The Irish Growers Thread!

I've never smoked it but would like to try it,I was gonna buy some seeds but didn't get around to doing a bit of research on the different breeders.Who's have you got Marley?
Franco looks stoned in it,his eyes are half closed most of the time.

One thing we do well here is amateur boxing and I agree that if Joe's knee didn't give out he would have made the final.

Anyone have any personal experience with Canna Rhizotonic,I'm about to order some bits from the bigshop and was wondering if it is good for stressed plants?
g13 labs from attitude fr3d,sorry pal cant help ya on the canna rhizotonic never used franco said he was stoned everyday makin the film...the daughters jus back from watchin hangover 3 suppose ta be very good.
No worries Mr. Marley,I ordered it anyway,I read reviews and all but to be honest I'm sceptical about online product reviews especially the good ones cos sometimes thry sound too good.It's only about 15 quid so it won't break the bank.
I ordered a load of seeds today from attitude and have a freebie or two coming from G13.I must look into pineapple next time I'm buying.

Hopefully hangover 3 is better than 2,maybe it's just me but It wasn't a patch on the first.
marley321:9180549 said:
I've never smoked it but would like to try it,I was gonna buy some seeds but didn't get around to doing a bit of research on the different breeders.Who's have you got Marley?
Franco looks stoned in it,his eyes are half closed most of the time.

One thing we do well here is amateur boxing and I agree that if Joe's knee didn't give out he would have made the final.

Anyone have any personal experience with Canna Rhizotonic,I'm about to order some bits from the bigshop and was wondering if it is good for stressed plants?
g13 labs from attitude fr3d,sorry pal cant help ya on the canna rhizotonic never used franco said he was stoned everyday makin the film...the daughters jus back from watchin hangover 3 suppose ta be very good.

Seen hangover 3 was let down not a drop of alcohol was consumed in it haha 1st ones still the best, Man of steel next week living for this film!
Seen hangover 3 was let down not a drop of alcohol was consumed in it haha 1st ones still the best, Man of steel next week living for this film!
ah sure some will think its good some wont,my 17 year old taught it was very good.pineapple express was one of the funniest films i ever saw 86 taught it was pure shite opinions opinions....ill keep ya informed how the p.e turns out mr fr3d,ive read a good few reviews and reports on it and its suppose ta be serious stuff.
ah sure some will think its good some wont,my 17 year old taught it was very good.pineapple express was one of the funniest films i ever saw 86 taught it was pure shite opinions opinions....ill keep ya informed how the p.e turns out mr fr3d,ive read a good few reviews and reports on it and its suppose ta be serious stuff.

It's all individual taste sure,some movies I taught were useless until I watched them a second time.

I'd say the PE is a sweet smoke,as well as that I want to grow OG Kush,New York Diesel and a few others,the strains now are just crazy,I started smoking at 14-15 in the late 80's and all we could get was Red Leb hash,it was a couple of years before I got a taste of skunk and when I moved to London in the 90's I got my first taste of WW so things have really progressed since then.
sounds like my life story was workin in london meself in the intraduced ta weed an love doves over there,kicked the love doves but stuck with the weed.the galtee moor was good crack at the weekends was there nearly every week...good memorys.
Haha I remember the Galtymore well although once I found my feet I didn't go there as much.I used to go to the Swan in Stockwell a good bit at the start too.
Like yourself I got introduced to most things there,coke,E's and toward the end the crack,luckily though I could take or leave the latter,seen it f*ck up a lot of lads.
I've good memories as well and came home as broke as I went over but I enjoyed the party:)
hahaha we take anything when were young,never done the crack but if it was offered too me that time i would of took it no dought.the first love dove i took over there i taught i was in as that fr3d went over broke an came back broke but had a 4year party...i was glad ta get back home in one piece in the end ;-)
Haha you know the story well.
I hardly ever slept from Friday night until tuesday or Wednesday again cos of the coke and E's,used to spend half the week hungry as well even though the wages were decent:)
hahaha we were probally workin together;-)i remember i went ta get weed one day an the dealer had a jar of what looked like smarties he gave me one ta sample turns out they were micro dot lsd.i was trippin off me head for 4 days solid taught it would never more micro dots for me.
It is possible we crossed paths,stranger things have happened.
I wasn't a huge fan of the trips myself,like you said they lasted way too long.
ye its a small world fr3d, not a big fan of trips meself after that episode,at the time i taught it b same buzz as an e,was i wrong ya laters pal and i hope your plants recover well for ya...its great ta chat someone whos been on the thread from the start....peace
Anyone interested in getting a vaporizer... heres your chance. Arizer solo $160. DaVinci $139 from
Both are excellent vapes and both are the latest model. $139 for the davonci is just ridiculously cheap (because the new ascent is about to hit the marketplace)

now this is cool.... and after a few spliffs its even better hahahhaha....
Anyone interested in getting a vaporizer... heres your chance. Arizer solo $160. DaVinci $139 from
Both are excellent vapes and both are the latest model. $139 for the davonci is just ridiculously cheap (because the new ascent is about to hit the marketplace)
cheers buds jus what i was lookin for good price aswell,smoken spliffs the whole time not good for the chest.