Well-Known Member
A lot of the places that they used to grow were "treated" by woodland trust n etc, used to be thousands of places round here an nowadays absolutely nothing, ive got mates that go out looking for em every year an they just havent found any in the last 2-3years hence why i was thinking of growing em lol
yeah my mushie days where 10+ yrs ago wouldnt have a clue where they grow, we use to buy them of the older lads 100 frozen shrooms for a 5er, would then get a pair of tights and put the hundred inside and put 2 cups of boiling water into a pan and then put the tights with the mushrooms in and brew it up for ages 2 teas per 100 and that tea even if it did taste like shite would have u tripping for 8-12hrs stronger than any acid tabs ive ever had, and stronger than shrooms i tried in the dam.