"sucky" you say???? I can't even begin to coin a word or phrase that would aptly describe that. "Ruined" just doesn't do it; if I had to pass a marble through my penis I think I would just have it cut off and sewn back on after the delivery. I could do a BB; I could shoot that sucker at least 6 feet.

C'mon old timer...I know you've passed a stone or two. :-P
I smell baaaaacon!!!!!!

I smell baaaaacon!!!!!!


My daughter has a pic of herself sitting in a Waffle House wearing a Waffle House hat that she borrowed from one of the employees. Two cops are sitting in the booth behind her and my daughter holds up a strip of bacon; the pig is staring at the bacon when the shutter trips, LOL.
Wait there's more.. Good morning and feel free to put this to your own music.. :);)

Can't belive I'm 60..:hump:
My daughter has a pic of herself sitting in a Waffle House wearing a Waffle House hat that she borrowed from one of the employees. Two cops are sitting in the booth behind her and my daughter holds up a strip of bacon; the pig is staring at the bacon when the shutter trips, LOL.

post it~~~~~~~