I wanna make things interesting.
1) If you can get the Dormgrow guys to give out legit parts numbers for their "Epistar" and/or "Bridgelux" LEDs, I have a free Cree SGS LED for them.
2) If you can get the Blackdog guys to give out legit parts numbers for their "5w Epistars", I have 3 free Area-51 AF-600's for them. Yes, 3 of them!!
I've been looking to give away some free stuff, I just want to make it fun.
Your pathetic.
I've noticed how you post on here...Lurking in the shadows, waiting and watching, then the moment someone says something negative about your lights, or, if public opinion sways away from the CREE LED Dream, you're straight on here with graphs, charts, emails that you sent to people trying to defend your wares. Truth is "EH" - That's the only thing that you have left in your LED grow light seller's tool kit...You're selling a 150 Watt LED grow light for $600...And the only features that are "new"...ish/unique? are the CREE LEDs. Red + White spectrum = Apache Tech. Casing = Yaaaaaawn. CREE LEDs (Overrated and overstated - I think so).
You've come a little way from drop shipping lights from Eshine to your "Fellow LED Growers", so that's good for you. Now, you are trying to be one of the "big boys", so play nice and act like it. You're shooting yourself in the foot by coming on these forums, and same goes to any other grow light (company? - one man band, low start up costs, probs running out of their/his Moms basement) owners out there lurking on here. Truth is folks, EH will always be biast, ready to praise his lights, and shoot everyone else's down - Which is exactly what we want on RIU...NOT! (Sidenote - Go to 420 forum, you can be a sponsor and talk as much shit as you want about your lights there) Hey...that reminds me of another led grow light (company owner), always used to bandy her wares on the forums in the most ungracious of ways...Cammie McKenzie.....Loser...At least she was blatant about it. Your just a tricky trickster and sneaky too.
This is a place for like minded people to come together and talk about what they love. Not a place for you to market/sell your wares! I love this forum, most of the guys on here talk some interesting shit and I've spent many a late night reading and smoking my way through some of the threads on here. It's a great forum! I have to admit though, when I see your messages, I just think - Well, it's just tragic. And a little desperate
All hail and praise EH - For he is the man that put some CREE LEDs in a case and made a grow light that you can buy. Everything he does is perfect, and he is never wrong. A self styled LED expert, a man about town...or...a shifty LED grow light seller just like the rest of them (Creating multiple accounts in attempt to promote your products - Yikes)
Tune in next week folks, for that is when I expose "EH" for the liar that he really is. The internet doesn't lie - And all hail the power of Google