Specific Jibber Jabber Thread

Joe, I'd be making a large pot of coffee. I remember that age, and being able to stay awake to sneak out. I am flabbergasted at the co-ed sleepover. Those kids are smart, they will outlast you. Your wife really has zero concerns?

Lol, yeah.....wasn't gonna say anything since Joe would turn it against me but this, word for word.

Kids evolve man, especially now with all the gadgets and apps, who knows what kinda batman shit they can pull now lol.
Lol, yeah.....wasn't gonna say anything since Joe would turn it against me but this, word for word.

Kids evolve man, especially now with all the gadgets and apps, who knows what kinda batman shit they can pull now lol.

Look man I'm not vindictive and I really have nothing against you. If you would stop w/the endless trollish remarks and be helpful on occasion I think we could get along just fine. Everyone likes to jab ppl now and then. You seem to take it to another level though. Which leaves me with no option but to respond in kind, or say nothing which really isn't in my nature.

You be nice so will I :peace:

Edit: batman shit hahah made me laugh:)
You have a pretty good sense of humor at times. That's why I think there could be a good guy in there somewhere.

We have a pretty good group here in tnt I am happy to be part of it.

It is so much more fun laughing than arguing.
Krondizzle came over to my crib Thursday and brought me a BIG bag of Durban Poison he had grown and cured. It's the best weed I've smoked in many years. We got really toasted and had a great visit. He's such a great young man; I wish you all could meet him. I've seen his grow room and it's state of the art and there is not a spot of yellow or brown on his plants.
Reminds me of a few things.

Bear, your couch cushion fort comment took me back. When I was 12, my sister (13) and I made forts in my bedroom and wadded up a ream of paper to "bomb" each other with. We were screaming, and laughing, and throwing paper balls at each other. It was Friday night, and we were up late. My mom (single) kept coming in and telling us to stop being loud and to go to bed. We were 12 and 13, we couldn't help ourselves. After midnight, and several trip too many, my mom finally kicked in the door (my poor sister was backed up to it), splintering the jamb, and scaring the shit out of my sister, but then shit got real, when good ol mom pulled out a .25 and started waving it at me. She was jabbing it at me in the air, finger on the trigger, with a crazy, yelling, diatribe about respect and following orders. She was like the woman in Pulp Fiction jumping on the table yelling at everyone to not move, or she'll "execute every motherfucking last one of you". To this day mom denies it. While sis and I went straight to bed, neither of us slept that night.

My sister had this friend that liked me. The feeling was not mutual. One night she stayed over, and I knew they were going to sneak out and walk the 'hood. When they snuck into my room, I pretended to be asleep; even while they put toothpaste on my face and covered me in toilet paper. I even rubbed it in for their amusement like it itched. They squealed in delight and hot footed it around trying to figure out where to hide in case I woke up. When they were done, they went out the front door. I cleaned up, tossed sis's room, and locked the latch on them (the kind you can only open from inside). Once in my room, I put pick up jacks in the carpet in front of my door, a mine field. A couple hours later I woke up to the doorbell and banging on the door. They were pissed. My mom, who had to go let them in was pissed (at me!). Sis went to her room, and saw it's state. She yelled at me from down the hall, making my mom yell at me. Then an hour later, those two hookers tried to sneak back in to get me, but stepped on the jacks, screaming in pain, waking my mom up again. She came to my room and yelled at me for ten minutes. Shit wasn't right. The point is, at 12-13, you can't be more alive than a sleepover at a stranger's home with the opposite sex.
Holy crap, Clayton Bet it was one of those crappy unsafe potmetal .25s. I had the little Beretta once; nice gun. But for those caltrops ... cn

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ClaytonBigsby again.
I have the Beretta .25 now. It is a nice little gun. The one she had was from the 70's, probably a miracle she didn't pop me. She left it where she hid it in one of our houses. Someone had a good find.
She was like the woman in Pulp Fiction jumping on the table yelling at everyone to not move, or she'll "execute every motherfucking last one of you". To this day mom denies it. While sis and I went straight to bed, neither of us slept that night.

Omg I can't imagine that. [video=youtube;M4W0qUaM9xQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4W0qUaM9xQ[/video]

My sister had this friend that liked me. The feeling was not mutual. One night she stayed over, and I knew they were going to sneak out and walk the 'hood. When they snuck into my room, I pretended to be asleep; even while they put toothpaste on my face and covered me in toilet paper. I even rubbed it in for their amusement like it itched. They squealed in delight and hot footed it around trying to figure out where to hide in case I woke up. When they were done, they went out the front door. I cleaned up, tossed sis's room, and locked the latch on them (the kind you can only open from inside). Once in my room, I put pick up jacks in the carpet in front of my door, a mine field. A couple hours later I woke up to the doorbell and banging on the door. They were pissed. My mom, who had to go let them in was pissed (at me!). Sis went to her room, and saw it's state. She yelled at me from down the hall, making my mom yell at me. Then an hour later, those two hookers tried to sneak back in to get me, but stepped on the jacks, screaming in pain, waking my mom up again. She came to my room and yelled at me for ten minutes. Shit wasn't right. The point is, at 12-13, you can't be more alive than a sleepover at a stranger's home with the opposite sex.

Funny stories bro.

Reminds me of being 8-9 years old. My mom used to always come in and kiss me good night usually after I was sleeping. Well by this time I had decided I was too big to be kissed good night so I laid a similar "trap" for her. ]

I got an asswoopin instead that night.

In retrospect the kiss would've been better:joint:
Fuckin' Trailer Park Boys.

I've heard of them, but not really specifically, just that they're "stoner funny." That's wrong, they're stoner fuckin' hilarious

Soon, I'll be one toke over the line,..

Clayton: Awesome. Glad you weren't shot -- a random guess, your Native blood, it runs thick on your mum's side?
When I was a teenager living with my father he was convinced I was a super villian. He would accuse me off things and explain to me what I did. I never did half the shit I was accused of. I did get some good info for later use though. He only picked me up at the cop shop twice. After we got home from the second time I never got into enough trouble to ever have to be picked up again. The first wasnt really my fault and the cop helped keep the charges from being pressed.
I like my women like I like my plants,female...As long as they are women I'm pretty much down.-___within reason you sick bastards:-P
well parties over only had to tell em three times "lights out"

This guy's not going to sleep quite yet though.

They aren't gonna pull any batman shit on me. heheh:bigjoint:
I absolutely love Married With Children. They show a few episodes early in the morning on TBS. I just saw one of the best, called "Ship Happens" from the '95 season. Good shit. I think they have all the seasons on Netflix. If you love that show, try to catch this episode.