Stoneslacker's new 250w micro hempy scrog Blueberry, Blackjack and Permafrost


Active Member
That's what I was thinking. Sorry for the noob question. Lol. I work second shift as well. I'm don't usually get to bed till 6ish. Gotta give the girls some loving when I get home from work.


Well-Known Member
Ya bro, I liked 2nd shift when I was on it for a time when I was married. Nice to come home to a quiet house and have some free time. But being on 1st for so long the adjustment has been a bitch! I'm up till 3 or 4 in the morning but my internal clock is still waking me up no later than 8! Doesn't help when I wake and bake, puts me in instant nap mode lol. Just a couple weeks more so I'm sure by then I'll be fully adjusted and have to start all over! How's that snow white girl coming along? Post us some pics!


Active Member
She's doing great! I'll take some pics tonight hopefully. Its my birthday tomorrow and the wife's up to something, just not sure what it is yet. Lol. I know she arranged for my parents to watch my son tonight so I'm sure its something good! Time to go mow. Puff puff pass ---> Jack bong rips


Well-Known Member
She's doing great! I'll take some pics tonight hopefully. Its my birthday tomorrow and the wife's up to something, just not sure what it is yet. Lol. I know she arranged for my parents to watch my son tonight so I'm sure its something good! Time to go mow. Puff puff pass ---> Jack bong rips
I`ll take a rip of that Jack Steelie, pass over ---> Burmese vape bag in return :joint:. Happy birthday buddy, enjoy it!!

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
She's doing great! I'll take some pics tonight hopefully. Its my birthday tomorrow and the wife's up to something, just not sure what it is yet. Lol. I know she arranged for my parents to watch my son tonight so I'm sure its something good! Time to go mow. Puff puff pass ---> Jack bong rips
Happy B-day bro. I'll celebrate with a 3-way combo ---> BC, BB, BJ mix joint.:bigjoint: Am I the only one who likes to mix weed? Man I'm ripped!


Active Member
We mix our stuff all the time bro! Love the different highs. Had to take a blackberry break! LMAO!



Well-Known Member
Well jarred the girls and checked RH. All 3 are sitting at around 65-68% and are looking in good shape for the cure. I am pleasantly surprised by the final weight, still have 5-6 grams of curing and stem removal weight to lose yet. Still a very good run!

Here we go. Blackjack first, I sampled a small nug today and taste is already very good. Smoked very well in my bong, would smoke easily in a joint she is dried just right. Weight on the Blackjack -90.5. Figure once stems are removed and final cure is done I should end up around the low to mid 80's on this girl.

Blueberry is already smelling very nice! She is very dense and frosty. Weight 70.9, probably end up around the mid 60's once lumber is removed. Can't wait till she gets a months cure!

Bluecheese is so damn stinky! She smells incredible, skunky, fruity, earthy. She is the most dense of the three and is very sticky. She is going to be something else after a nice cure. Weight - 59.4 Not as much lumber to trim here, she should end up around 55-57g finished.

Pre-stem removal and cure weight total - 90.5 + 70.9 + 59.4 = 220.8g 0.88g/watt! Estimated final after trim and cure 84 + 64 + 56 = 204g 0.82g/watt. :-P
Dude just checked out the whole thread and was so fucking impressed and once the i saw the canopy pics like a couple weeks into flower
i was like DAMNNN, considering scrog now for that reason. also when i saw those pics i was hoping down the line you would have the final weigh in
which not only did you have, but you broke it down to G/watt which is sick man. your helping/inspiring mad growers bro forreal good ass job.
and i want nothing more then all these big bowls of delicious weeds, Kudos my good man....kudos.


Well-Known Member
Dude just checked out the whole thread and was so fucking impressed and once the i saw the canopy pics like a couple weeks into flower
i was like DAMNNN, considering scrog now for that reason. also when i saw those pics i was hoping down the line you would have the final weigh in
which not only did you have, but you broke it down to G/watt which is sick man. your helping/inspiring mad growers bro forreal good ass job.
and i want nothing more then all these big bowls of delicious weeds, Kudos my good man....kudos.

Thanks for checking out the grow and the great compliments. Really tried to show throughout the journal the benefits of running a scrog to maximize space. I'll be experimenting a bit and learning some new techniques this coming up round so check back. Also if I can help with some scrog advice, feel free to ask away here or PM me. Peace


Well-Known Member
... You`re a RIU star now Stone :clap: ... nice job continuing this nice thread onwards, continues to be one of my faves,

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
Alright, time to update the teaser I provided in post #497. My buddy tried to make feminized seeds by using collidial silver on a G13 Pineapple Express clone and seeding his PE mom. He ended up with a boatload of seeds but I'm not sure if what he did is correct. He has grow out a couple and had no hermie problems so I am going to give them a try. Here is my germinating process, I'm going to hatch 11 beans and cull down to 4-6 depending on if I have success cloning the B. Russian and Maz. I'll then run these in a 6 plant sog along side the 3 mainliners.

Here is my simple germing process. Take a paper towel and fold it in half 2 times. Wet the towel and wring it mostly dry and place your seeds in between the folded towel. SAM_1203.jpg Fold the towel back over and place the towel w/seeds in a ziploc baggie (any plastic baggie will work as I do not seal the ziploc).SAM_1204.jpg Add water to the area of the towel that the seeds are sitting in and saturate the towel without leaving standing water in the baggie. You can use another paper towel to soak up any overwatering. Then take the baggie and put it somewhere dark, I put them in old dvd or game cases and put them on the shelf or in a drawer like this.SAM_1205.jpgSAM_1206.jpg

After 24 hours the seeds crack and start to put out their tails.SAM_1210.jpgSAM_1211.jpgSAM_1212.jpg 11/11 hey! After 36-48 hours they are ready to go into rapid rooters for 3-7 days and then str8 to their final sog hempy buckets. I'll update tonight after they go into their rapid rooters. Peace.


Well-Known Member
... You`re a RIU star now Stone :clap: ... nice job continuing this nice thread onwards, continues to be one of my faves,

KC :weed:
I'm just a slacker trying to grow some herb bro! :-o Gotta give credit where credit is due, alot of my inspiration for keeping the journal interesting comes from your thread mate. You've a knack for making everyone feel involved with the journal.


Well-Known Member
thanks stone, ya i have some outdoor grow experience, but this will be my first indoor grow with a 600 W MH for veg 600 HPS for flower in a
5x5x84 tent. im def thinking scrog but looks like theres some serious plant training that goes on and ive only done topping/fimmming/defoliation.
u had awesome pics of your scrog but do you by chance have like pics of the step by step tie down for one of your ladies? like from when you start tying down the branches
to get em to fit in each net hole?


Well-Known Member
thanks stone, ya i have some outdoor grow experience, but this will be my first indoor grow with a 600 W MH for veg 600 HPS for flower in a
5x5x84 tent. im def thinking scrog but looks like theres some serious plant training that goes on and ive only done topping/fimmming/defoliation.
u had awesome pics of your scrog but do you by chance have like pics of the step by step tie down for one of your ladies? like from when you start tying down the branches
to get em to fit in each net hole?
In truth the training is minimal and easy. Set your screen height about 6-10 inches above the buckets. I start training long before the girls even reach the screen. Spread them out horizontally. I use nylon string and duct tape to pull the highest or apex tip down to or below canopy level. SAM_0752.jpg As you pull one top down another will rise up to take it's place and just pull that one down level. I try to tie them down close to the tips so that the branch will start to grow horizontally. This will cause the small growth tips on the branch arms to shoot up vertically, creating tops to fill the empty areas of the screen. These pics are of the same branch taken 3 days apart to show the quick growth of the tips when you get those branches horizontal. SAM_0740.jpgSAM_0755.jpg

Once you get the screen about 60-75% full it's time to flip. SAM_0774.jpg Once you flip continue to train the branches under the screen for about the 1st seven days then let them grow above the screen after that. You want them about 6-8 inches above the screen once stretch is done. After that just trim the stuff under the screen and watch her go!


Well-Known Member
hey thanks, that helped. but with picture 1 of 4, looks like you have two branches tied down and its looks like the process for it would have been
tie the first branch down, and then u prolly had to let it grow 8-10 days b4 tying the second branch. do you have a picture of having the 1st branch tied
down, or did you tie both down @ same time? hopefully this not confusing


Well-Known Member
hey thanks, that helped. but with picture 1 of 4, looks like you have two branches tied down and its looks like the process for it would have been
tie the first branch down, and then u prolly had to let it grow 8-10 days b4 tying the second branch. do you have a picture of having the 1st branch tied
down, or did you tie both down @ same time? hopefully this not confusing
Ya I skipped ahead just a bit with the 1st pic. I top the girls, then as the they start to grow vertical I tie down any and all tips that are above the main canopy level. I like to shoot for at least 4 main branches to train towards the corners of the screen. as soon as any branch gets higher than the rest, it gets pulled back down to at or below canopy level. Once growth hits the screen level, I use the screen to hold the branches down and spread them out horizontal.

The growth is actually very quick with the hempy buckets and tips are being trained back down everyday for the most part. Once you train those main branches out horizontally, the inner node branching will really start to explode.

Training went from here on transplant day SAM_0711.jpg, to flipping here in about 26 days SAM_0789BB.jpg