People who are against guerilla growers

My advice would be concentrate on quality for your smaller indoor/outdoor grow, not quantity. Try to grow the stickiest, smelliest, most crystal covered buds you can. Smoke some of that good shit any you will forget about how many more pounds they grew than you.
you fags who are hating all probably grow in the woods because your mommys and daddys wont let u smoke so eat a big ole bowl of dicks and quench your thirst's with a big glass of shut the fuck up :) Thanks
you fags who are hating all probably grow in the woods because your mommys and daddys wont let u smoke so eat a big ole bowl of dicks and quench your thirst's with a big glass of shut the fuck up :) Thanks

See ya. We don't need ya"
Dont get me wrong I dont think your guys grows are not as good as us who grow on our own property or your guy's bud is inferior, but I am saying I dont like that people post there info about guerilla grows & huge grows on here. It makes us here at RIU who would like to post pictures of our REASONABLE sized gardens that are on OUR own property feel weird about posting on here. From some of the guerilla grow shit I see on here it makes me want to log out and never post another comment on here again. Once again , dont take what im saying wrongly but more so take it like this... If you have a guerilla grow or a rediculously large scale area keep it to yourself.. I personally enjoy this website and I'd hate to see the DEA or some shit come and shut us down and start busting people who post on here. I think mods should be monitering what people post in the outdoor growing section just like they do in the hallucinatory substance thread. Ive seen people post some crazy shit in that section and mods get right on deleting it. Just saying , its a personal opinion . I dont wanna sound like the douche to kill all the fun. and ONE more time just to make my point absolutely clear I dont think you guys should stop growing in the woods or doing it big I just think it should be kept to yourself from the time of planting up until harvest. What do u guys think?

You don't wanna kno wut Mon think, nicest way to put it would be STFU & don't worry about wut other people are doing....And you do sound like the douche you didn't wanna sound yeaaa jus STFU and Fuk you very much!!!!
I'm a legal grower in my state and grow indoors and outdoors. During summer months I switch to outdoor. Some in my yard some in the woods. Thieves make it tough to put all my eggs in one basket and run them all in my backyard. Even with a trained dog and a few cameras thieves will sting you if they want it bad enough. I grow deep in the woods where I haven't been stung yet with lot's of years under my belt doing it. If they are going to rip me they have to work hard! Lighten up dude lot's of growers don't have many other options except guerilla style. Take a chill pill and go for a walk in the woods.

Fuckin rippers... Get a pit I'm sure they won't get in the yard next time.
My advice would be concentrate on quality for your smaller indoor/outdoor grow, not quantity. Try to grow the stickiest, smelliest, most crystal covered buds you can. Smoke some of that good shit any you will forget about how many more pounds they grew than you.

This is a clone outdoor. Its trich covered And dank its Satori. I see no lose of quality do you??View attachment 2657791 View attachment 2657789
Yeah but pits arent bred to be man aggressive, fighting dogs must show submission to the handler, get a wifi camera system and you figure the rest.....
lol... I wont read any farther then this first page... is this guys serious? this is a place to learn how to grow the magical plant in whatever fucking style we so please and pictures help out a whole lot. so have ur opinion. jus know a lot of us are offended in ur words.. didn't read thru it all but im sure someone has said that not all of us get the great opportunity to grow in their back yards so there for we go to the woods.. which there is plenty of in the world... so I grow on and post as nessacery. thanks for the nonsense.
I've got one fully attack trained. But, if they want in there's always ways around a dog if you know your shit.

Booby traps my dude. Get a electrifying fence, motion lights transplant cactus in front of the fence. Rusty razor wire leaves a bad mark. There is also this cool as device primitive but works used to scare critters and robbers. Its like a trip wire set to fire a blank shotgun round. It will alert you and scare the shit out of the rippers. Just yell out Yer gonna shoot after you hear the bang. Snares :eyesmoke::eyesmoke: How cool would it be to catch a ripper red handed upside down. I'd scare the shit out of em make them think I'm a another hannibel.:twisted:be creative I never had a problem with rippers. They make me sick :spew: tell no one loose lips sink ships.
Pits "mastiffs" where breed by pheasants by decree of kings. King basically said make a dog that can protect me. Or I hang you. Well they did the job. Male dogs are better for property protection. Females make better personal protectors. Pits are more intimidating. But for property protection a well trained shepherd will nab intruders at the fence right when their arm or leg goes over. You have to encourage a dog to ward of intruders. Once they know that you want that. They will do it every time. They want to please their Pack leaders.
haha that blank shotgun round gizmo sounds awesome! If you snare a ripper though you gotta go back old school with a tar and feathering!!