Well-Known Member
yup I donate all my roaches. That guy can't smoke em as fast as I make em!
yup I donate all my roaches. That guy can't smoke em as fast as I make em!
i make decent money, and im honest with my old cg(s). even tho im currently in LARA limbo (switched from patient to being able to possess plants). i pay 210 for a zip of pineapple express FIRE, or 10/g if anything less than a half (110/half). its the bomb ass shit!!! still smoking this strain after 4 months, and still does the job. no tollerance build-up. he is also getting me 4 rooted clones of it (in 2 weeks), and ill return the favor and offer him clones of my pineapple chunk and laughing budda. i have alot of friends who are NOT card holders and always ask me to buy my meds. sorry, get your card and i can help, otherwise go smoke the ghetto shit your used to getting. friends or no friends, i have principals and will not break the law in selling them my medicine. now dont get me wrong i will smoke with them, just not sell them my stuff. ive even been offered 400/oz, sorry but no.
michelangelo was paid for painting the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel. At first he was supposed to paint Christ and 12 apostles, and the payment was agreed upon. In the end he painted all those scenes from rhe Old Testament + a lot of extra figures, over 300 figures in all. but the pope only paid what was originally agreed. Many years later Michelangelo painted the largeLast Judgment on the wall above the altar in the Sistine Chapel. This time he was paid better.(ty wiki). Plus your analogy blows production of a usable product compared to a piece of art is pretty dumbeveryone always throws around the Numbers on ferts and electricity bills.
i wonder how much the paint and scaffolding cost at the sistine chapel???
michelangelo was paid for painting the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel. At first he was supposed to paint Christ and 12 apostles, and the payment was agreed upon. In the end he painted all those scenes from rhe Old Testament + a lot of extra figures, over 300 figures in all. but the pope only paid what was originally agreed. Many years later Michelangelo painted the largeLast Judgment on the wall above the altar in the Sistine Chapel. This time he was paid better.(ty wiki). Plus your analogy blows production of a usable product compared to a piece of art is pretty dumb
im sry didn't know stupid had an expiration date continue producing art but just so we are clear Micky never worried bout getting his door booted and his paints takenI don't produce "Usable product", I produce artand spend a lot of time on my girls. ANYONE could come to my house and use my exact set up and is going to get different result then me. especially if they don't put the time in. i spend more time in my rooms than michelangelo did on his wall daily i bet and it shows in the product. we already resolved the fact that maybe it was a bad analogy so welcome to page 3..... and we already figured out greedy patients blow and can fuck off.... so ya way to randomly talk shit about something thats days old.
LOL the rights to grow LOL. I should pay my employer some money for the right to work for him too eh? I mean he is letting me work there for money, so why wouldn't I give him some money for letting me work for him seems legit and reasonable ROTFL beating the dead horse deader and deader every time I read these threads.I think the grower needs to realize that its not giving anything away for free its giving meds in exchange for the rights to grow those meds. Just like the patient cant be greedy and needs to realize the time and effort and other cost of a grow factor in. 1oz for "free" is the best model ive seen.