Teacher used the "N word" and was fired...

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Well-Known Member
you poor, persecuted white people. when will white people in america ever catch a break? edit: turns out she's black, but i'm still leaving this post because of OP's ongoing persecution complex. poor guy can't even use his favorite racial slurs anymore.
"Negro" is not a slur.


Well-Known Member
"Negro" is a slur? How about "azul" and "rojo"? How about "niggardly", the use of which got a bleeding heart, liberal, democratic operative fired some years ago? PC speech and actions are a ridiculous burden; it's one of the reasons why we "all can't get along".

They should fire the administrators who used such poor judgment in firing this teacher.

Buck, I just bought a bag of hemp seeds with the hulls removed. They are called hemp hearts and they are pretty tasty. I paid $14.99 for 28 ounces of edible seeds, and Sunni tells me I got ripped off at that price. That tells me all I need to know about the costs of growing hemp and it is just as I thought. I think it is adorable that you think it economically appropriate for a lazy tax evader to make a living producing 12 1/2 pounds of cannabis in a year. When legalization comes, it is gonna hit you like a ton of bricks.

Come back and tell me how hemp and pot are SOOOOO DIFFFERENNNT; I need a good laugh this Sunday morning.
lol, finely manicured sinsemilla and hemp seeds are nowhere near the same ballpark. you are just displaying what an idiot you are now, but that's nothing new or surprising.

i grow way more than 12 pounds every year, that is only what comes out of one of my greenhouses.

and bring on legalization, i've got plenty of willing investors.

there is no basis to this thread besides "this teacher who got fired says...". come back when you have some actual evidence, you fucking rat.

until then, go over to sotrmfront. you'll find plenty of asshats willing to indulge your white male persecution complex over there.


Well-Known Member
"Negro" is not a slur.
i know. there's a reason why you guys insinuate that obama is a commie muslim foreigner, other words are not so accepted in polite society anymore.

for your edification, stormfront red, the way you call them "afro-americans" is pretty goddamn out of date.


Active Member
i know. there's a reason why you guys insinuate that obama is a commie muslim foreigner, other words are not so accepted in polite society anymore.

for your edification, stormfront red, the way you call them "afro-americans" is pretty goddamn out of date.

O lordy lordy there's uncle buck the other (Anti-White) Activist. You and your buddy (possibly other account) abandonconflict should see about getting a job with jesse jackson. bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
O lordy lordy there's uncle buck the other (Anti-White) Activist. You and your buddy (possibly other account) abandonconflict should see about getting a job with jesse jackson. bongsmilie
anti-white, you say?

let's see, who says that "anti racist is code for anti-white"? would that be a stormfront saying?

why yes, yes it is!


so tell me, which white people do i hate? my wife? my mom? my dad? my brother? my best friend?

probably all of these people. if i merely point out that racists like you exist, i must hate all white people.

world class logic!


Active Member
so tell me, which white people do i hate? my wife? my mom? my dad? my brother? my best friend?

probably all of these people. if i merely point out that racists like you exist, i must hate all white people.

world class logic!
I'm guessing you hate yourself then sad really. Racists like me eh? what have a said on this forum that is racist? Come now hurry up blame thrower make something outta nothing. That is all rodents like you are good at.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing you hate yourself then sad really. Racists like me eh? what have a said on this forum that is racist? Come now hurry up blame thrower make something outta nothing. That is all rodents like you are good at.
i harbor absolutely zero doubts that you are racist as all fuck.

the fact that you call me anti-white just for speaking out against racism is a dead giveaway.



Active Member
Damn you love propaganda filers don't you? I know I know I said something about your consistent White bashing... I just must be a racist. In fact I must be white to I bet you can see that with your internet xray vision. Like I told your other lover all anyone has to do is look at your posts they are all white racists this white racists that. Get a life. If your really anti-racist you would point out people of other races being hateful towards man aswell. BUT you don't because your either an anti-white bigot or a self hating white with a mental illness.


Well-Known Member
Damn you love propaganda filers don't you? I know I know I said something about your consistent White bashing... I just must be a racist. In fact I must be white to I bet you can see that with your internet xray vision. Like I told your other lover all anyone has to do is look at your posts they are all white racists this white racists that. Get a life. If your really anti-racist you would point out people of other races being hateful towards man aswell. BUT you don't because your an anti-white bigot.

do you not see how you're the one repeating the assertions on the "propaganda fliers"?


if you can point me to where there are black people on this site being racist towards white people, i will be happy to make sport of that, just as i am making sport of you.

but 100% of racism i've seen on this site goes the other way, so you'll just have to endure me being "anti-white" a little more.

you poor little thing you.


Active Member

do you not see how you're the one repeating the assertions on the "propaganda fliers"?


if you can point me to where there are black people on this site being racist towards white people, i will be happy to make sport of that, just as i am making sport of you.

but 100% of racism i've seen on this site goes the other way, so you'll just have to endure me being "anti-white" a little more.

you poor little thing you.

Do you not see how you keep bringing up propaganda as if its going to bring me down or hurt my feelings. I don't expect you to be able to admit you have a deep hatred for whites here that isn't your purpose here.

Your purpose along with your friend is to stir the pot and spit bullshit. Anyone who maybe be White and Proud is a racist in your eyes. Anyone who disagrees with you on immigration is a racist. Infact anyone who disagrees with anything you say just has to be some hill billy redneck racist kkk skinhead . right buck?

I mean you yourself always post words like that but if someone was to say cotton picker like files on shit your the first in line to bash them and let them know how evil they are. What I'm trying to say to you if your not smart enough to get it by now. Your just as much to blame if not more for Racism. Blame throwing buck
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