People who are against guerilla growers

Jesus christ I gotta ask how the fuck do you manage to do that? Its not like I can go to Target or Walmart and pick up an extra nest or two can I ? :confused:

They hang on branches or if they make a hive on a old log I move em. I plant next to big bee hives at night when they are not active.
LOL Not everyone is allergic to poison ivy/poison oak!!

Why are so many people quick to bash others here on riu?? Ego boost?? You said it right. NOT EVERYONE is allergic to it. But I'm willing to bet my last dollar most are allergic. Regardless of the size of your plot. A remote location is the best.
not a very good thread. little entertainmrent and nothing to be learned! op is just scared of da man. not me i fight on the front line every day, like the excitement! Damn the Man...
Dont get me wrong I dont think your guys grows are not as good as us who grow on our own property or your guy's bud is inferior, but I am saying I dont like that people post there info about guerilla grows & huge grows on here. It makes us here at RIU who would like to post pictures of our REASONABLE sized gardens that are on OUR own property feel weird about posting on here. From some of the guerilla grow shit I see on here it makes me want to log out and never post another comment on here again. Once again , dont take what im saying wrongly but more so take it like this... If you have a guerilla grow or a rediculously large scale area keep it to yourself.. I personally enjoy this website and I'd hate to see the DEA or some shit come and shut us down and start busting people who post on here. I think mods should be monitering what people post in the outdoor growing section just like they do in the hallucinatory substance thread. Ive seen people post some crazy shit in that section and mods get right on deleting it. Just saying , its a personal opinion . I dont wanna sound like the douche to kill all the fun. and ONE more time just to make my point absolutely clear I dont think you guys should stop growing in the woods or doing it big I just think it should be kept to yourself from the time of planting up until harvest. What do u guys think?
I think u should do ur own thing n not be jealous of other peoples shit man jus grow wat u can and if others wanna do it big n take a chance on getting raided that's them but u do it on ur own property that's crazy u could get ur land home and cars everything takin by the government so guerilla growing is not a bad idea n don't have to check on it as much if ur weather is right or if u know what ur doing