What do you know about aliens?

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And because I couldn't resist...


Sorry Sorry. This is the last one I promise. I think it is very telling to take a good look at the people claiming to be abductees. I'm not trying to be mean but a lot of times their mannerisms scream mentally deficient (the man in this video ) or crazy person (his wife with her John Applewhite eyes). Penn & Teller did an episode on alien abductions and they interviewed people that claimed to have been abducted and they asked them if they were on any medication and most of them were on some big time anti-psychotics.

So, Nevaeh. Do you think these people are a. Lying, b. have been on alien spacecraft, or c. delusional? Just wanted to see your judgement on people other than yourself (a little Dunning Kruger, anyone?)...
I do have to admit that I enjoy Jeremiah Stichen's books. And I almost dropped in on the Unarius Academy of Science, but I chickened out though. I got their book "The True Face of God" and would have hung out with them a bit, but the Raelians don't really have much presence in the US outside of major wacko cities like San Francisco and Sedona.

As noted in the video, this is all based on a true story.
So, Nevaeh. Do you think these people are a. Lying, b. have been on alien spacecraft, or c. delusional? Just wanted to see your judgement on people other than yourself (a little Dunning Kruger, anyone?)...

I think that they are either lying or delusional or delusional liars, IMO! So I will go with options "A" and "C".

You can believe what you want about Me, I'm not claiming to have been abducted. What I am claiming is that I saw about 8 UFOs on July 2 of 2012 and also about a month later I saw a being wearing an invisibility suit on My neighbors roof. I'm not claiming that I know they were aliens for sure because how could I? Like I said, I didnt make that being wearing the invisibility suit come down from the roof and take off his suit and actually have a conversation with him or her. It sounds crazy and it is, but God as My witness I'm telling you the truth. I have not seen ANYTHING like the latter things I talked about ever before or after in My life. I wouldnt mind seeing UFOs again and I wouldnt mind seeing that being wearing the invisibility suit again either but what are the chances of that?

I believed in UFOs before I saw them, but I remained skeptical and to this day I dont know if it was aliens or humans flying the bright blueish flashing lights high up in the sky. I never thought I would see an alien and I remain skeptical to this day anyways because it could have been some human wearing an invisibility suit up on My neighbors house in about August of 2012. To be honest, I just dont know what the origins of what I saw were, but I know what I saw.

You can draw your own conclusions, but I remain skeptical because of uncertainties. And for the record, I was not doing any drugs at the time and I was sober for every one of them. I dont even think I was stoned; but some of you want to stone Me... Lol :D

I'm just trying to share My novel and exciting experiences with My online family. Like I said, I will take a lie detector test to prove that I really believe what I saw.

And as far as the 5 signs in the clouds go, well some of them were just so unnatural and thats why they stuck in My mind. You should have seen God in the clouds, it was beautiful. And the upside-down pyramid was super vivid too. But I've explained what I saw on RIU already.

I have to remain skeptical but I know what I saw, I just dont know if it came from aliens or humans. It could have been either one.

And there is nothing I can say at this point that will make you believe anything I say because some of you guys are like Me, scientific and skepticism is a must without evidence. I have no evidence besides My testimony. But I bet if I had it all on video than you would more likely believe Me. And you wouldnt believe your eyes!

No one can see me when I'm wearing my invisibility suit unless it's malfunctioning. However, I will tell you I have never worn it while on someone's roof. That would be unsafe.




See, if people didnt have this technology that I would assume that only aliens could have it and I would conclude that I saw an alien, but I just dont know who was wearing the invisibility suit!

The suit that I saw the being wear was far more advanced than these in the videos!

But if people have invisibility suits than aliens do too, for sure. Do you guys think I saw an alien on My neighbors roof or a person?

I am in no place to make a judgment about what you claim to have seen. It sounds cool though. Maybe I will be lucky to see one someday too.
I am in no place to make a judgment about what you claim to have seen. It sounds cool though. Maybe I will be lucky to see one someday too.

It was cool, but I have a few things to say.

Right after I saw the UFOs I called 911 and told them My report and they said they would call the Airforce. And after I saw the being wearing the invisibility suit, I didnt tell anyone about it for many days and it took months before I told them where I saw the being because I didnt want to blow his spot. I was scared that he might get found by people that would potentially harm him or her so I kept My mouth shut about the location of the being wearing the invisibility suit for a long time. I dont know if I ever will have a "sighting" again but I just have to take it one day at a time.

Christ loves you!

I dont know what to believe but this video might be good insight to some.


I have always had a fascination with the idea of aliens. I absolutely adore them, from the portrayed evil aliens to the good, given aliens we have all read about, or even made up in our minds. I have thought endlessly about them, and still do. Ideas come and go just as the eb and flow of the tides in the ocean. But when i think deep, and deeply i do think, things just don't seem to match up the way i would purpose them to.

Say, for example, there is intelligent life other than ours... we could even go as far as saying that they could very well be residing in our own galaxy (about 110 light years across, which is unfathomably difficult to even comprehend). Even so, these alien beings would have to be so advanced as to create machines that can travel close to the speed of light, and/or create machines that can manipulate space time in order to reach us on this pale...blue...dot.

Now say we put our speculation at rest with accepting that there are aliens within our galaxy that can do this. Now we must ask ourselves yet another very important question, actually the most important question in all of this universe's existence...


Why would an alien race visit our planet? There has to be some reason doesn't there? For every action there is a reaction. Now you sit, and you think... hmmmmmmm. Well, maybe they would want our resources. If so, I'm sure, with their vast intellect and unimaginable technology... they would just take it. Well, if that is not the case, which it isn't, because it would be completely apparent if that were the case, then what next?

Could it be, that they want to learn from us?

Have we not figured out everything there is to know about a fly? How they reproduce, how they act, and so forth? Just how long would it take an alien species thousands if not hundreds of millions of years as advanced as we are to figure out the human genome, the human condition of fear, war, genocide... superstition... with hints here and there of compassion and understanding, of forgiveness and riotousness? To me, at least, it doesn't seem like it would take all that long.

You hear stories of people catching UFO's on video, hearsay, pictures... now you fucking think about that for a second. No, actually, think about it long and fucking hard. You are imagining beings, fucking hundreds, of thousands, of millions of years as advanced as our species... and claiming that they are dimwitted, stupid, and clumsy enough to allow themselves to be observed by us infidels by chance on this small insignificant rock?....

Really, you are going to try to tell me that their invisible shields just so happened to fail in the point of time when we have our cameras pointed into the sky?

Don't get me wrong, i want aliens to be real even more so than the mightiest fanatic... but be real, be realistic, don't let what you want to be true conflict with what IS true, the same can be said about religion as well.

There is no proof at all, what so ever, that aliens have visited us, or are visiting us. And for good reason... because there IS NO REASON for them to do so. And if there was... I'd be damned if they would keep it a secret from us, and even so, for what fucking reason? To just fuck with us?... that just seems too human for me to accept.

Human fallibility gives us these ideas, human dreams, hopes and fears gives us these ideas, the same goes for religion too.

Now don't get me wrong, i am not saying that i think alien species do not exist, because i absolutely do, it seems too egotistical to hypothesize otherwise given the size of our universe and the immensity of the galaxies living within it. I am merely a saying that thinking an alien species is visiting our planet, is one of the most egotistical ideas in our history, comparable to religion... when thought about in a rational way, leaving our emotions to rest while we contemplate this subject.

But as i most drudgingly and sympathetically say to everyone in cases like this...

To each their own... /sigh.
It was cool, but I have a few things to say.

Right after I saw the UFOs I called 911 and told them My report and they said they would call the Airforce. And after I saw the being wearing the invisibility suit, I didnt tell anyone about it for many days and it took months before I told them where I saw the being because I didnt want to blow his spot. I was scared that he might get found by people that would potentially harm him or her so I kept My mouth shut about the location of the being wearing the invisibility suit for a long time. I dont know if I ever will have a "sighting" again but I just have to take it one day at a time.

Dude... You called 911 to report unfamiliar objects in the sky, and they told you they'd callt the Air Force? If that actually happened, which I highly doubt, they were totally fucking with you because they identified you as a nut job. If a being is wearing an invisibility suit (which doesn't exist, science is just starting to look into this technology - http://video.pbs.org/video/1786635771/ - view chapter eight), YOU COULDN'T SEE THEM! You may mean a light-bending suit a la the Predator movie, where it is difficult to see the wearer. You didn't see that, either, although you may think that you did. Don't you realize that the mind makes false memories, and/or tricks our vision frequently? Just because one sees something does not mean that thing actually exists. You need to familiarize yourself with some basic cognitive science and neuroscience in order to acknowledge how malleable and fallible the human mind actually is. Especially your mind...
Dude... You called 911 to report unfamiliar objects in the sky, and they told you they'd callt the Air Force? If that actually happened, which I highly doubt, they were totally fucking with you because they identified you as a nut job....

Yes, after I saw the ~8 UFOs on July 2 of 2012 I called 911 and they said they would call the Air Force. I bet the reason why he told me that was because other people called 911 the same night reporting the same sighting. About a month after I saw the UFOs, I meet a girl and some how we got on the subject and I told her what I saw, and she said that other people were on the beach that night that saw THE SAME UFOs. So I wasnt the only one that had that sighting, unless the girl was lying to Me but why would she do that? The UFOs lights were real bright and blueish and they were moving slowly around. I looked at the sky the whole ride back to My house and I couldnt even see any stars because I live in a city. I'm sure other people that were in the area and looked up into the sky that night saw the same thing. It was real obvious.

FYI, I only saw the UFOs for about a minute or so because at the time I didnt have insurance on My jeep and I didnt want to be on the road. It was like 11:30pm and I didnt want to get in trouble with the cops for not having insurance. So I watched them until the light turned green and than I figured I would go get My mother and have her take her car and we both could go watch the UFOs because I was only 10 minutes from My house when I spotted the UFOs. I came home and told My mother about the UFOs but she was sleeping and didnt care. So I just went to bed because I wasnt going to take My jeep without insurance and risk getting in trouble. But I told the story in My youtube video at the beginning of this thread about the UFOs.

If a being is wearing an invisibility suit (which doesn't exist, science is just starting to look into this technology - http://video.pbs.org/video/1786635771/ - view chapter eight), YOU COULDN'T SEE THEM! You may mean a light-bending suit a la the Predator movie, where it is difficult to see the wearer. You didn't see that, either, although you may think that you did.

I showed you the videos of the invisibility cloaks/suits in this thread. What would you call them? And even if people dont have "true" invisibility suits, it doesnt mean that the aliens dont have them. I dont know if I saw an alien or a human but I saw some being that was invisible and than it was partially invisible, like the Predator movie. The being was visible but yet tranlucent, its hard to describe but fascinating!

Call it an invisibility suit or a light-bending suit, I dont care what you call it.

Don't you realize that the mind makes false memories, and/or tricks our vision frequently? Just because one sees something does not mean that thing actually exists. You need to familiarize yourself with some basic cognitive science and neuroscience in order to acknowledge how malleable and fallible the human mind actually is. Especially your mind...

I watched the being wearing the suit for about 2 hours (but I didnt time it). I was sitting on My bed with a 4 power scope attached to My bb gun looking at the being. It was and still is very vivid in My mind. I know what I saw and I'm proclaiming it right now. What do I have to gain from lying about it besides destroying My credibility? I would bet My life on the fact that there was some being wearing an invisibility suit on top of My neighbors house in like August of 2012. You dont have to believe Me but respect My testimony!

You guys are entitled to your beliefs but so am I! There is nothing that you guys can say that will make Me not believe what I saw. I just wish I had it on video because than you would "have" to believe Me.

I'm not going to deny what I saw because of your beliefs about Me!

Christ loves you!

Thank you! I thought he was making a joke. Maybe he kept saying it because no one acknowledged it. IDK anymore.

No, I'm dead serious. I'm not joking at all.

I dont know if it was an alien or a human but I saw some being wearing an "invisibility" suit on top of My neighbors roof in like August of 2012. And thats no joke.

Christ loves you!
Yes, after I saw the ~8 UFOs on July 2 of 2012 I called 911 and they said they would call the Air Force. I bet the reason why he told me that was because other people called 911 the same night reporting the same sighting. About a month after I saw the UFOs, I meet a girl and some how we got on the subject and I told her what I saw, and she said that other people were on the beach that night that saw THE SAME UFOs. So I wasnt the only one that had that sighting, unless the girl was lying to Me but why would she do that? The UFOs lights were real bright and blueish and they were moving slowly around. I looked at the sky the whole ride back to My house and I couldnt even see any stars because I live in a city. I'm sure other people that were in the area and looked up into the sky that night saw the same thing. It was real obvious.

FYI, I only saw the UFOs for about a minute or so because at the time I didnt have insurance on My jeep and I didnt want to be on the road. It was like 11:30pm and I didnt want to get in trouble with the cops for not having insurance. So I watched them until the light turned green and than I figured I would go get My mother and have her take her car and we both could go watch the UFOs because I was only 10 minutes from My house when I spotted the UFOs. I came home and told My mother about the UFOs but she was sleeping and didnt care. So I just went to bed because I wasnt going to take My jeep without insurance and risk getting in trouble. But I told the story in My youtube video at the beginning of this thread about the UFOs.

I believe you saw objects in the sky and didn't know what they were. That's what UFO means, Unidentified Flying Object. It does not mean alien space craft. I don't care how many people saw the flying objects, you don't call 911 just because you don't know what something is. It isn't like they were crashing or attacking people. Do you really think local police have a hotline to military branches? That is not how things work, 'Hello, Air Force? This is xyz police department. Some citizens saw some lights in the sky, you'd better spend millions to launch F16s to check out benign lights in the sky!' Please. You can't be that stupid... Well...

I watched the being wearing the suit for about 2 hours (but I didnt time it). I was sitting on My bed with a 4 power scope attached to My bb gun looking at the being. It was and still is very vivid in My mind. I know what I saw and I'm proclaiming it right now. What do I have to gain from lying about it besides destroying My credibility? I would bet My life on the fact that there was some being wearing an invisibility suit on top of My neighbors house in like August of 2012. You dont have to believe Me but respect My testimony!

Credibility? LMAO! You have ZERO credibility here or with your own family. How can you delude yourself that you do when people have expressed nothing but the opposite view?
You guys are entitled to your beliefs but so am I! There is nothing that you guys can say that will make Me not believe what I saw. I just wish I had it on video because than you would "have" to believe Me.

I'm not going to deny what I saw because of your beliefs about Me!

You are free to believe whatever you like, your believing doesn't make it true. Again, just because you saw something doesn't mean it was actually there...

I showed you the videos of the invisibility cloaks/suits in this thread. What would you call them? And even if people dont have "true" invisibility suits, it doesnt mean that the aliens dont have them. I dont know if I saw an alien or a human but I saw some being that was invisible and than it was partially invisible, like the Predator movie. The being was visible but yet tranlucent, its hard to describe but fascinating!

Call it an invisibility suit or a light-bending suit, I dont care what you call it.

No, I'm dead serious. I'm not joking at all.

I dont know if it was an alien or a human but I saw some being wearing an "invisibility" suit on top of My neighbors roof in like August of 2012. And thats no joke.

Christ loves you!

Do you even watch the videos you post? They explicitly state that material is an illusion and requires a projector to make the illusion of invisiblity work. Do you believe the being in the suit brought along a projection crew to create an illusion? If so, the material would have been super bright (it's bright enough for the illusion to work even in full daylight), so what you saw couldn't have been in low light. The fact that you don't know enough to admit that your eyes/mind could possibly have been tricking you shows that you do not know how the mind works...
I believe you saw objects in the sky and didn't know what they were. That's what UFO means, Unidentified Flying Object. It does not mean alien space craft. I don't care how many people saw the flying objects, you don't call 911 just because you don't know what something is. It isn't like they were crashing or attacking people. Do you really think local police have a hotline to military branches? That is not how things work, 'Hello, Air Force? This is xyz police department. Some citizens saw some lights in the sky, you'd better spend millions to launch F16s to check out benign lights in the sky!' Please. You can't be that stupid... Well...

Credibility? LMAO! You have ZERO credibility here or with your own family. How can you delude yourself that you do when people have expressed nothing but the opposite view?

You are free to believe whatever you like, your believing doesn't make it true. Again, just because you saw something doesn't mean it was actually there...

Do you even watch the videos you post? They explicitly state that material is an illusion and requires a projector to make the illusion of invisiblity work. Do you believe the being in the suit brought along a projection crew to create an illusion? If so, the material would have been super bright (it's bright enough for the illusion to work even in full daylight), so what you saw couldn't have been in low light. The fact that you don't know enough to admit that your eyes/mind could possibly have been tricking you shows that you do not know how the mind works...

There is no point debating with you Tyler. You always have your way and your views and thats fine.

But your right, I did see UFOs and thats all I know that they were- unidentified flying objects. I never said they were alien or not because I dont know.

And the same applies to you too, just because YOU believe something doesnt make it true either! Because if you knew all truth than you would know that I am telling the truth, but your just a mortal like the rest of us!

Did these soldiers need a projector?


There is no point debating with you Tyler. You always have your way and your views and thats fine.

But your right, I did see UFOs and thats all I know that they were- unidentified flying objects. I never said they were alien or not because I dont know.

And the same applies to you too, just because YOU believe something doesnt make it true either! Because if you knew all truth than you would know that I am telling the truth, but your just a mortal like the rest of us!

Did these soldiers need a projector?



Wouldn't you agree that this is likely some known issue or phenomenon as opposed to some unknown secret technology?
Christ loves you!

"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. Yet his shadow still looms. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?"
I have always had a fascination with the idea of aliens. I absolutely adore them, from the portrayed evil aliens to the good, given aliens we have all read about, or even made up in our minds. I have thought endlessly about them, and still do. Ideas come and go just as the eb and flow of the tides in the ocean. But when i think deep, and deeply i do think, things just don't seem to match up the way i would purpose them to.

Say, for example, there is intelligent life other than ours... we could even go as far as saying that they could very well be residing in our own galaxy (about 110 light years across, which is unfathomably difficult to even comprehend). Even so, these alien beings would have to be so advanced as to create machines that can travel close to the speed of light, and/or create machines that can manipulate space time in order to reach us on this pale...blue...dot.

Now say we put our speculation at rest with accepting that there are aliens within our galaxy that can do this. Now we must ask ourselves yet another very important question, actually the most important question in all of this universe's existence...


Why would an alien race visit our planet? There has to be some reason doesn't there? For every action there is a reaction. Now you sit, and you think... hmmmmmmm. Well, maybe they would want our resources. If so, I'm sure, with their vast intellect and unimaginable technology... they would just take it. Well, if that is not the case, which it isn't, because it would be completely apparent if that were the case, then what next?

Could it be, that they want to learn from us?

Have we not figured out everything there is to know about a fly? How they reproduce, how they act, and so forth? Just how long would it take an alien species thousands if not hundreds of millions of years as advanced as we are to figure out the human genome, the human condition of fear, war, genocide... superstition... with hints here and there of compassion and understanding, of forgiveness and riotousness? To me, at least, it doesn't seem like it would take all that long.

You hear stories of people catching UFO's on video, hearsay, pictures... now you fucking think about that for a second. No, actually, think about it long and fucking hard. You are imagining beings, fucking hundreds, of thousands, of millions of years as advanced as our species... and claiming that they are dimwitted, stupid, and clumsy enough to allow themselves to be observed by us infidels by chance on this small insignificant rock?....

Really, you are going to try to tell me that their invisible shields just so happened to fail in the point of time when we have our cameras pointed into the sky?

Don't get me wrong, i want aliens to be real even more so than the mightiest fanatic... but be real, be realistic, don't let what you want to be true conflict with what IS true, the same can be said about religion as well.

There is no proof at all, what so ever, that aliens have visited us, or are visiting us. And for good reason... because there IS NO REASON for them to do so. And if there was... I'd be damned if they would keep it a secret from us, and even so, for what fucking reason? To just fuck with us?... that just seems too human for me to accept.

Human fallibility gives us these ideas, human dreams, hopes and fears gives us these ideas, the same goes for religion too.

Now don't get me wrong, i am not saying that i think alien species do not exist, because i absolutely do, it seems too egotistical to hypothesize otherwise given the size of our universe and the immensity of the galaxies living within it. I am merely a saying that thinking an alien species is visiting our planet, is one of the most egotistical ideas in our history, comparable to religion... when thought about in a rational way, leaving our emotions to rest while we contemplate this subject.

But as i most drudgingly and sympathetically say to everyone in cases like this...

To each their own... /sigh.

To the bolded: it scratches the same deep human itch. "A grown-up cares about us." cn
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