An Old article but one worth reading...

Talk about setting the bar too high to reach. cn

it really is stupid of me to think that he'd realize how tasteless it is to continuously taunt growers with federal prison time.

he seems rather proud of the act, even despite his embarrassing track record.
i'm not asking for any bans, i'm just explaining why i find you such an abhorrent, shameless, hypocrite piece of garbage.

We have a mutual distaste for each other. Your words, "abhorrent, shameless, hypocrite piece of garbage" almost perfectly capture my own estimation of you, throw in a bit of mooch and hobo, a dash of self-righteous meddler and I am mostly satisfied.
it really is stupid of me to think that he'd realize how tasteless it is to continuously taunt growers with federal prison time.

he seems rather proud of the act, even despite his embarrassing track record.

Let's BOTH go under the ban hammer, little Buck. For the good of polite discussion here at RIU.
We have a mutual distaste for each other. Your words, "abhorrent, shameless, hypocrite piece of garbage" almost perfectly capture my own estimation of you, throw in a bit of mooch and hobo, a dash of self-righteous meddler and I am mostly satisfied.

except that all of that is baseless.

mooch? who am i mooching off of? that's your fantasy. i pay my way through life and i pay my taxes that fund your social security welfare check and your socialized medicare medicine.

it is not my fantasy that you are a racist, you openly call the president an "affirmative action" president based only on racial resentment and zero evidence.

it is not my fantasy that you tastelessly taunt growers with federal prison time, you do it time and time again.

it is not my fantasy that you suspiciously tried to play dumb about the bust, that is all recorded with posts and time stamps.

you're delusional.
Let's BOTH go under the ban hammer, little Buck. For the good of polite discussion here at RIU.

there has been plenty of polite discussion here throughout my tenure.

when you show up and start spamming, lying, being delusional and racist, rawn pawl bleating, and taunting federal prison time, things get ugly.

just scurry back into your hole.
it really is stupid of me to think that he'd realize how tasteless it is to continuously taunt growers with federal prison time.

he seems rather proud of the act, even despite his embarrassing track record.

Which growers have I taunted with federal prison, Buck. Can you list them?

Let me start the list. FDD and I exchanged harsh words with one another around the time of prop 19. He and I exchanged PMs later, neither of us went away from that exchange any the worse for wear.

That's it.

I am taunting you for being a hypocritical tax evading douche bag, which only seems fair because that's what you are, not for growing treadmills.
This is a good time for some yoga. Let's all join in now and center our chakras.....or some shit like that.

Which growers have I taunted with federal prison, Buck. Can you list them?

Let me start the list. FDD and I exchanged harsh words with one another around the time of prop 19. He and I exchanged PMs later, neither of us went away from that exchange any the worse for wear.

That's it.

I am taunting you for being a hypocritical tax evading douche bag, which only seems fair because that's what you are, not for growing treadmills.

you wished federal prison time on FDD because he did not buy into your rawn pawl spam.

your claim of tax evasion is baseless. it's your own little way of justifying (in your own deluded head) your wishes for me to go to federal prison simply because i point out what a racist idiot you are.

you even go so far as to try to compare what i do to al capone. that is the extent of your delusion.
you wished federal prison time on FDD because he did not buy into your rawn pawl spam.

your claim of tax evasion is baseless. it's your own little way of justifying (in your own deluded head) your wishes for me to go to federal prison simply because i point out what a racist idiot you are.

you even go so far as to try to compare what i do to al capone. that is the extent of your delusion.

I didn't compare you to Al Capone. I pointed out that AC went to prison for tax evasion. You wouldn't last 10 minutes dealing with the thugs that AC dealt with every day.

This is not meant as an accusation, just a simple statement of facts: If you earn income, by law you must report it on your tax return. I am sure Oregon has a similar law.

This is meant as an accusation: don't pontificate to me about how I ought to love paying for socialist bullshit or how you consider it a great honor to pay for socialist bullshit and then come bragging here about how you are "rolling in it" from your treadmill sales. First off, that is very insulting and I tend to respond to insults. Secondly, it is stupid, very STUPID, on your part to talk on a public forum about such exploits.
I didn't compare you to Al Capone. I pointed out that AC went to prison for tax evasion. You wouldn't last 10 minutes dealing with the thugs that AC dealt with every day.

This is not meant as an accusation, just a simple statement of facts: If you earn income, by law you must report it on your tax return. I am sure Oregon has a similar law.

This is meant as an accusation: don't pontificate to me about how I ought to love paying for socialist bullshit or how you consider it a great honor to pay for socialist bullshit and then come bragging here about how you are "rolling in it" from your treadmill sales. First off, that is very insulting and I tend to respond to insults. Secondly, it is stupid, very STUPID, on your part to talk on a public forum about such exploits.


"I hate socialism, but I love taxes."
I didn't compare you to Al Capone. I pointed out that AC went to prison for tax evasion. You wouldn't last 10 minutes dealing with the thugs that AC dealt with every day.

jesus christ. this is exactly what i am talking about.

you used al capone as a simile. i'm sorry, rat, but growing a few plants in my backyard is far from the al capone level and the simile is unwarranted. that's what i'm talking about when i refer to you bending facts to fit the retarded concoctions in your skull rather than tempering to reality.

delusional and playing dumb. so fucking annoying.

This is not meant as an accusation, just a simple statement of facts: If you earn income, by law you must report it on your tax return. I am sure Oregon has a similar law.

again, this is where you concoct something retarded in your head for god knows what reason.

no one has posted more of their tax info here than i have. i pay for the social security welfare checks that you receive and the socialized medicare medicine you take part in.

a reimbursement is not income. you haven't even read our laws and yet you act like you are an expert on them. just like you try to pretend that you are more knowledgeable than a harvards admissions officer.

fucking delusional. i blame senility. you are completely fucked in the head.

This is meant as an accusation: don't pontificate to me about how I ought to love paying for socialist bullshit or how you consider it a great honor to pay for socialist bullshit and then come bragging here about how you are "rolling in it" from your treadmill sales. First off, that is very insulting and I tend to respond to insults.

this final paragraph is all your delusion.

you're the only one of us who benefits from social welfare programs.

remember when cheesus busted you in a lie about how much you've contributed as well?


you're delusional.

*Secondly, it is stupid, very STUPID, on your part to talk on a public forum about such exploits.

at least with you around it is.


not sure why you think i'm "rolling in it", seems like you're deluded. yet again.
That's more like it. Show your colors. You're a statist. You call yourself a libertarian, but your dystopia is nothing more than collective misery.

how can a libertarian be such an advocate of sending growers to prison because they don't worship his rawn pawl, or because they point out that he's a racist?
how can a libertarian be such an advocate of sending growers to prison because they don't worship his rawn pawl, or because they point out that he's a racist?

I heard that if fascism came to America it would be wrapped in the flag and carrying the bible.

Turns out fascism came to America calling itself libertarianism.
if you're a grower and don't vote for rawn pawl, you should be sentenced to federal prison. serves you right.
I think the biggest fail is someone who thinks he's an anti authoritarian by furthering the authoritarian agenda.

It is doublethink.

The people calling themselves libertarians in the US are exactly what Orwell was warning us about. Privatized power is easily as oppressive as nationalized power but completely unaccountable. Socialized power is made out to be the same as nationalized power. The whole point is to deny power to the people.

It is doublethink.

The people calling themselves libertarians in the US are exactly what Orwell was warning us about. Privatized power is easily as oppressive as nationalized power but completely unaccountable. Socialized power is made out to be the same as nationalized power. The whole point is to deny power to the people.


Those of us who live in the real world have real world examples of socialism to make our judgments. Cuba and Venezuela are pretty good examples. The entire USSR is a terrific example. The difference between the old East Germany and West Germany is a stark example. North Korea versus South Korea. China is an excellent example. China was an impoverished back water until they sort of embraced free market capitalism.

I know it is a cliche but "Capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth. Communism is the equal distribution of poverty" pretty well sums up the relative attractiveness of the two.