Teacher used the "N word" and was fired...

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Active Member
There lies the point why must someone be a racist for simply being proud of who they are and how they were born. I don't see the harm in people respecting themselves and being proud of who they are. There are plenty of ebonic/latino/asian empowerment groups. Teaching pride.


Well-Known Member
Do you not see how you keep bringing up propaganda as if its going to bring me down or hurt my feelings. I don't expect you to be able to admit you have a deep hatred for whites here that isn't your purpose here.

Your purpose along with your friend is to stir the pot and spit bullshit. Anyone who maybe be White and Proud is a racist in your eyes. Anyone who disagrees with you on immigration is a racist. Infact anyone who disagrees with anything you say just has to be some hill billy redneck racist kkk skinhead . right buck?

I mean you yourself always post words like that but if someone was to say cotton picker like files on shit your the first in line to bash them and let them know how evil they are. What I'm trying to say to you if your not smart enough to get it by now. Your just as much to blame if not more for Racism. Blame throwing buck

why do you make sure to capitalize white and proud? kind of odd.

and allow me to point it out again: that "propaganda flier" is from stormfront you moron. it is not a creation of the anti-whites, it is a creation of white supremacists like yourself.


Well-Known Member
There lies the point why must someone be a racist for simply being proud of who they are and how they were born. I don't see the harm in people respecting themselves and being proud of who they are. There are plenty of ebonic/latino/asian empowerment groups. Teaching pride.
you're proud because you were arbitrarily born a certain way? good for you, old sport.

you've still yet to demonstrate how i am "anti white" rather than anti-racist. go on, tell me all about how i hate my wife, parents, friends, and everyone else who is white.


Active Member
Capitalizing got your attention didn't it? Once again ill ask the question whats wrong with being White and proud? Its funny how you keep calling me a racist (you know nothing about me or my racial history yet you assume you do.) following out of your ara / antifa handbook and dodging my questions?



Ursus marijanus
Capitalizing got your attention didn't it? Once again ill ask the question whats wrong with being White and proud? Its funny how you keep calling me a racist (you know nothing about me or my racial history yet you assume you do.) following out of your ara / antifa handbook and dodging my questions?
I tried to tell you. You aren't listening. Now I must presume trollery. cn


Well-Known Member
Capitalizing got your attention didn't it? Once again ill ask the question whats wrong with being White and proud? Its funny how you keep calling me a racist (you know nothing about me or my racial history yet you assume you do.) following out of your ara / antifa handbook and dodging my questions?
there's nothing wrong about being white and proud of it, per se. but it's pretty stupid to be proud of something arbitrary that you have no control over, and the "white pride" group tends to be some real stupid and racist mother fuckers.

considering the fact that you can't even tell me about hw i am "anti white", your dumb ass should be the last to accuse anyone of question dodging.

the ARA/ANTIFA reference (which i just had to look up) is apparently the "anti racist action" group. which only lends more evidence to my original assertion that you are a swarmfront douchebag with your "anti racist is code for anti-white" nonsense.

i'll bet the house and farm that you are the latest retarded incarnation of justanotherhead.


Well-Known Member
There lies the point why must someone be a racist for simply being proud of who they are and how they were born. I don't see the harm in people respecting themselves and being proud of who they are. There are plenty of ebonic/latino/asian empowerment groups. Teaching pride.
Just what this forum needed. Another right wing nationalist neo nazi retard. Pride is usually for something you accomplish. Being born white was not something you accomplished. Racial pride is reserved for believing your race is superior to another.

Desert Douche is that you?


Active Member
there's nothing wrong about being white and proud of it, per se. but it's pretty stupid to be proud of something arbitrary that you have no control over, and the "white pride" group tends to be some real stupid and racist mother fuckers..
What if someones parents are proud of there race and they decided they wanted a kind of there own race handing down there racial dna ? Wheres the crime in being proud of what you are ? O that's right its wrong to be proud of your ancestors according to you. bongsmilie

I tried to tell you. You aren't listening. Now I must presume trollery. cn

Wanna make it a contest?


Well-Known Member
What if someones parents are proud of there race and they decided they wanted a kind of there own race handing down there racial dna ? Wheres the crime in being proud of what you are ? O that's right its wrong to be proud of your ancestors according to you. bongsmilie
first of all, learn to spell.

it's not wrong to be proud of your skin color, it's stupid.

and too bad for you that you've already given away that you are one of these dumb mother fuckers who thinks "anti racist is code for anti-white", even though you offer no justification for it.

go on, you poor persecuted thing. tell us all about the white genocide. kynes has given us his version where his precious "european style societies" are watered down by dirty polynesians and worthless africans and we descend into a "singular mindset". let's hear your dystopian nightmare.


Well-Known Member
Just what this forum needed. Another right wing nationalist neo nazi retard. Pride is usually for something you accomplish. Being born white was not something you accomplished. Racial pride is reserved for believing your race is superior to another.

Desert Douche is that you?
funny how this little white supremacist flocked to desert dud's thread to bleat about his persecution.


Active Member
Where did I say I was persecuted or where did I state my race? well show me know it all... well butt hurt buck? tell me boy.


Active Member

Guess hes a racist too ^^ and so are the people cheering on his speech


Well-Known Member
Where did I say I was persecuted or where did I state my race? well show me know it all... well butt hurt buck? tell me boy.
do i even care?

you're just bleating about your "anti racist is code for anti white" stormfront nonsense to resounding rejection.

just go away, reject.


Well-Known Member
Do you not see how you keep bringing up propaganda as if its going to bring me down or hurt my feelings. I don't expect you to be able to admit you have a deep hatred for whites here that isn't your purpose here.

Your purpose along with your friend is to stir the pot and spit bullshit. Anyone who maybe be White and Proud is a racist in your eyes. Anyone who disagrees with you on immigration is a racist. Infact anyone who disagrees with anything you say just has to be some hill billy redneck racist kkk skinhead . right buck?

I mean you yourself always post words like that but if someone was to say cotton picker like files on shit your the first in line to bash them and let them know how evil they are. What I'm trying to say to you if your not smart enough to get it by now. Your just as much to blame if not more for Racism. Blame throwing buck
No, you're just racist. If you weren't, you would be equally offended by all bigotry, you're not. You love that shit, unless it's me cheering for skinheads getting beat up.


Ursus marijanus
What if someones parents are proud of there race and they decided they wanted a kind of there own race handing down there racial dna ? Wheres the crime in being proud of what you are ? O that's right its wrong to be proud of your ancestors according to you. bongsmilie

Wanna make it a contest?
A contest with a troll? ~must breathe~ oh my. cn



Active Member
No, you're just racist. If you weren't, you would be equally offended by all bigotry, you're not. You love that shit, unless it's me cheering for skinheads getting beat up.
Coming from the guy whos claiming to preach anti-racism but only asks for videos of white racists and not racists of all color. Funny. Like I said you and buck 2 of the same lot. Simple minded and brainwashed. WATCH OUT WHITEY IS GONNA GET YA. lawlz
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