What women want...

You were just called pussy whipped and creepy, and I'll bet its not the first time. You have no idea who I am or my experiences, yet you think you know all about me and/or my sexual abilities. Classic egomania. Pretending you're posting for our benefit while you're just puffing up your own ego is just sad. You really think we're supposed to be grateful you "blessed" us with your "pearls of wisdom"? Do you really think you can come here and convince us you're Don Juan? If you're such a gift to women, why are you not out with a female on Friday or Saturday nights? Enuff said.

ok to the bolded text, wtf are you talking about . . abilities . . . . lol

your post reeks of butthurt , for a non apparent reason . . . .you are offened by potpimps expression of his sexual prowesss( fyi people who dominate in the sack dont call "it" "abilities" maybe i dont know what the fuck you mean cause i have not been to any donkey shows)
You know what you can do red; I don't even have to say it. You'll never be taller by standing on the shoulders of giants. You're jealous because I have the goods and you will always be clueless; that's how clueless morons treat those that truly know. And you're a troll and I'm done with feeding you.
So you think you're a giant, people are jealous of you, you have "the goods" and anyone who thinks you're full of hot air is clueless? Yep, classic egomania. Still at home alone pounding on the computer on a Saturday night I see.
ok to the bolded text, wtf are you talking about . . abilities . . . . lol your post reeks of butthurt , for a non apparent reason . . . .you are offened by potpimps expression of his sexual prowesss( fyi people who dominate in the sack dont call "it" "abilities" maybe i dont know what the fuck you mean cause i have not been to any donkey shows)
You can't understand English so that means I'm butt hurt? You really need to work on your spelling. Your mother never took you to work with her?
i bet we also have no idea what you're capable of.

sadly, your wives and kids sure do. may they rest in peace.

Yeah, it's not like we give a fuck. All I need to know is that he's a loser and a troll. ...a really bad troll but a troll nonetheless.
Hey, it's better than listening to Potpimp telling us what a great lover he thinks he is. Multiple concurrent orgasms. What a joke.
You can't understand English so that means I'm butt hurt? You really need to work on your spelling. Your mother never took you to work with her?

butt hurt!

Hey, it's better than listening to Potpimp telling us what a great lover he thinks he is. Multiple concurrent orgasms. What a joke.

No, the joke is between your legs. And I'm not the one with a fucking doll as my avatar, pedoperv.
women want the same thing men want, just at a different age. ive always heard women mature faster than men. its usually not til there older than men realize whats really important. i just turned 30 and i havent been in a serious relationship (where you think about years in the future, not just this weekend) and it made me think like, man, what am i doin? soon ill be 40, then 50, and it makes me wish i'd done things differently in the past. i think women have the same feelings just at different times and thats why there always seems to be a disconnect between men and women. plus life experiences effect your maturation. unfortunately for women it seems their life experiences force them to mature faster (i can only assume the life experiences of a women are more difficult than a man based off what i have experienced as a man).
6ohMax...your avatar is the shit bro, look at spongebobs face...lmfao!

no man can really know what his women wants unless they tell you. i hate when women make you play the guessing game. every man has heard this from his lady "if you dont know then im not gonna tell you" ok i get it, most times that happens the guy already fucked up and should probably know whats up...but sometimes guys have no idea, not cuz we're ignorant, we just think like men (rational and logically)...lol, jk