Well-Known Member
Thats crazy looking how does it work?
Water seems to hydrate some terpenoids and not flush them.
CA, are your genetics available outside of CA, like OR for instance? All of frenchy's description of your strains have me very interested in your work, and I had saw on your webpage that they would be up soon. Thanks for sharing your thoughts so far, i'm learning so much....
I made my first Honey oil in Morocco with 99 proof grain alcohol in the late 70. I have never seen Butane extract in all my travel. When you are used to smoke hashish the taste and smell of oil does not cut it
Hey Snap, as of the moment our genetics are only available in CA. For years, my team and I have operated on a strictly invitation/referral only basis- As a private breeding boutique working with highly exclusive elites and bespoke creations we try to cultivate only the most serious connoisseurs who will execute their growing techniques with flawless passion, this is often the rule of thumb with other high-profile breeders here in the emerald triangle. However, we are indeed releasing our latest collection on the market within the next few months, towards the end of summer. I personally am making an effort to get our work up to Oregon and Washington, I've seen tremendous talent from Oregon and it's a shame not to collab with such ruthless talent that exists up there. It's taking us longer than usual to meet the increase in demand simply because we refuse to cut any corners, and all artists should work with the highest quality ingredients possible. Cheers snap!
What is it about terpenes that gives them medicinal value. Clearly cannabis is not the only plant in the world that contains them, although from what i understand cannabis contains the highest concentration of them. Lemons contain lemoneine(pardon the spelling error). Does that mean lemons have a medicinal value as well?
Hey Snowboarder, posting the articles on terpenes you mentioned would be very appreciated. Terpenes are vital to quality and not only to the quality of your smoke.Aromatherapy is a great form of therapy in many ways. Especially for stress, ptsd, and even pain. Etc. There is recently more research being done into aromatherapy and it's medicinal values. Especially with marijuana, as it has more terpene profiles than any other plant known to man. There are several articles on this. In fact I may have posted one on this topic under my thread all things informative about marijuana. if not then i will post it. Good stuff
The trichomes from dry and fresh plants are slightly different but not to the point of not pressing and melting.Hey Frenchy,
I tried to press some kief and it would not melt like your hash in the video. Does dry kief perform differently than freshly processed glands?
A secret among breeders here in the emerald triangle is to breed not for THC but solely for terpenes. This is all I breed for, THC is secondary- Terpenes is primary. The terpenes unlock the true potential of the THC.
Absolutely, I am actually working on such a project but with a more medical angle to the use of the terpenes.Can the perfume making process be applied to cannabis? ie you just want the flower essence for aromatherapy or perfume/colognes, seems info on the net for true essential oil extraction is all over the map. Is there a process for making cannabis perfume and essential oils that is similar to the traditional perfume making process? and yeah marketing skunk#1 as a perfume would be problematic....
Thanks for the info CA, your professionalism and obvious commitment to the upmost dankness is much appreciated! I look forward to the day when we can see your Pinot Noir growing on the slopes here in the Willamette Valley next to the pinot noir vineyards.
Absolutely, I am actually working on such a project but with a more medical angle to the use of the terpenes.
Actually Butane and C02 extraction methods were created for the perfume industry to recover the most volatile terpenes