One 17 ish pound pigs head
fresh herbs
onions, celery, carrot
find a pigs head, debone the head, remove the brain with a meat cleaver over the eye sockets.
simmer the pigs head meat, skull, and mirepoix with thyme pepper salt and some champagne until spoon tender.
strain cooking liquid from solids and saaaaave!
remove all meat from jowels, cheeks, neck and anywhere else and discard fat and skin and bone.
(Eat an eye if your tough)
reduce liquid to where it will gelatinize firmly after adding champagne.
season jelly strongly. It will loose flavor when cold.
slice olives thinly and add capers with meat and herbs in a bread pan lined with plastic wrap. Cover in warm jelly mix and refrigerate until firm. Toast bread and slice cold head cheese as thinly as your rookie ass can pull of and serve with garnishes....simple