Sea of Seeds reputation

Good luck to you! I hope it does work out well. But if it does I wouldn't chance it more after this. Especially since its guaranteed.

Yup last time Im doing that. Im broke and wanted to get in on the deal, plus they're the only place that has High Quality Seeds Original Maui Wowie Skunk. I hope they come through fine.

From that point in the Jamaica facility your package should be going to your local post office for delivery or right to your mailbox if you're local.
You should be in the clear.
Hello all

We are getting use to the system now but dam what a time too learn lolol anyway peeps we are still updating the tracking numbers as i type ;) many of you if not all will receive them shortly,

Peace :)
at what point should I email if I still have not recieved tracking number? (15 8 )
P.s first email got recieved into spam box (nearly missed it) should make your emails priority box if possible...?
Thanks team keep up the good work!
You know, a shitload of people ordered at the same time, plus they are getting a new site figured out. EM could probably
get tracking numbers out faster if everybody was not on his ass asking questions constantly. They are swamped with orders.
It is different. Before the site went down they were on point. Very fast shipping and decent delivery times. I've been waiting a week. I've checked my order through other sites and without the 30% attitude is only about 10$ or less, more. But if I order Monday they'd be here or pretty fucking close.....
Before the site went down, he didn't have to deal with all the clucking hens he has to deal with now. Maybe you all should send him more PM's and take more of his time away from getting orders out. It's not like he disappeared and no one has heard from him in a week. He is on here answering questions and keeping you guy's up to date. Maybe a little appreciation for his hard work instead of constant complaining would be more appropriate.
Mine didn't register first try either, track it then do it again on the page it takes you to. That got mine working...

Also I was told that the ordinary shipping just isn't "super" stealth and has no guarantee, there is still a level of stealth to it... I mean wouldn't that make sense? They are aware of what they are shipping and what country's allow it, and if I got an order in an envelope that said pot seeds on it because I didnt pay an extra $10 do you think thats gonna spark repeat business?
ordinary shipping is ordinary shipping. If customs would check your package, they would have no problem finding the seeds. Of course, the outside of
the envelope will not say pot seeds, but they would have no problem finding them.
I was not being rude mr bwest, nor impatient,ive waited working week + already checking day and night for my tracking number...just making sure the new site hasn't"lost" my order....if you don't ask you don't know yeah?
I ordered Monday night 05/27 and received tracking on Wednesday - my seeds were delivered today (USA).

I did not get stealth shipping (small $ order).

Thanks SOS.
ordinary shipping is ordinary shipping. If customs would check your package, they would have no problem finding the seeds. Of course, the outside of
the envelope will not say pot seeds, but they would have no problem finding them.

I just assumed because I've paid about the same for shipping from other sites and it was still pretty stealthy. I mean if you knew what you were looking for you'd find em without effort, but they were still discreet...
I just assumed because I've paid about the same for shipping from other sites and it was still pretty stealthy. I mean if you knew what you were looking for you'd find em without effort, but they were still discreet...
Sea of Seeds was the only site Where I never used stealth, so I don't know what the others regular orders are shipped like, but yea, I like the way they were shipped. I was just tryin to let you know that while they are somewhat discreet, they were not stealth.
Good afternoon Riu

Thanks for the support bwest :) but honestly i do not mind answering questions and helping where i can thats what im here for im sure it will calm down once we gain the trust back :)
ordinary shipping is ordinary shipping. If customs would check your package, they would have no problem finding the seeds. Of course, the outside of
the envelope will not say pot seeds, but they would have no problem finding them.

call them. I have.
Wake up a little early, spend 2 bucks on a cheap calling card, or skype, and call them. Seems with your massive concern 2 bucks could fix it.
Hey EM I have this instant gratification thing im battling, can you give us a rough turnaround time between placing an order and receiving a trackng number? I know you guys are catching up due to the success of your generous promo. Or updates on turnaround time as you reach normalcy.
I recieved my tracking # today. I ordered on Friday night U.S. so to be fair, they only had 2 business days to process.
They responded to my e-mail quickly, even though they have been dealing with a ton of shit lately.

I actualy didn't expect to see an e-mail this afternoon, since it is already around 10-11pm there, but they sent my tracking #, so they probably already mailed it, it just takes some time for them to send out the e-mails. That tells me they are working late into the night.

It is at the international processsing center in England, preparing for dispatch overseas.
I am guessing (based on orders from the tude) it should be at my door by next Tuesday or Wednesday.
It all depends where the orders being placed from and how its payed but we have a few more delayed orders which were clearing up but i think towards the end of the week we SHOULD be in full motion :)
Thanks EM about 5 minutes after I posted that I got my tracking email. Thanks for the hardwork. I hope you get a bonus for all of this hustling.
It all depends where the orders being placed from and how its payed but we have a few more delayed orders which were clearing up but i think towards the end of the week we SHOULD be in full motion :)

I ordered Sunday night from the USA with Paypal and paypal completed the tranaction and the money was taken from my bank.
Curious when it might go through,still says processing order.
This is my first ever order from you guys.
call them. I have.
Wake up a little early, spend 2 bucks on a cheap calling card, or skype, and call them. Seems with your massive concern 2 bucks could fix it.
Not sure what the fuck you are talking about here. I was explaining to someone who asked about the shipping and made a comment on the outside of the envelope saying it held pot seeds.. I love SoS, I have no concern. And if I were to call, I would just dial them directly, no need for a card or skype, I have a job, I can afford a telephone.