using PT to balance the pH, why am I having to add pH UP to it?! I guess maybe the other stuff is throwing it off?

Sidebar: I know this isn't the right thread for this, but since we've discussed it recently on here I figured it would be ok. I'd just like someone to give opinions on my analysis as this is my first time messing with MJ. My plants began flowering about 2-3 weeks ago, but seemed to have switched back into it's vegetative stage. I have not noticed any bud growth in a while and have actually noticed new leaf growth at the ends of all the "growth tips" (not sure of the correct term here). Am I correct in saying that they have revegged?
If everyone is using pro-tekt to bring pH up for dynagro foliage, and is mostly K2SiO3, doesn't that suggest dynagro foliage NPK is a bit short in K to begin with and that pro-tekt completes this? Dyna-gro foliage is a 3:1:2 ratio. With the pro-tekt, wouldn't that make it closer to the 3:1:4 that many claim to be "optimal"?
While I think it would have been safe for DG to add more K to their 9-3-6 formula, I don't know that the plants would see any benefit. I say this because I use very little protekt to balance the pH of my Foliage Pro in RO and I have yet to see a deficiency of any kind, let alone a K deficiency. I know that once we've met the nutritional needs of our plants, adding more of any of the elements provides no extra benefit. If you know of a way to add more K without adding a lot of P, I'd be interested in running a test.
I am going to incorporate some root zone treatment like myco, kelp, maybe an enzyme product. I like to juice the roots thru veg. This won't be a problem right?
While I think it would have been safe for DG to add more K to their 9-3-6 formula, I don't know that the plants would see any benefit. I say this because I use very little protekt to balance the pH of my Foliage Pro in RO and I have yet to see a deficiency of any kind, let alone a K deficiency. I know that once we've met the nutritional needs of our plants, adding more of any of the elements provides no extra benefit. If you know of a way to add more K without adding a lot of P, I'd be interested in running a test.

Couldn't you add some potassium sulfate to the mix? That usually runs between 0-0-40 and 0-0-60. Or perhaps even Nitrate of Potash, though I don't know much more about it than the fact that it exists.
If your trying to grow organic, using no bottle nutes and only composts and teas, molasses can be good for providing sugar and carbs for the microbes to feed and breed. Otherwise, It really doesn't do much for someone using dyna-gro and I feel may actually cause problems.

one of the best articles on molasses http://www.thesoilguy.com/SG/Molasses

Everything is a chemical, and that includes molasses. Contrary to the organic purists mantra, there is nothing wrong with using the best of both worlds, organic (which is made up of inorganics) and inorganic salts. It's what I believe in and practice.

I've seen too many organic purists finally throw in the towel and get back to pragmatism, and reason.....like controlling weed infestations in a field of blackberries using glyphosate.

So it takes very little protekt to fix pH? Sorry, I wasn't sure about that. I've never used DG myself, I just noticed a lot of people say they bring up the pH up with protekt, but figured they needed a lot, thus changing the NPK profile of the final mix.

An alternative to protekt for adding K without anything else would be potassium hydroxide (pH up), but I guess that's sort of moot point.

I agree it doesn't make sense to add more than needed to pH balance it, it was just a thought. Sorry, kinda high! I figured if the pH is low and it needs lots of pH up, 9-3-6 isn't the final NPK once the pH up is added. If people need to add lots of K2SIO3 to pH balance, it brings K higher in the final NPK.

As a side note, for my homebrew mixes, I use potassium nitrate (KNO3) as my main source of K that doesn't also contain P. It has an NPK of 13-0-44 as a dry salt. It's probably not worth adding to DG as a test though.

While I think it would have been safe for DG to add more K to their 9-3-6 formula, I don't know that the plants would see any benefit. I say this because I use very little protekt to balance the pH of my Foliage Pro in RO and I have yet to see a deficiency of any kind, let alone a K deficiency. I know that once we've met the nutritional needs of our plants, adding more of any of the elements provides no extra benefit. If you know of a way to add more K without adding a lot of P, I'd be interested in running a test.
So it takes very little protekt to fix pH? Sorry, I wasn't sure about that. I've never used DG myself, I just noticed a lot of people say they bring up the pH up with protekt, but figured they needed a lot, thus changing the NPK profile of the final mix.

An alternative to protekt for adding K without anything else would be potassium hydroxide (pH up), but I guess that's sort of moot point now.

I agree it doesn't make sense to add more than needed to pH balance it, it was just a thought. Sorry, kinda high!

As a side note, for my homebrew mixes, I use potassium nitrate (KNO3) as my main source of K that doesn't also contain P. It has an NPK of 13-0-44 as a dry salt.

it doesn't take much protect in ro. if your water is acid to begin with, it might take more. where i live, if i used tap, i would have to use ph down even without pt.
My plants are 4 weeks old and i havent used any nutes at all . ima get dyna grow in a couple of days which one should i get and how often should i feed it ?
if you want to get just 1 the grow is pretty good imo. i would like a little more n for veg but it still does a pretty good job. feeding is going to depend on your plants and your medium.
My plants are 4 weeks old and i havent used any nutes at all . ima get dyna grow in a couple of days which one should i get and how often should i feed it ?

Less is more! My advice is go lower then you think and dont overwater and they will be fine. For instance, if it says 1 ml per gallon, start with say .25 or .5 ml.
Grow or Foliage Pro both work but I have seen better reports from Grow.

Any credible reports? HB did a very well structured test on clones using Foliage Pro and Grow and according to his results, he got 10% more production using the high N food.

it doesn't take much protect in ro. if your water is acid to begin with, it might take more. where i live, if i used tap, i would have to use ph down even without pt.

I thought Pro-Tekt made the solution more acidic...
From what I understood Pro-Tekt is an actual acid; salicylic acid maybe?
I'm not making any claims of being correct, I'm just hoping someone will correct me if I am wrong.
Okay (:
im going to the hydro store tomrowe to get dyna grow . which ones should i get for veg ? .

They hydro store in my town doesn't sell Dyna-Grow OR Jack's, but they carry all the other major brands. lol. I think that is rather telling.
There is really no reason for me to go back there other than to buy pots and only because all the other stores in the area only sell the decorative ones that are hella expensive. I'm not going to steal them from work, cuz that is just a dick thing to do. I guess I could order them in bulk online though...
I found this on another sight and am wondering if someone with some Dyna knowledge could offer some insight or thoughts on this Week 1 Clones/Seedlings

2ml per gallon Dyna-Gro Bloom
1ml per gallon Pro-Tek Silica
1ml per gallon H202 @ 29%

Week 2

3-4ml per gallon Dyna-Gro Bloom
1ml per gallon Pro-Tek Silica
1ml per gallon H202 @ 29%

Week 3

4-5ml per gallon Dyna-Gro Bloom
2ml per gallon Pro-Tek Silica
2ml per gallon H202 @ 29%
2ml per gallon Cal/Mag
1 gram per gallon Epson Salt

Week 4

5ml per gallon Dyna-Gro Bloom
2ml per gallon Pro-Tek Silica
2ml per gallon H202 @ 29%
2ml per gallon Cal/Mag
1 gram per gallon Epson SaltThe recipe/ratio'sgiven above is designed especially to produce a massive root system as well aspromote lots of branching and stem shoots that is needed before you start toflower to produce nice big fat yields!

For Flowering, you can drop the Cal/Mag and replace with Mag Pro from Dyna-Gro

Other Boosters that work well with this formula but is optional is GeneralHydroponics Koolbloom....

The liquid Koolbloom can be used at start of flower and the powder can be usedfor a finisher during the last 3 weeks for ripening.

This is a great easy and inexpensive way to produce amazing yields!

Works especially well for hydroponic applications.

DG's bloom formula doesn't contain enough N to keep your plants green during flower in hydro. Consider adding 'grow' for better results.
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