Teacher used the "N word" and was fired...

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Well-Known Member
you poor, persecuted white people.

when will white people in america ever catch a break?

edit: turns out she's black, but i'm still leaving this post because of OP's ongoing persecution complex. poor guy can't even use his favorite racial slurs anymore.


Well-Known Member
and this is all "according to" the fired teacher.

wouldn't be the first time OP started a complete fail thread.


New Member
desertdude, I understood and backed you in the MMJ thread...but sometimes it's like you're screaming "VICTIM!"...just be careful your state of mind doesn't spiral into negativity. Go grow, or do something empowering ;)


Well-Known Member
desertdude, I understood and backed you in the MMJ thread...but sometimes it's like you're screaming "VICTIM!"...just be careful your state of mind doesn't spiral into negativity. Go grow, or do something empowering ;)
he talked last year about how he was gonna grow for super cheap in his backyard and show us all how easy it is.

just hilarious.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
you poor, persecuted white people.

when will white people in america ever catch a break?

edit: turns out she's black, but i'm still leaving this post because of OP's ongoing persecution complex. poor guy can't even use his favorite racial slurs anymore.
"Negro" is a slur? How about "azul" and "rojo"? How about "niggardly", the use of which got a bleeding heart, liberal, democratic operative fired some years ago? PC speech and actions are a ridiculous burden; it's one of the reasons why we "all can't get along".

They should fire the administrators who used such poor judgment in firing this teacher.

Buck, I just bought a bag of hemp seeds with the hulls removed. They are called hemp hearts and they are pretty tasty. I paid $14.99 for 28 ounces of edible seeds, and Sunni tells me I got ripped off at that price. That tells me all I need to know about the costs of growing hemp and it is just as I thought. I think it is adorable that you think it economically appropriate for a lazy tax evader to make a living producing 12 1/2 pounds of cannabis in a year. When legalization comes, it is gonna hit you like a ton of bricks.

Come back and tell me how hemp and pot are SOOOOO DIFFFERENNNT; I need a good laugh this Sunday morning.


Well-Known Member
pot is harvested for the flowers... hemp for the material aspect of the mj plant.. but they are not different

ie how cows and cattle are different, ones for milk, one for meat..but they are not different

desert dude

Well-Known Member
pot is harvested for the flowers... hemp for the material aspect of the mj plant.. but they are not different

ie how cows and cattle are different, ones for milk, one for meat..but they are not different
Shhhh. Buck has skeelz that cost a lot of money.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
desertdude, I understood and backed you in the MMJ thread...but sometimes it's like you're screaming "VICTIM!"...just be careful your state of mind doesn't spiral into negativity. Go grow, or do something empowering ;)
Is it better to keep your mouth shut when you see an innocent person beaten?

I am doing something empowering, I am making fun of the pants wetting liberals who have succeeded in making America a less habitable place. Join me. It's fun. Maybe some of them will have a sense of shame and will change their minds about a few things?

desert dude

Well-Known Member

Shortly after the Washington incident, another controversy erupted over the use of the word at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. At a February 1999 meeting of the Faculty Senate, Amelia Rideau, a junior English major and vice chairwoman of the Black Student Union told the group how a professor teaching Chaucer had used the word niggardly. She later said she was unaware of the related Washington, D.C. controversy that came to light just the week before. She said the professor continued to use the word even after she told him that she was offended. "I was in tears, shaking," she told the faculty. "It's not up to the rest of the class to decide whether my feelings are valid."[SUP][9]


The student's plea, offered as evidence in support of the school's speech code, instead struck an unintended chord helping to destroy it. "Many 'abolitionists', as they now were called, believe that [the student's] speech, widely reported, was the turning point," according to an article in Reason magazine. An editorial in the Wisconsin State Journal addressed the student who complained, saying: "Thank you [...] for clarifying precisely why the UW–Madison does not need an academic speech code. [...] Speech codes have a chilling effect on academic freedom and they reinforce defensiveness among students who ought to be more open to learning."

That's it in a nutshell. If your "feelings" cause you pain somebody must pay the price for your feelings. PC speech codes are so unifying. Here is a suggestion for the semi literate: if you hear a word that hurts your feelings then pick up a dictionary and investigate to determine if your injury is really an injury. Bonus points... you learned a new word!
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