Sea of Seeds reputation

Hello all

The today only item are changing im not sure why you are not seeing the changes, also if cc payments are declined through sagepay and credit card companies are placing payments as pending im not sure how this is an sos fault but i will look into this further with sagepay as for the still processing orders please pm me your order number and i will check this out for you, We are still updating things everyday and most nights to try make the experience as simple and as smooth for all customers as possible please bear with us :)
Don't fall for the royal mail tracking bro! It's bullshit!!! When you see it on your Canada post website then it's in your country. Royal mail said that mine had reached the destination country and it took another week before it got here in oz. Royal mail sucks assssss....

Just thought I'd let you know.

I gotta agree with you on that. Royal mail does suck the big one.
When I place an order with SOS and Herbies royal mail said on the following day from orders that both have arrived in OZ. I f`n dont think so. I made the order at approx 11pm and the next day 7am (8hrs later) they arrived in oz. Dought it. It however did come up in the oz post site 3 days later.
Anyone else have issues with SoS and sagepay this weekend?
I attempted to place 2 orders, and both had issues.
No order info from SoS, yet sagepay charged my CC both times.
SoS stated they had issues with security and it's been opened up more.
Doesn't help much now when you can't order because they've reserved money on your CC and wont release it.
SoS stated it may take 3 days for it to show up. Contacted them after 3 days and now they are stating 5 more days.

Anyone else have this issue?

I had trouble with Sage Pay also. Declined my transaction twice. I finally registered for a Pay-Pal account and sent it to SOS via the e-mail adress listed in the payment option.
It went through right away, and my order has been shipped and it is now in the U.S. It took one extra business day for them to recieve and process the payment.(I think because It was on a Saturday) Once I recieved confirmation of my payment, they processed my order the next day.
Altogether it only took them 2 days to process and ship.
Now I just hope it clears customs. Should start making it's way to me soon. (I hope)
Just checked my tracking with USPS. My package has cleared customs and has left L.A. enroute to my house this morning.
Probably get this by Saturday! Yeah!
Hey everyone, I'm sure many of you know this, but I thought I would share this anyhow.
I have had trouble using those pre-paid grocery store gift cards for overseas transactions.
I recently opened a pay-pal account(it's free and only takes a couple minutes) and they paid SOS.
It worked so smoothly, I will be using this method from now on.
PayPal rocks! Personally, I think it is one of the biggest advantages that SOS offers. It's very easy, gives you that extra level of security and it's fast fast fast. More private than just doing a direct bank transfer or direct CC (yuck). Besides I don't know of any major, established bank that also offers PP as an option. This might help set SOS apart from some of the other bean sellers. PayPal rocks!
Hello EM,
First, I would like to thank you for continuing to look into this.
I'm also glad to see SoS taking some actions to make the customer experience better.

Next step is to take responsibility for issues caused by the new SoS system released to the customer community.

E M wrote...
"if cc payments are declined through sagepay and credit card companies are placing payments as pending im not sure how this is an sos fault"

As a SoS customer, let me explain "my" view of this.

On Friday...
Attempted to place order using new SoS website.
- Ordering Failed.
Placed order using same CC with another seed shop to test CC.
- No issues. Ordering Successful. Seeds due Fri.
On Saturday...
Attempted to place order using new SoS website.
- Ordering Failed. Really wanted the 30% off.
I noticed Sagepay reserved the money on my CC for both failed orders.
The ammount reserved by sagepay was the exact ammount of the SoS order.
On Monday...
I contacted SoS directly about this issue and reserved money.
I received a response from SoS.
According to SoS there was an issue and a system change was made.

SoS Response
"We had a strict vendor rule setup on sagepay which may of declined your orders,
We have since then lightened the rules on our sagepay"

This issue started with attempting to place orders through the SoS website.
This issue ONLY occurred while attempting to place orders through the SoS website.
SoS confirmed there were system/rules issues and changes made to resolve those issues.

As a customer, it is not abnormal, to expect the service provider (SoS) to assist the customer with issues that arrise when the service provider has a known system issues. This would be even more true when the service provider has just launched a new version of their system.

I understand you guys are busy with the new web site, but it does not hurt to take some responsibility when you have issues. It looks much better us customers to admit there was an issue, and let us know it's been resolved, than to take no responsibility and say it's not our fault.
hey E.M. all is well. my first order with s.o.s went well. order on monday and was in my mailbox the following monday. it has beat the tude's best delivery by a day and there was a holiday in there.

anyway a question for you about paypal payment. in the past paypal has been know to be snitches on ordering items of this nature and they do not usually participate in payment for such items.

if paypal is used for payment, is there a way that they know where we are ordering from or what we are ordering? how is it that paypal can be used to make a purchase?
Hello EM,
First, I would like to thank you for continuing to look into this.
I'm also glad to see SoS taking some actions to make the customer experience better.

Next step is to take responsibility for issues caused by the new SoS system released to the customer community.

E M wrote...
"if cc payments are declined through sagepay and credit card companies are placing payments as pending im not sure how this is an sos fault"

As a SoS customer, let me explain "my" view of this.

On Friday...
Attempted to place order using new SoS website.
- Ordering Failed.
Placed order using same CC with another seed shop to test CC.
- No issues. Ordering Successful. Seeds due Fri.
On Saturday...
Attempted to place order using new SoS website.
- Ordering Failed. Really wanted the 30% off.
I noticed Sagepay reserved the money on my CC for both failed orders.
The ammount reserved by sagepay was the exact ammount of the SoS order.
On Monday...
I contacted SoS directly about this issue and reserved money.
I received a response from SoS.
According to SoS there was an issue and a system change was made.

SoS Response
"We had a strict vendor rule setup on sagepay which may of declined your orders,
We have since then lightened the rules on our sagepay"

This issue started with attempting to place orders through the SoS website.
This issue ONLY occurred while attempting to place orders through the SoS website.
SoS confirmed there were system/rules issues and changes made to resolve those issues.

As a customer, it is not abnormal, to expect the service provider (SoS) to assist the customer with issues that arrise when the service provider has a known system issues. This would be even more true when the service provider has just launched a new version of their system.

I understand you guys are busy with the new web site, but it does not hurt to take some responsibility when you have issues. It looks much better us customers to admit there was an issue, and let us know it's been resolved, than to take no responsibility and say it's not our fault.

Hi TW21

Im happy you addressed this issue on here :)

ok at the very beginning we had no vendor rules set up which allowed anyone to order, in this time we had 2 people make an order for a few thousand between them
which after hrs of there order we found out they were using dodgy cards so we refunded the cards that were used and we had the vendor rules made more strict this is why this was done, then after 4 to 5 days we noticed a lot of emails telling us the same issue as you have mentioned above also a lot of orders wernt going through even though we knew the cards were fine so this is when we lightened the rules, I do feel for everyone that this happened to because i would be pissed off as well but at the same time how can we take responsibility for what the credit card companies do, dont get me wrong but the way i see it is if sage pay declines the order the card company shouldnt be putting a block on the card (i might be wrong in assuming this but any more thoughts are welcome :)
hey E.M. all is well. my first order with s.o.s went well. order on monday and was in my mailbox the following monday. it has beat the tude's best delivery by a day and there was a holiday in there.

anyway a question for you about paypal payment. in the past paypal has been know to be snitches on ordering items of this nature and they do not usually participate in payment for such items.

if paypal is used for payment, is there a way that they know where we are ordering from or what we are ordering? how is it that paypal can be used to make a purchase?

This is why we strongly insist customers only put the order number as a ref, any other info left through paypal will result in a full refund and the order canceled no questions.
4 days since order was proccesed. It has arrived in Denver. Probably see my package tommorow!
Good job EM!

Update: Package arrived in todays mail.

Kudos on the stealth, took me a minute to find them.
I will be placing another order soon. (I am adding and removing things daily to my next cart)
Thanks for the freebies EM, I am eager to try the 7/8 sour and the sleestack x skunk1!
GOT MY BEANS TODAY! I placed my order Sunday eve the 2nd, so early early UK time. Got em today. So 5 days from the UK to Colorado is nuts! Most of the time it takes 7-10 days.
So right on. Good work. Makes me want to order again.
Hi TW21

Im happy you addressed this issue on here :)

ok at the very beginning we had no vendor rules set up which allowed anyone to order, in this time we had 2 people make an order for a few thousand between them
which after hrs of there order we found out they were using dodgy cards so we refunded the cards that were used and we had the vendor rules made more strict this is why this was done, then after 4 to 5 days we noticed a lot of emails telling us the same issue as you have mentioned above also a lot of orders wernt going through even though we knew the cards were fine so this is when we lightened the rules, I do feel for everyone that this happened to because i would be pissed off as well but at the same time how can we take responsibility for what the credit card companies do, dont get me wrong but the way i see it is if sage pay declines the order the card company shouldnt be putting a block on the card (i might be wrong in assuming this but any more thoughts are welcome :)

Hey guys this is a good man for doing this. He is looking out for your good and his. If he takes the fraud order and ships it out, a charge back comes from the persons card that got stolen. So he eats his ass big time and also makes it more of a hassle for the person that got the card stolen.
If all e tailors did what he did fraud would be way down. Not worth making orders for only a fractions of what the can now.
Keep up the good work!
If you didnt choose stealth you wont get stealth :(,
Every month is normally 20% off promo but remember we now have a today only page which gives you 20% off anything you pick on that page so in affect we have the monthly promo everyday on selected items :)

That's a cracking idea. Would you perhaps make it a "this week only" and perhaps give us a heads up on what could be coming up each week?

Also, is there any chance you could give me some more information on the cash payments? How does one do the cash payment.
GOT MY BEANS TODAY! I placed my order Sunday eve the 2nd, so early early UK time. Got em today. So 5 days from the UK to Colorado is nuts! Most of the time it takes 7-10 days.
So right on. Good work. Makes me want to order again.

Lucky u, did you get your beans in breeder's packaging?
That's a cracking idea. Would you perhaps make it a "this week only" and perhaps give us a heads up on what could be coming up each week?

Also, is there any chance you could give me some more information on the cash payments? How does one do the cash payment.


We could do a weekly deal but we think a daily deal would be better because people that dont find what they want on the today page wouldnt have to wait they can check back the next day :) also we have no idea what will be chosen each day,,

When you go through checkout choose payment by post and follow the instructions :)
I hope this helps ;)