Specific Jibber Jabber Thread

The boss lady is the best. Keeps me from doing stupid stuff, helps me grow and trim, cooks food with great herb... Doesn't really like the smell or taste of burning bud, so she doesn't smoke up the head stash...

Sunny, have you run the Ex Cheese outdoors, yet?
no i have not. i have bugs. i only put the hardy strains outside. all my exs had been spindly cause i just let them go whatever way they want. nephew puts them in SOG and gets huge buds.

i have 2 sativa strains vegging out there and several types of kush revegging. i've been trying to hermie one if the kush's and i believe it worked. :eyesmoke:
3g's decarbed carmelious


bathed in peanut butter for 1 hour...


= meds for the rest of the night and a great morning wake up treat..

Sooooo, I was thinking of the Movie Field of dreams.. If we build it , they will come.
Do you think it would work like this:
If we ignore him here, he will not harass here?

Just a thought..
Its been a long day and and lacking on sleep this week.
I lol at Family Guy.. opps i guess that would be more of a random Jibber jabber... lol
I am consumed with television this evening. Minne is working late and its me and the TV.
I forgot about 30 rock.. I think I have seen them all, but sometimes its funnier the second time.

Do you have a fav program? or a fav character ?
Thank you shoediva I think you have preformed an excursion.

Imma just throw this out there... cuz, I'm confused. Huh?

She did bring me pads and rotors for my car, while I was at work. Took me less than 30 minutes to swap pads and rotors, adjust brakes and do an oil change... Why? Cuz, I'm good.

Curious... Of COURSE Shoe knows! She just doesn't wanna know where.

Gioua, nice. I'm planting tomorrow. I'm going to go small. I think 4 plants should be sufficient. Of course, given Sunny's wise words, I might have to go with a lot more than 4.

And, thank you, whoever put the idea of frito pie in a bag into the boss lady's head. It was good!
goodnight cruel world...It may be a better place if everyone just smoked a bong.
Now it time to try to sleep.. i feel like Gullum missing the ring.... MY PRECIOUS... that is how i feel about sleep now..
I wish i cold get sleep like he wished he could get that ring..
I am a failure, I am still on here and still awake.
Didn't see that, either one works...but yeah, delusional would fit better.

So what you're saying is you people aren't Illusional or delusional......you're just a bunch of psycotics?

Well that explains it all then, lol.
Good morning, all. Anyone got plans for Memorial Day weekend? I was gonna go up to my family's lake house for a few days but it's like 50 degrees out and showery.
Well you are taking deeper breaths and depending how long you hold smoke in general, I just hold my breath for 10 seconds and they go away.
I know.there's a girl that was on the news who couldn't stop hiccuping, or maybe it was sneezing, one or both of them lol, some rare shit.
If I cough too hard off a good dab or bong rip I get the hiccups for like 5 mins then they go away. Friends think its hilarious. Me not so much.