What do you know about aliens?

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All I know.

What do you think aliens believe (or know) Nevaeh? Do you think they have a more absolute truth than the one you preach or do you think aliens follow Christ as well?

I have no idea what aliens believe but I'm sure they are schooled in the sciences and maybe they believe in the laws of physics as we do, to a degree.

I'm sure the aliens know a lot, but I'm sure that there are aliens that are not as bright, like some are smarted than others. I bet they are like people in many respects, but they have the advantage of their technology to help them in their inabilities.

I dont know if the aliens have a savior or whatnot, but I bet they are somewhat spiritual.

As far as absolute truth goes, well I just dont know what that is. What is absolute truth? I know My truth, and I declare My truth but many people dont care about Me because they dont know Me. Facts are facts, but not everyone knows the facts and who is to say what are the facts anyways? I can say that "I AM ALIVE" but what about if I die and someone reads this? Is that still a fact?

I only preach what I believe is truth or My beliefs. Nothing more... I dont claim to know anything because I dont know everything. What I do know is that I love God and I wish the best for every living creature and I do believe I could help. But I would need help to help the way I want to because I have grand ambitions. If it were up to Me than we would all be living in a utopia with many mansions and space ships to travel the cosmos.

But I would love to know what they know, or to know what they believe. I'm sure that a race with billions of years more technology has some stories to tell.

I'm sure they believe in God though simply because most civilizations believe in some sort of diety and that will never change. Maybe some aliens are "athiests" but I bet the majority believe in some sort of diety, whatever that might be.

Kind of a scary thought... Aliens going planet to planet asking "Do you know Gods plan for you?"

Sounds like Jehovas witnesses on a cosmic level. Lol :D

Christ loves you!

Zurgofab's Witnesses handing out copies of "The Mothership" ... ~grin~ cn

I never heard of Zurgofab so... I dont get it!

Christ loves you!

"But you will all burn forever in eternal hellfire!"
"That's nice, thank you for stopping by..."


And This is a video of Tyson discussing intelligent life in the universe with Richard Dawkins.
Hon. Paul Hellyer, Former Defense Minister of Canada discusses aliens.


I am very reserved in opinion about extraterrestrials. Things like the Phoenix lights make me more prone to believing eye-witness testimony on subjects like these, but I'm still very skeptical.
There are important reasons we can't use eyewitness testimonies when trying to determine the origins of UFO's

Very true. Eyewitness testimony does say nothing about the origins of the phenomenon.

The Phoenix lights phenomenon is certainly a mystery, but that's all that can reliably be stated.
I've always thought the Phoenix lights were very exciting, in that hell there could be something up there or there might not be. Either way it is fascinating because I have no clue what it was.

I have a theory that the UFOs and aliens might live in the bottom of our oceans. They wouldn't have to travel that far and we know things can live down there. There is still a heck of a lot of area we haven't explored in our seas, so it seems possible; at least to me. There have also been sightings, though not as famous as ufos, of usos Unidentified Submerged Objects. I think Christopher Columbus was said to have even seen one.

You guys dont have to believe Me because I wouldnt believe Myself if I didnt see these things for Myself. But I saw like 8 UFOs on July 2 of 2012 and about a month later I saw some being wearing an invisibility suit on My neighbors roof about 10-20 yards from Me. I was in My home but he was outside on My neighbors roof! But to be bluntly honest with you all, I dont know who was flying the UFOs that I saw, whether they were aliens or people from a government flying SOMETHING with very bright blueish lights that were flashing. And also, I dont know if the being I saw on My neighbors roof was an alien or some person from a government that was wearing an invisibility suit.

I just dont know what the origins were of what I saw, but I know what I saw. The big question that I have is "Was it aliens or was it people?" I just dont know. Like I said, I wish that I cought both the UFOs and the being wearing the invisibility suit on video camera but I dont have that evidence. It would blow you away to see the being wearing the invisibility suit because he put on quite the show with letting light circles pass right through. It was amazing in My opinion and I have never seen anything like it before or since. I wish that if I see it again I will catch it on video for all to see but I dont know what the chances of that are.

But if the UFOs that I saw were aliens and the being I saw was an alien, than what does that mean? It means that "they" visited Me! It was either a government job or aliens, I dont see any other alternatives. If it was a government than they have vehicles that can produce very bright blueish lights that look just like UFOs, but thats totally possible, and also, if it was a government than they have really cool invisibility suits that can let light pass right through it at will. An alien could be in the same room as you and you wouldnt be able to see it if you stared at it, thats how invisible they can be. I was looking at it with a 4 power scope (attached to a bb gun) and it was only like 15 yards away and I could see nothing until many minutes later and the being presented Me with a few faces that I depicted on My youtube video at the beginning of this thread.

You dont have to believe Me, of course, but I'm not telling a word of a lie. If it was aliens than they have visited Me, and if the government than they have spied on Me. If I am telling lies than I am a liar, but if not than I have been visited by aliens or alien posers. But I cant rule out the fact that it wasnt a person because I didnt make him come down from the roof and take off his invisibility suit and talk to him. That would have been something else.

Whats the chances anyways? What are the chances of seeing UFOs that are from the aliens or from the government? What are the chances of seeing an alien wearing an invisibility suit on top of My neighbors roof or seeing a person wearing an invisibility suit on My neighbors roof? I honestly dont know what the chances are of either but whatever or whoever it was, they have some interest in Me, maybe because I AM the Son of God, perhaps?

I would take a lie detector test to prove that (I believe) I saw these things, not only the UFOs and the being wearing the invisibility suit but also the 5 signs I saw in the clouds in 2009. Like I said, maybe the aliens showed Me the signs in the clouds. I talk about the signs in the clouds in My youtube video at the very beginning of this thread. I have NOT seen any other visible signs like these but I do believe in some crazy shit... :D

You can draw your own conclusions, I'm just being honest with you all because I have nothing to gain from lying to you all. And why would I only have seen these things one time each if I was delusional? If I were delusional, wouldnt I see these things all the time? Nope, I just saw each of the things I'm talking about once in My whole life! The first signs that I saw where the 5 signs in the clouds in 2009, and that was spead out over many months, each sign. Than I saw the blueish UFOs on July 2 of 2012. And than I saw the being wearing an invisibility suit about a month later in like August of 2012. I watched him for about 2 hours with the 4 power scope on My bb gun. I know it all sounds crazy but what if I am telling the truth? what does that mean? If I am lying than I am a liar and you cant believe anything I say. But God as My witness, I am telling the truth and I would take a lie detector test to vindicate Myself.

Maybe the aliens have had more influence on My life than one would think. My parents definitly didnt plan My initials to be OMG backwards but maybe the aliens did? Like I said, maybe the aliens wrote the Bible? My mothers name is Mary too. And the prophecies that I have fulfilled were mostly before I ever imagined that I AM Christ. But thats in the thread I linked to you guys earlier in this thread.

Its either that I am delusional, a liar or telling the truth; there are no other options!

I just dont know what to believe. Was it aliens or not? What do you think?

Maybe there is some alien intervention going on here?

I have a theory that the UFOs and aliens might live in the bottom of our oceans. They wouldn't have to travel that far and we know things can live down there. There is still a heck of a lot of area we haven't explored in our seas, so it seems possible; at least to me. There have also been sightings, though not as famous as ufos, of usos Unidentified Submerged Objects. I think Christopher Columbus was said to have even seen one.

I thought about putting bases in the ocean and under the ocean floor before I thought aliens might be there, so I agree with you buddy!

Earth is 70% covered in ocean, so that means less than 1/3 of the earth is land. And there is plenty of land so what does that say about how much ocean there is? There is a lot of ocean; more than can be fathomed. I, even I, could design a SPACE JET to go from the air to under the water and fly up into space, so why wouldnt aliens know how to make space ships that can do the same?

I wouldnt mind having a mansion under the ocean floor or even underwater or both!

If only the aliens would teach us their ways so that the general populace could fathom it.

Very true. Eyewitness testimony does say nothing about the origins of the phenomenon.

The Phoenix lights phenomenon is certainly a mystery, but that's all that can reliably be stated.

It's really not that mysterious. The military admits flares were being tested, and the behavior of the lights matches the behavior we'd expect from falling flares.


There were countless videos, and tens of thousands of eye-witness accounts... Some that claim it the craft was directly overtop of them, some that claimed the craft blotted out stars as it went overhead. Of course all this is nothing more than talk....

I found it interesting when they analyzed the light themselves, and the 'specialists' were unable to determine the type of light source, specifically stating it wasn't a flare. I'm really not sure of the credibility of his expertise. '

Here's the rest of that video;


Out of all the hoopla out there, I really just want to believe in aliens. Probably why on this subject, more than any other, I'm willing to climb out on a smaller limb. I will also freely admit that I really don't have any basis for my belief other than conjecture and grainy photos. :D
I thought about putting bases in the ocean and under the ocean floor before I thought aliens might be there, so I agree with you buddy!

I, even I, could design a SPACE JET to go from the air to under the water and fly up into space, so why wouldnt aliens know how to make space ships that can do the same?

I wouldnt mind having a mansion under the ocean floor or even underwater or both!

My reply to the above.http://youtu.be/VCo6BVPGDh0?t=1m23s I can't figure out how to get the video to stop automatically at 1:26, oh well.

I saw some being wearing an invisibility suit on my neighbors roof

And this raises an obvious question....
Its either that I am delusional, a liar or telling the truth; there are no other options!

I just dont know what to believe. Was it aliens or not? What do you think?

Maybe there is some alien intervention going on here?


I feel pretty safe going with delusional for $200, Alex...
Aliens v ghosts the winner fights the tooth fairy,
Santa v the Easter bunny winner fights Jesus
who won, you decide !
Sorry Sorry. This is the last one I promise. I think it is very telling to take a good look at the people claiming to be abductees. I'm not trying to be mean but a lot of times their mannerisms scream mentally deficient (the man in this video ) or crazy person (his wife with her John Applewhite eyes). Penn & Teller did an episode on alien abductions and they interviewed people that claimed to have been abducted and they asked them if they were on any medication and most of them were on some big time anti-psychotics.
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