I'll have to see if she has that pic but I may have it and if I do it's in storage 5,000 miles away. That would go viral for sure.
You all are a bunch of horn dogs lol. Evening riu!

Yah well thank god! Oh yeah and you haven't lived until you've been with a post-menopausal woman. We aren't crazy for a week a month (maybe the other women weren't but I was Looney Tunes). We can actually chill AND shut up! (although today I am not the poster child for that).

Sex can no longer lead to procreation so we are a lot more flexible about that and let's just say we've worked out most of our kinks (in a good way).

Finally by this age we are relatively comfortable with our body and last but not least if we did some time in a medical profession we can make your body light up like a pinball machine going full tilt :)
So do I. I frequently sleep with a full slab next to me, mmmmm bacon......

But I digress. What I was going to say is why don't we all Occupy the LEO jobs? What if we ALL smelled like bacon?

Something i and I'm sure a lot have considered, but reason we didn't, well, we would be out of a job within weeks having refused to follow through with bullshit arrests and such.

Although hats off the the metropolitan. April 20th in London, Hyde park to be specific, leads to thousands of people making camp at speakers corner and getting high as you like, nothing covert about it, just a few thousand people outwardsly rolling up and getting high, and despite having zero medical law or anything, just a class B substance, the police just wandered through, getting high as fuck on the smoke, not doing a thing other than busting those obviously dealing. On our way home my girl gave a policeman a card she made saying thank you, and he asked if she had a cookie he could have and she straight out reached into her bag saying sure, and he quickly had to say hey hey, just joking. His sargent wasn't too impressed with his attitude :D
...let's just say we've worked out most of our kinks (in a good way).

if we did some time in a medical profession we can make your body light up like a pinball machine going full tilt :)

You are soooooooo right on both counts!! Becoming mature does have it's benefits.