LED Companies w/ LINKS

Welll it's obvious you never ran a business in your life !

I think a MOD should check these guys IP's ..I think it's the same guy from awhile back who tried to slam EH for no reason at all.

I don't own anything from EH and have built my own panel but if I were to buy a panel
it would be from EH .

You just don't get a decent panel you get a good warranty and customer service which is rare today..plus he's always willing
to answer questions and help people out .

He doesn't need to get into a pissing match with your kind who rather bad mouth a company who has a good reputation .

Lose Nothing...Gain Everything - The Internet Marketeers Guide to Self Promotion

In your example: You've bought a light for 20% off the selling price. The seller of the light makes 30% profit on the usual selling price. The result = In this instance, the seller makes his costs back plus 10% profit and you're now going to do the hard work and promote his light for at least 3 months and most likely tell everyone how great his lights are, get defensive about them/the seller on a forum, etc. Who's the real winner there?

You just can't buy that kind of loyalty...

Oh wait...Case in point. You can :(


Actually Doucheknuckle, My discount was under cost lil over 35% and I approached mr EH myself about testing his lights against one I already have as I was looking into some new panels anyway and I've done my research like usual plus the lovely people of this forum were pretty keen on A51 so why not give them a shot its only money but would be his rep on the line, sent some e-mails chatted crunched some numbers ( nice guy by the way ) and now I'm using them.

I'm not biast and or bought to say oh oh this lights awesome fuckin buy it!!!!!!! So far I like what it can do but my XML350 is good in the veg stage too it will all come down to flower.

So why don't you put a lock on your keyboard or leave the forum as you seem to be disrupting the class.

I say good day to u Fuckstick! Don't let the door hit ya on the way out :)
Hey EH sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, lots of problems, but here's Philips explanation of B+Y. Was wondering do I get a free panel if I get Vipar to spill the beans? How about a freebie if I can get RB to understand efficacy? LOL Also I meant to ask you how is handling the heat produced by conversion compared to running multiple monos? And how come I miss all the fun when I'm on the road?
Your pathetic.

I've noticed how you post on here...Lurking in the shadows, waiting and watching, then the moment someone says something negative about your lights, or, if public opinion sways away from the CREE LED Dream, you're straight on here with graphs, charts, emails that you sent to people trying to defend your wares. Truth is "EH" - That's the only thing that you have left in your LED grow light seller's tool kit...You're selling a 150 Watt LED grow light for $600...And the only features that are "new"...ish/unique? are the CREE LEDs. Red + White spectrum = Apache Tech. Casing = Yaaaaaawn. CREE LEDs (Overrated and overstated - I think so).

It's called providing information regarding his product that is (usually) being misrepresented in some way.

You've come a little way from drop shipping lights from Eshine to your "Fellow LED Growers", so that's good for you. Now, you are trying to be one of the "big boys", so play nice and act like it. You're shooting yourself in the foot by coming on these forums, and same goes to any other grow light (company? - one man band, low start up costs, probs running out of their/his Moms basement) owners out there lurking on here. Truth is folks, EH will always be biast, ready to praise his lights, and shoot everyone else's down - Which is exactly what WE want on RIU...NOT! (Sidenote - Go to 420 forum, you can be a sponsor and talk as much shit as you want about your lights there) Hey...that reminds me of another led grow light (company owner), always used to bandy her wares on the forums in the most ungracious of ways...Cammie McKenzie.....Loser...At least she was blatant about it. Your just a tricky trickster and sneaky too.

You have 5 posts, what say do you have as to what the RIU community wants? You have some sense of self-entitlement, asshole.

This is a place for like minded people to come together and talk about what they love. Not a place for you to market/sell your wares! I love this forum, most of the guys on here talk some interesting shit and I've spent many a late night reading and smoking my way through some of the threads on here. It's a great forum! I have to admit though, when I see your messages, I just think - Well, it's just tragic. And a little desperate :(

All hail and praise EH - For he is the man that put some CREE LEDs in a case and made a grow light that you can buy. Everything he does is perfect, and he is never wrong. A self styled LED expert, a man about town...or...a shifty LED grow light seller just like the rest of them (Creating multiple accounts in attempt to promote your products - Yikes)

Tune in next week folks, for that is when I expose "EH" for the liar that he really is. The internet doesn't lie - And all hail the power of Google :)

EH has helped independent LED users create their own spectrums, given advice on cooling, parts, you fucking name it. He has given more to this community than you could ever hope to give.

Does he want you to buy his panels? Yes, he does; he didn't spend time designing and making them to NOT sell them, but he's consistently been the most transparent business owner I've ever dealt with while simultaneously offering some of the best, if not the best, LED panels available.

No one will be 'tuning in next week', but how about you 'tune yourself out' from RIU and fuck off from whence you came.
I bought 3 of the evolution 100 modules about five months ago and am quite happy. They replaced 2 x 400w HPS and so far are doing a better job at it. Keeping everything else the same except the lighting change my first crop I finished out with them was about 20% heavier, and my current batch is looking even a little better this time around. Good coverage and penetration, and the different light modes allow the spectrum's to be tweaked. Im actually thinking about buying a few more to build an even bigger light, I noticed the other day they are on sale for a lot loss than I paid at http://www.shop.evolutiongrowled.com
I already have 3 attached together now im thinking about getting one of the control units http://www.evolutiongrowled.com/evolution-100-led-control-module.html and 2 more of the standard ones. Overall they are very solid and heavy and attach together pretty easily into pretty much any size led grow light you want. They also do run very quiet and cool, literally almost no heat at all to speak of which is very nice but does require a drastic adjustment to the watering schedule. I probably water half as often or less which took a little getting used to, at first I kept feeling like the plants were overdue for a watering but would check and find it wasnt necessary. Performance wise im quite happy as my veg times and flower times are a little shorter, yields and quality have gone up enough to be noticeable and my grow power cost has dropped from roughly $50 month down to around $20. Be aware though that they are quite heavy, I was pretty surprised when unpacking and hanging them, so solid anchor points are a must. Oh yeah and the little computer display screen in each one is a nice feature and makes them look pretty awesome. Definitely not your run of the mill led grow light you see advertised everywhere.
^^^ anyone wanna tell this guys Heavy + 100 watts x $1000 = not interested or functional.

There are way better lights for cheaper and not gonna pulldown your tent or ceiling out there.IMO lol

Its funny, on the site there are no grow pics, journals nothing but some charts you could do in photoshop and some pics of some lights attached to god knows what a tank maybe? Or small armoured car for a little person? I dno I personally wouldn't waste my money. My 2 Cents.
I bought 3 of the evolution 100 modules about five months ago and am quite happy. They replaced 2 x 400w HPS and so far are doing a better job at it. Keeping everything else the same except the lighting change my first crop I finished out with them was about 20% heavier, and my current batch is looking even a little better this time around. Good coverage and penetration, and the different light modes allow the spectrum's to be tweaked. Im actually thinking about buying a few more to build an even bigger light, I noticed the other day they are on sale for a lot loss than I paid at http://www.shop.evolutiongrowled.com
I already have 3 attached together now im thinking about getting one of the control units http://www.evolutiongrowled.com/evolution-100-led-control-module.html and 2 more of the standard ones. Overall they are very solid and heavy and attach together pretty easily into pretty much any size led grow light you want. They also do run very quiet and cool, literally almost no heat at all to speak of which is very nice but does require a drastic adjustment to the watering schedule. I probably water half as often or less which took a little getting used to, at first I kept feeling like the plants were overdue for a watering but would check and find it wasnt necessary. Performance wise im quite happy as my veg times and flower times are a little shorter, yields and quality have gone up enough to be noticeable and my grow power cost has dropped from roughly $50 month down to around $20. Be aware though that they are quite heavy, I was pretty surprised when unpacking and hanging them, so solid anchor points are a must. Oh yeah and the little computer display screen in each one is a nice feature and makes them look pretty awesome. Definitely not your run of the mill led grow light you see advertised everywhere.

Glad to hear someone has used them. I found the link and was hoping to hear more about them. Would love to see some pics of your setup.
Just wanted to mention, I just received my area51 light, will take some time before I know how it compares against hid stuff, but I would like to say the construction looks great, the light is very bright and the buying experience with Jeff was top notch!!!
Just giving an update. I am now about 3 weeks into first Veg stage with my lights. I ended up getting 4 units of the 5G "Growsun" units: http://www.eshinesun.com/growsun/growsun-series.html. I had intended on running two of those and two of the 4G 300W LED lights, but the latter were two noisy with their fans going (surprisingly loud), whereas the Growsun ones were very quiet, so I got two more. I will bring in the spare two 300W LEDs in flower possibly if I can get my soundproofing better. I have been impressed with the Growsuns though, but the test will be in the flowering I presume. I don't know if these have been discussed much on here but they are the latest units put out by Eshine, and use multichip LEDs. They have Seedling/Veg/Bloom settings, and can be programmed to turn on and off in the light itself. Looking inside (I haven't taken one apart, just looked in through the vents), it looks like basically a Meanwell DC PSU, a heatsink, and 16 x 20W multichip bulbs. They are very quiet, but produce some heat (they have a temperature display in the digital display), and apparently cutout if they get too hot. But I have seen them getting up around 50 degrees C before I got my room cooling sorted. As I said, they work so far but I will report back at the end when the pudding has been proved or disproved....
Just giving an update. I am now about 3 weeks into first Veg stage with my lights. I ended up getting 4 units of the 5G "Growsun" units: http://www.eshinesun.com/growsun/growsun-series.html. I had intended on running two of those and two of the 4G 300W LED lights, but the latter were two noisy with their fans going (surprisingly loud), whereas the Growsun ones were very quiet, so I got two more. I will bring in the spare two 300W LEDs in flower possibly if I can get my soundproofing better. I have been impressed with the Growsuns though, but the test will be in the flowering I presume. I don't know if these have been discussed much on here but they are the latest units put out by Eshine, and use multichip LEDs. They have Seedling/Veg/Bloom settings, and can be programmed to turn on and off in the light itself. Looking inside (I haven't taken one apart, just looked in through the vents), it looks like basically a Meanwell DC PSU, a heatsink, and 16 x 20W multichip bulbs. They are very quiet, but produce some heat (they have a temperature display in the digital display), and apparently cutout if they get too hot. But I have seen them getting up around 50 degrees C before I got my room cooling sorted. As I said, they work so far but I will report back at the end when the pudding has been proved or disproved....

Some pics would be nice:).............how much did each 5g panel cost????
just giving an update. I am now about 3 weeks into first veg stage with my lights. I ended up getting 4 units of the 5g "growsun" units: http://www.eshinesun.com/growsun/growsun-series.html. I had intended on running two of those and two of the 4g 300w led lights, but the latter were two noisy with their fans going (surprisingly loud), whereas the growsun ones were very quiet, so i got two more. I will bring in the spare two 300w leds in flower possibly if i can get my soundproofing better. I have been impressed with the growsuns though, but the test will be in the flowering i presume. I don't know if these have been discussed much on here but they are the latest units put out by eshine, and use multichip leds. They have seedling/veg/bloom settings, and can be programmed to turn on and off in the light itself. Looking inside (i haven't taken one apart, just looked in through the vents), it looks like basically a meanwell dc psu, a heatsink, and 16 x 20w multichip bulbs. They are very quiet, but produce some heat (they have a temperature display in the digital display), and apparently cutout if they get too hot. But i have seen them getting up around 50 degrees c before i got my room cooling sorted. As i said, they work so far but i will report back at the end when the pudding has been proved or disproved....

Just thought i would suggest adding DormGrow G8 LEDs to the above list. I use them for all or my lighting (have 5 240w Lights and 2 90w All red lights) and have not had any issues. Will be buying a few more 240W lights within the next couple weeks to expand the grow. I can tell that they are always making their product better and the grow support is damn good as well.

Below is a Take Off from their site for the 240w full spectrum light.
G8-LED has formulated and tested the ideal color ratio with 8 bands of the color spectrum including Infrared (IR), ultraviolet (UV-B) plus 3000K white. The colors are:740nm infrared, 660nm red, 630nm red, 610nm orange, 580nm yellow, 460nm blue, 440nm blue, 410nm violet, 380nm uv and 3000K white. Enjoy tremendous savings in electrical costs and heat venting expense. Made with 3 Watt diodes for maximum canopy penetration.

They also sell on Amazon, Great for me since i use my frequent flier points to get Amazon Gift Cards.
Happy growing friends!
LEDs good for a lot of things..like not heating the place up. But they are NOT good for growing. Many a people been down that road and been burnt.